============================================================================== PlayStation 2 FAQ (Dutch FAQ) (version Final) ============================================================================== @@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@ @ @ @ @@@@ @ @@ @@@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @ @@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@ @ @@@@@ @ @ @@@ @ @@@@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@@ @ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @@@@@@@ @ @@@ @ @@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@ @@ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Playstation 2: FAQ This document Copyright 2002 - 2003 Joni Philips Houd er mee rekening dat deze FAQ volledig afgewerkt is en niet meer veranderd zal worden. Dit is mijn 30ste FAQ en daarom zou ik het waarderen als jullie tips en vragen sturen naar wamd3992@wanadoo.be en fa354230@skynet.be. Je kunt ook contact met mij opnemen via een Personal Message op de fora van Game Mania (www.gamemania.be\phpBB2) en BeGN. (www.begn.be en www.begn.be\forums) Zoals je kunt zien is dit de eerste Nederlandse FAQ over dit spel. Creatiedatum: 25 Juni 2002 Deze FAQ mag alleen op de volgende sites geplaatst worden: GameFAQs | www.gamefaqs.com Neoseeker | www.neoseeker.com IGN | www.ign.com Cheat Happens | www.cheathappens.com De beste versie van al mijn Nederlandse FAQ’s die compleet zijn kan je met screenshots erbij op mijn website vinden. Wanneer mijn website online staat zal je de URL kunnen vinden in mijn profiel op de site die je nu aan het bezoeken bent. De naam van de site zal Dutch FAQ Central zijn en waarschijnlijk op een http://users.skynet.be komen. Echt goede gamesites voor alle platforms die ook FAQ’s in het Nederlands aannemen mogen me een e-mail sturen over het plaatsen van mijn FAQ op hun site. Er zijn wel enkele vereisten: Je mag hier niets mee verdienen, je moet niet betalen om de FAQ sectie te zien, je hebt een rating systeem, je hebt een grote site die minstens 6 platforms dekt. Sites die deze FAQ absoluut niet op hun site mogen hebben omdat ze in het verleden problemen met andere auteurs hebben gehad staan hier opgesomd. Als je deze FAQ op een van deze sites vindt, mail me dan zeker. CheatCC is de site waar deze guides absoluut nooit mag teruggevonden worden. 911 Codes | http://911codes.com 9 Lives | http://www.9lives.ru/eng a2z Cheats | http://www.a2zcheats.com Bean's PlayStation Dimension | http://www.bean.dk/psx/index.htm Cheat Code Central | http://www.cheatcc.com Cheat Index | http://cheatindex.com Cheat Matrix | http://cheatmatrix.com Cheat Search | http://cheatsearch.com Cheatstop | http://www.panstudio.com/cheatstop CNET Gamecenter | http://games.netscape.com/Faqs/ Console Domain | http://www.consoledomain.co.uk Dark Station | http://www.darkstation.com Dirty Little Helper | http://dlh.net Freaky Cheats | http://www.freakycheats.com Games Domain | http://www.gamesdomain.com Game Express | http://www.gameexpress.com Mega Games | http://www.megagames.com Square Haven | http://www.square-haven.net Ultimate System | http://www.flatbedexpress.com VideoGaming.net | http://www.videogaming.net ============================================================================== Inhoudstafel ============================================================================== 1 Introductie 2 FAQ 3 Specificaties 4 Accessoires 5 de controller 6 i-Link 7 de rare vorm en andere mogelijkheden 8 Spellen 9 Het on-line gebeuren 10 Games met verbeteringen en die slechter werken op PS2 van PS 11 Games van de PSX 12 Versie 13 Danksectie 14 Info Over mij ============================================================================== 1 Introductie ============================================================================== Een tip voor de gebruikers van deze FAQ, gebruik Ctrl + F om snel bij de juiste sectie te raken. Dit werkt wel alleen in Word en niet in Kladblok. In Kladblok kan je dit niet openen en om je printer te sparen druk je het beter niet af. DEZE FAQ TELT NU Al MEER DAN 10 PAGINA'S. TEGEN HET EINDE VAN DE FAQ KAN DIT DOCUMENT MEER DAN 20 PAGINA'S TELLEN. HET ZOU ONGEVEER EEN DAG DUREN VOOR ALLES AFGEDRUKT IS. DAARENBOVEN KAN HET ZIJN DAT JE INKT GAAT OPRAKEN TIJDENS HET AFDRUKKEN. ALS JE IETS WILT AFDRUKKEN SELECTEER JE BEST HET KLEIN GEDEELTE WAT JE MOET HEBBEN. IK KAN NIET AANSPRAKELIJK GESTELD WORDEN VOOR HET KAPOTGAAN VAN JE PRINTER DOOR HET AFDRUKKEN VAN DIT DOCUMENT. HET ZOU OOK SLECHT ZIJN VOOR HET MILIEU OM DIT DOCUMENT HELEMAAL AF TE DRUKKEN. ALS JE DIT LEEST NA HET AFDRUKKEN OF JE HET TOCH AFDRUKT NA DIT GELEZEN TE HEBBEN DAN MAG JE WETEN DAT JE HET LEVEN VAN MINSTENS 3 BOMEN HEBT GEKOST. GA NU DAN 3 BOMEN PLANTEN IN JE TUIN OM MIJ GELUKKIG TE MAKEN. JE KUNT OOK DIE BOMEN PLANTEN ZONDER HET AFDRUKKEN VAN DIT DOCUMENT. HET KOMT HET MILIEU EN DE SCHOONHEID VAN JE TUIN VOORDELIG UIT. ALS JE EEN PLANT MET VRUCHTEN PLANT KAN JE ERZELF VAN ETEN EN ERONDER IN DE SCHADUW ZITTEN. STUUR MIJ EEN E-MAIL ALS JE HET MET ME EENS BENT. DAT KOST GEEN PAPIER EN MAAKT MIJ GELUKKIG. Ik zal de FAQ sectie afmaken wanneer ik vragen krijg, als dit niet voor 1 september 2004 gebeurt mag je deze FAQ als finaal beschouwen. Ik zal wel vragen blijven beantwoorden. Iedereen die wil mag me tips en vragen sturen. ============================================================================== 2 FAQ: ============================================================================== Ik zal de FAQ sectie afmaken wanneer ik vragen krijg als dit niet voor 1 september 2002 gebeurt mag je deze FAQ als finaal beschouwen. Ik zal wel vragen blijven beantwoorden. 1 Komt er nog een Metal Gear voor de Playstation 2? Ja, Metal Gear Substance, een verbeterde versie van MGS2. 2 Wanneer komt Resident Evil 1 en de anderen? Niet, buiten de online is zelfs de 4 alleen voor de gamecube. 3 Kan ik spellen importeren voor mijn PAL playstation 2? Ja, als je hem laat ombouwen. 4 Wat is een RGB kabel? Een kabel die voor betere beelden zorgt. 5 Heb ik een geheugenkaart nodig? Ja, want je hebt geen harde schijf in je PS2. 6 Hoeveel info krijg je erop? Elk gebruikt een deel van de 8 megabyte. 7 Gebruikt de PS2 de interne klok? Nog niet. 8 Kan ik mijn PS2 net zoals een Psone gebruiken? Nog niet. 9 Kan ik mijn PSone spellen op een PS2 spelen? Ja. 10 Zullen de inbegrepen kabels werken? Ja, lees wel de handleiding. 11 Hoelang krijgen we nog GTA 3? Het is tot 2006 PS2-only. 12 Komt er een harde schijf voor de PS2? Ja, in Japan al uit. 13 Maakt Squaresoft spellen voor de PS2? Ooit gehoord van FFx. 14 Verschilt de beeldkwaliteit met een RGB kabel? Bij de meeste spellen. 15 Komt 3DO naar PS2? Ze zijn er al. 16 Hoe zorg ik ervoor dat mijn boxen Dolby Surround produceren? Alle kabels behalve de RF zorgen voor Dolby als je tenminste boxen hebt. 17 Kan ik Psone multitaps gebruiken voor PS2 spellen en omgekeerd? Nee. 18 Geldt dit ook voor geheugenkaarten? Ja. 19 Wat nu, de lichtjes werken maar ik heb geen beeld? Ik word zot. Steek alle kabels juist in. 20 Wat kan ik allemaal afspelen op mijn PS2? PAL regio Cd's, DVD's, PS2 spellen en PS one spellen 21 Waarom gebruikt de Playstation 2 een emulator voor Playstation spellen? In de eerste generatie van de Playstation 2 zat er nog een Playstationchip die ook in elke Playstation zit, die is vervangen waardoor de prijs verlaagd kon gebruikt worden. ============================================================================== 3 Specificaties: ============================================================================== Info van Sony zelf. Ik kan dit wel niet vertalen. Format: CD-ROM(Playstation)and DVD-ROM(Playstation 2) CPU: 128-Bit "Emotion Engine" Graphics processor: 150Mhz GS Clock speed: 294.912 MHz Resolution: 1080x1224 Full anti-aliasing: nee FLOPS: 6.2 Billion Polygons per seconde: 75 Million, 20 Million with effects Sound processor: 48 Channel/48Khz DVD-ROM speed: 4X CD-ROM speed: 24X Max game size: 4.7 Gigabyte (per DVD) Controller ports: 2 Save game type: 8MB Memory Card Memory card slots: 2 ============================================================================== 4 Accessoires: ============================================================================== 1 Allerlei kabels: om schonere beelden te krijgen. 2 Controller, zie bij 5. 3 Draagtas: om te dragen 4 Soundstation (Logic3) en andere luidsprekers: 5 Geheugenkaarten: onmisbaar 6 Onofficiële geheugenkaarten: niet gebruiken, NOOIT 7 Modem: nog lang wachten 8 Harde schijf: idem 9 Toetsenbord en muis: voor fps ============================================================================== 5 de controller: ============================================================================== ____ ___ / / ____ ____ |___7___| /0/ |___7___| / \_______ / /_________ / \ / | \ / 9 \ | _ _6|_ _ | _ _ _ _ | 1 1 | | | | |_1_| |_3_\ | 0 1 | \ | / ___ ___ \ 8 / \ / / _ \ / _ \ \ / --------- / /4\ \ ___ / /5\ \ --------- / / \ \_/ / |_2_| \ \_/ / \ \ / / \___/ \___/ \ \ / / \ \ \ / \ / \ / \ / \___/ \___/ ___ ___ ___ ___ |___A___|----------------|___C___| 7 | ___ ___ | 0 | ___ ___ | |___B___|----------------|___D___| 0: de kabel 1: select 2: analoog of digitaal aanduiding 3: start 4: linker analoge stick en L3 5: rechter analoge stick en R3 6: controlepad 7: zie tekening 7 A: L2 B: L1 C: R2 D: R1 8: X 9: driehoekje 10: vierkant 11: cirkel Een goede tip: pas op met de kabel van je controller want ze raken snel opgerold. Verwissel dus regelmatig en rol ze steeds op. ============================================================================== 6 i-Link: ============================================================================== I-Link is de nieuwste manier om met meerdere mensen te spelen. Je hebt er wel meerdere TV's, PS2's, kopijen van een spel en de speciale IEEE-1394 kabel voor nodig. ****************************************************************************** A: 2 PS2's: ****************************************************************************** Gebruik de gewone IEEE-1394 kabel of het speciale apparaat waarmee je tot 6 PS2's kan verbinden (je hebt er ook met 3 en 4 poorten.) Als je het apparaat hebt (en de kabel daarvoor: 4 naar 6 pinnen), moet je voor deze verbinding geen extra kabel (4 naar 4 pinnen) hebben. ****************************************************************************** B: meer dan 2PS2's: ****************************************************************************** Pak het apparaat met meer of evenveel poorten dan dat je PS2's hebt en evenveel 4 naar 6 pin kabels. Steek alles in en speel. VRAAG VAST EN ZEKER UITLEG IN DE WINKEL. ============================================================================== 7 de rare vorm en andere mogelijkheden: ============================================================================== ****************************************************************************** Vooraanzicht: ****************************************************************************** ___________________________________________________________________________ | ___ ___ ___ ___ _______________ _______________ | | |___1___| |___2___| |_______________3_______________| 4 | | ___ ___ ___ ___ 5 | | |___6___| |___7___| | |__________________________________________________________________________| | | |8 9 | |__________________________________________________________________| 1: geheugenkaart slot 1 2: geheugenkaart slot 2 3: Cd - lade 4: resetknop 5: ladeknop 6: Controller 1 7: Controller 2 8: USB poorten voor dingen zoals muizen. 9: de iLink poort. ****************************************************************************** Achteraanzicht: ****************************************************************************** ___________________________________________________________________________ | | | ___________________ __ __ | | | Sony | | | |__12__| | | |o Playstation 2 | |-------------------| __ __ | | | tekst | |-------------------| |__13__| | |_|_______ _____________ ______________| |-------------------| | | | 1 | |-------------------| ____ o_ _ | | |____________0_____________| |_________11________||_15_||_14_| | |__________________________________________________________________| 10: Expansie voor harde schijf 11: Luide ventilator 12: aan - / uitknop 13: Plaats voor elektriciteitskabel (met twee gaten) 14: TV en Stereokabel (komt zeer makkelijk los) 15: Digital Out (waarschijnlijk voor Modem of andere toepassingen) ****************************************************************************** Bovenkant: ****************************************************************************** __________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | &&&&&&&&&&&& | | & & | | & & | | && | | & & | | & & & | | & & & | | & | | &&&&&&& & | | & & & | | & & & | | & & & | | & &&&&& | | | |__________________________________________________________________________| ****************************************************************************** Onderkant: ****************************************************************************** __________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | R | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__________________________________________________________________| | | | | V | |__________________________________________________________________________| ****************************************************************************** Linkerzijkant: ****************************************************************************** ___________________________________________________ | 16 17 | | | | | | | |___________________________________________________| | | | 18 19 | |___________________________________________| 16, 17, 18, 19: Plaatjes om niet uit te glijden als de PS2 verticaal staat. ****************************************************************************** Rechterzijkant: ****************************************************************************** ___________________________________________________ |---------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------------| |___________________________________________________| |-------------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------------| |___________________________________________| ============================================================================== 8 Spel: ============================================================================== Een lijst met games die tot vandaag 25 oktober zijn uitgebracht of aangekondigd. Het kan zijn dat sommige spellen meerdere keren voorkomen omdat hun namen verschillen in enkele regio's zoals Project Zero Fatal Frame in Amerika noemt. Het kan wel zijn dat sommigen van deze spellen nooit zullen uitkomen. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met 0: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .hack .hack // Akushou Heni Vol. 2 0 Story 1 on 1 Government 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker 1906: An Arctic Adventure 2000 Koushien 2001 Koushien 2002 FIFA World Cup 20XX: Shichinin no Samurai 3D Kakutou Tsukuru 2 3D Real Driving 4X4 Evolution 4X4 Evolution 2 7 Blades 7: Molmorth no Kiheitai -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met A: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A Ressha de Gyoukou 2001 A Ressha de Gyoukou 2001 Perfect Set A Ressha de Gyoukou 2002 A Ressha de Gyoukou 2003 A6: A Ressha de Gyoukou 6 Abarenbou Princess Ace Combat 04 Ace Combat 5 Ace Lightning Activision Anthology Adventure of Tokyo Disney Adventure Pinball: Forgotten Island Adventures of Cookie and Cream, The Aero Dancing 4 Aero Elite: Combat Academy AFL Live 2003 Agassi Tennis Age of Empires II Agent Under Fire Aggressive Inline Air Air Ranger Air Ranger 2 Airblade Aiyori Aoshi Akagi: Yami ni Furitatta Tensai Akira Psychoball Akudaikan Alex Ferguson Player Manager 2001 All-Star Baseball 2002 All-Star Baseball 2003 All-Star Baseball 2004 All-Star Professional Wrestling All-Star Professional Wrestling II All-Star Racing Ally of Justice Alon D'Ar Alone in the Dark 4 Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare Alpine Racer 3 Alter Echo America Oudan Ultra-Quiz American Arcade Angelic Concert Angelique Trois Angelique Trois: Aizouhen Angel's Present Anime Eikaiwa: 15 Shounen Hyouryuuhen Anime Eikaiwa: Tondemo Nezumi Daikatsuyaku Anime Eikaiwa: Totoi Anime Super Remix, The: Ashita no Joe 2 Anime Super Remix, The: Kyojin no Hoshi Antz Extreme Racing Anubis: Zone of the Enders Ape Escape 2 Ape Escape 2001 Aqua Aqua Aquaqua Arc the Lad Online Arc the Lad: Seirei no Koukon Arctic Thunder Area 51 Argos no Senshi Armada II: Exodus Armored Core 2 Armored Core 2: Another Age Armored Core 3 Armored Core 3: Silent Line Armored Core: Sigma Project Army Men: Air Attack - Blade's Revenge Army Men: Air Attack 2 Army Men: Green Rogue Army Men: RTS Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2 Army Men: Vikki's Adventures Arnaud Clement Tennis Arthur's Knights 1 and 2 Ashita no Joe 2 Ashita no Joe Touchi Atelier Judie Atelier Lilie Atelier Lilie Plus Atlantis 3 A-Train 2001 A-Train 2002 A-Train 2003 A-Train 6 ATV Offroad Fury ATV Offroad Fury 2 ATV Quad Power Racing 2 Austin Powers Auto Modellista Axis -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met B: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= B Cross B.F.M. Baki Saidai no Tournament Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu 3 Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance Barbarian Barbie: Treasures in Time Baseball 2002, The Baseball 2003, The Basic Studio Bass Fishing, The Bass Landing 3 Bass Strike Batman 2 Batman Gaiden: Fukushuu no Chikai Batman: Dark Tomorrow Batman: Vengeance Battle Engine Aquilla Battle Gear 2 BattleBots BDFL Manager 2002 Beam Breakers Beast Wars Beatmania Da Da Da!! Beatmania Da Da Da!! The Best Da BeatMania II DX 3rd Style Beatmania II DX 4th Style BeatMania II DX 5th Style BeatMania II DX 6th Style Ben Hur Big Mutha Truckers Big SSX Snowboard Supercross Bikkuri Mouse Billiard Master 2 Billiard, The BioHazard Code: Veronica Complete BioHazard Online BioHazard: Gun Survivor 2 Bittersweet Fools Black & Bruised Black and White Black/Matrix 2 Blade II Blade's Revenge Block Kuzushi Hyper, The Blood Omen 2 Blood: The Last Vampire (First Volume) Blood: The Last Vampire (Gekan) Blood: The Last Vampire (Joukan) Blood: The Last Vampire (Last Volume) BloodRayne Bloody Roar 3 Blue Crush Blue Train Tokkyuuhen BMX XXX Boboboubo Boubobo Boku no Natsuyasumi 2 Boku to Maou Boku wa Chiisai Bokujou Monogatari 3 Bomberman 2001 Bomberman Jetters Bomberman Kart Bomberman Land 2 Bomberman Online Bouken Jidai Katsugeki: Goemon Bouncer, The Boxing, The Boys Be... Typing Bravo Music Bravo Music: Chou-Meikyokuban Bravo Music: Christmas Edition Breaker Breath of Fire V Britney's Dance Beat Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon Buchigire Kongou!! Buile Baku Bulletproof Monk Burnout Burnout 2 Busin: Wizardry Alternative Bust A Move 3 Butt Ugly Martians: Zoom or Doom Butterfly Table Tennis BX -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met C: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Cabela's Big Game Hunter Caesar's Palace Call of Cthulhu: Tainted Legacy Canary Canvas Capcom Fighting All-Stars Capcom vs. SNK 2 Carrier CART Fury Casino Casper: Spirit Dimensions Castle of Shikigami Castleween Catan Celebrity Deathmatch Centre Court: Hard Hitter Centre Court: Hard Hitter 2 Championship Motocross 2002 Chaos Legion Check-i-TV Chenuen no San Goku Shi Chess, The Chessmaster Chobits Choro Q HG Choro Q HG 2 Choro Q HG 3 Chou Battle Houshin Chou! Rakushii Internet Tomodachi Nowa Choukousoku Igo Choukousoku Mahjong Choukousoku Mahjong Plus Choukousoku Reversi Choukousoku Shogi Chris Edwards Aggressive Inline Chulip Cinema Surfing: Youga Taizen Circus de Ai Imashou Circus Maximus City Crisis City Racer City Skater Climax Tennis Clive Barker's Undying Clock Tower 3 Clockwork Online Club Football Code: Inferno Code: Veronica Complete Code: Veronica X Colin McRae Rally 3 College Basketball 2K2 Color Quest Colorball 2002 Colorio Combat Queen Commandos 2 Conflict Zone Conflict: Desert Storm Contra: Shattered Soldier Conveni 3, The Cool Boarders 2001 Cool Boarders: Code Alien Cool Girl Cool Pool Billiards Master Cool Shot CR Nettou Power Pro Kun Pachitte Chonmage Tatsujin Crank the Weasel Crash Bandicoot 4 Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex Crashed Crazy Bump Crazy Taxi Cricket 2002 Critical Bullet: 7th Target CrossFire Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Crushed Baseball 2004 Crystal Zone Culdcept Second Expansion Curse: The Eye of Isis Cy Girls Cyber Mahjong -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met D: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= D -> A D.N.A. Dai Guruguru Onsen Dai-2-Ji Super Robot Taisen Alpha Daisenryaku 1941 Dakar 2 Dance Dance Revolution 6th Mix Dance Dance Revolution 7th Mix Dance Summit 2001 Bust A Move Dancing Stage Euromix 2 Daredevil Dark Angel (2002) Dark Angel: Vampire Apocalypse Dark Chronicle Dark Cloud Dark Cloud 2 Dark Native Apostle Dark Silhouette Dark Summit Darkblack Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 3 David Beckham Soccer DDRMAX DDRMAX (JP) DDRMAX2 Dead or Alive 2 Dead or Alive 2 Hardcore Dead to Rights Def Jam Vendetta Defender Delta Force: Black Hawk Down Delta Force: Urban Warfare Dennou Senki: Virtual On Mars Densha de Go! 3 Densha de Go! Professional 2 Densha de Go! Ryojouhen Densha de Go! Shinkansen Destruction Derby 4 Deuce Deus Ex: The Conspiracy Devatstation Devil Dice Go Devil May Cry Devil May Cry 2 Digimon World 3 Digital Holmes Dino Stalker Dinosaur Disaster Report Disgaia Disney Golf Classic Disney's Lilo and Stitch Disney's PK: Out of the Shadows Disney's Stitch: Experiment 626 Disney's Tarzan: Untamed DOA 2 Hardcore Document of Metal Gear Solid 2, The Dodge Ball: World Chaos DoDonPachi Dai-Oujou Dog of Bay Dogs Tail DogStation Doko Demo Issyo: Watashi Naehon Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers Donald Duck: Quack Attack Donald Duck: Rescue Daisakusen!! Doomsday Rescue Double Mahjong Puzzle Doukyu Billiard Master 2 Downforce Dr. Muto Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Dragon Ball Z: Legendary Super Warriors Dragon Drive Dragon Quest Characters: Torneko no Daiboiken 3 Dragon Rage Dragon Warrior VIII Dragonkind Dragon's Lair 3D Drakan II Drakan: The Ancients' Gates Dramatic Soccer Game: Nippon Daihyou Senshu Ninarou! Dream Audition Dream Audition 2 Dream Audition 3 Dream Audition Super Hit Disc 1 Dream Audition Super Hit Disc 2 Dream Classic 2001 Autumn Dream Classic 2001 Spring Dream Classic 2002 Drift Champ Drift Champ Driven Driver 3 Driving Emotion Type-S Drome Racers Dropship DrumMania DrumMania 2nd Mix Dual Hearts Duke Nukem Forever Dune Dungeon of Druaga, The Dungeon RPG, The Dungeons & Dragons Heroes DX2: Invisible War Dynasty Tactics Dynasty Warriors 2 Dynasty Warriors 3 Dynasty Warriors 3: Xtreme Legends Dynasty Warriors 4 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met E: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= E.T.: Return to the Green Planet EA Sports Rugby Easy Browser Ecco the Dolphin Ecks vs. Sever Edit Racing EGBrowser EGBrowser BB EGBrowser Light Egg Mania Eggo Mania Eighteen Wheeler Eikan wa Kimini 2002: Koshien no Kodou Eikan wa Kimini: Koushien no Hasha Eikan wa Kimini: Koushienhe no Michi Eisei Meijin IV Eisei Meijin V Eisei Meijin VI Elite Force Elysion End Near Endgame Energy Airforce Enter the Matrix EOE: Eve of Extinction Ephemeral Fantasia Erde Escape from Monkey Island ESPN International Track & Field ESPN International Winter Sports 2002 ESPN MLS Extra Time ESPN MLS Extra Time 2002 ESPN National Hockey Night ESPN National Hockey Night 2002 ESPN NBA 2Night ESPN NBA 2Night 2002 ESPN NFL Prime Time 2002 ESPN Winter X Games Snocross ESPN Winter X-Games Snowboarding ESPN Winter X-Games Snowboarding 2002 ESPN X-Games Skateboarding Eternal Ring Eve of Extinction Ever17: The Out of Infinity Everblue Everblue 2 Evergrace Evergrace II EverQuest Online Adventures Everybody's Golf 3 Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick Evil Twin Evolution Skateboarding Evolution Snocross Evolution Snowboarding Evolva EX Billiards EX Jinsei Game EX Nippon Tokkyuu Game EX Okuman Chouja Game Exciting Pro Wrestling 3 Exciting Pro Wrestling 4 Exhibition of Speed EXO Extermination Extreme Championship Racing: Devatstation Extreme Racing SSX Extreme-G 3 Eye Toy -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met F: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F: Fanatic F-1 F1 2001 F1 2002 F1 Championship Season 2000 F1 Racing Championship F1 Racing Championship 2 F355 Challenge Fahrenheit Falcone: Into the Maelstrom Fanatic Fantastic Fortune 2 FantaVision Fatal Frame Fear Effect: Inferno Fear, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Fengshen Yanyi Ferrari F355 Challenge Fever 6 Fever Dodeka Saurus FIFA 2001 FIFA 2002 FIFA 2002 World Cup FIFA 2003 FIFA Soccer 2002 FIFA Soccer World Championship Fighter Maker 2 Final Fantasy X Final Fantasy X-2 Final Fantasy XI Final Fantasy XI: Girade no Genei Final Fantasy XII Finding Nemo Fire ProWrestling Fireblade First Kiss * Monogatari I & II Fish Eyes 3 Fisherman's Bait 2003 Fisherman's Bass Club Fisherman's Challenge Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas Flower, Sun, and Rain Flying Circus Forces of One Forever Kingdom Formula One 2000 Formula One 2001 Formula One 2002 Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Frank Herbert's Dune Freak Out Freaky Flyers Freedom: The Battle for Liberty Island Freekstyle Freestyle MetalX Frequency Frequency 2 Friends: Seishun no Kagayaki Frogger Beyond Frogger Classic Frogger: The Great Quest Fugitive Hunter Full Shot Golf Full Throttle II Fur Fighters Plus Fur Fighters: Viggo's Revenge Futari no Fantavision Futurama -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met G: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= G Surfers G1 Jockey G1 Jockey 2 G1 Jockey 2 2001 G1 Jockey 3 G1 Stable G1 Stable 2 Gacharoku Gadget Racers Gadget Racers 2 Gakuen Toshi Vara Noir Galacta Meisaku Gekijou: Rakugaki Oukouku Galerians: Ash Galidor Galleon Gallop Racer 2001 Gallop Racer 5 Gallop Racer 6 Gambler Densetsu Tetsunari Game Select 5 Wa Game Select 5 You Ganbare Nippon! Olympic 2000 Gatchaman: The Shooting Gauntlet Dark Legacy G-Breaker 2 G-Breaker: Daisanshi Cloudia Taisen G-Breaker: Legend of Cloudia Gekibo 2 Gekihashi 2 Gekikuukan Pro Yakyuu Gendai Yougo no Kiso Chishiki 2001 Generation of Chaos Generation of Chaos Next Genshi no Kotoba Genso Suikoden III Get Backers Dakkanoku: Dakkandayo! Zenin Shuugou!! Get Backers Dakkanoku: Ubawareta Mugenshiro Get Bass Battle Getaway, The Ghost Master Ghost Recon Ghost Vibration Giants: Citizen Kabuto Gift Gigantic Drive Gisurazu no Mori GitaDora! Gitaroo-Man Gladiator Wrestling Gladiator: The Crimson Reign Gladius Global Folktale Global Touring Challenge Africa Go Go Golf Gobuato no Sekai GoDai: Elemental Force Goemon Golf Navigator Vol. 1 Golf Navigator Vol. 2 Golf Navigator Vol. 3 Golf Navigator Vol. 4 Golf Paradise Golf Paradise DX Golful Golf GP Challenge Gradius III and IV Gran Turismo 3 A-spec Gran Turismo 4 Gran Turismo Concept: 2001 Tokyo Gran Turismo Concept: 2002 Tokyo-Geneva Grand Heat Grand Prix Challenge Grand Theft Auto III Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Grandia II Grandia X Grandia Xtreme Grappler Baki Gravity Games Bike: Street. Vert. Dirt. Great Escape, The Greatest Striker Groove Runner Ground Control Growlanser II Growlanser III G-Saviour GTC Africa GTR Racing Guardian Angel Guilty Gear X Guilty Gear X Plus Guilty Gear XX Guitar Freaks 3rd Mix and DrumMania 2nd Mix Guitar Freaks 4th Mix and DrumMania 3rd Mix Gumball 3000 Gun Hearts Gun Survivor 2: BioHazard Code: Veronica Gun Survivor 3: Dino Crisis Gun Survivor 4: BioHazard Gundam Giren no Yabou: Zeon Dokuritsu Sensouden Gundam Senki Gundam: Federation vs. Zeon Gundam: Journey to Jaburo Gundam: Lost War Chronicles Gundam: Meguriai Uchuuhen Gundam: Renpou vs. Zeon DX Gundam: Zeonic Front Gunfighter 2 Gungrave GunGriffon Blaze Gunslinger Gunvari Collection + Time Crisis Guruguru Onsen 2 Guy Roux Manager 2002 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met H: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= H2O Overdrive hack hack // Akushou Heni Vol. 2 Hai-Shin 3 Hajime no Ippo: Championship Edition Hajime no Ippo: Victorious Boxers Hakoniwa Tetsudou Half-Life Halloween Hana to Taiyou to Ame to Hanjuku Eiyuu Tai 3D Hanjuku Hero vs. 3D Happy Breeding: Cheeful Party Happy! Happy!! Boarders Hard Hitter 2 Hard Hitter Tennis Hardware Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter to Himitsu no Heya Harukanaru Jikuu no Naka de 2 Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland Haven: Call of the King Headhunter Herdy Gerdy Hermina and Culus Hermina to Culus Heroes of Might and Magic Hidden Invasion Higanbana High Heat Major League Baseball 2002 High Heat Major League Baseball 2003 High Heat Major League Baseball 2004 Hippa Linda Hissatsu Pachinko Station V Hissatsu Pachinko Station V2 Hissatsu Pachinko Station V3 Hissatsu Pachinko Station V4 Hissatsu Pachinko Station V5 Hissatsu Pachinko Station V6 Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Hokkahoka Sentou Honkakuteki Pachinko Jikki Kouryaku Series Hooligan: Kimi no Naka no Yuuki Horse Breaker Hot Pursuit 2 Hot Shots Golf 3 Hot Wheels Houkai no Zenya Houshinengi 2 Hresvelgr Hresvelgr: International Edition HSX Hypersonic Xtreme Hulk, The Hunter X Hunter Hype: The Time Quest Hyper Sports 2002 Winter Hyper Tour Hypersonic Xtreme -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met I: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I.Q. Remix+ Ice Nine Ico Ide Yosuke no Mahjong Kazoku 2 Idol ga Classmate Idol Janshi R: Jungle Project Igo, The IHRA Drag Racing Ikuze! Onsen Takkyuu!! Image Sketch Inaka Kurashi: Nan no Shima no Monogatari Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb Ingot 79 I-Ninja Initial D Special Stage Initial D: Takahashi Ryosuke no Typing Saisoku Riron Innocent Black Inquisition Intelligent Qube Remix+ International League Soccer International Superstar Soccer 2 International Superstar Soccer 2000 International Track & Field 2000 Internet Igo Internet Karaoke Internet Mahjong Internet Othello Internet Shogi Inu Toasobu: DogStation Ippatsu Senkin! Iris Iron Aces 2 Iron Eagle Max Iron Storm Itadaki Street 3 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met J: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Jacked Jackie Chan Adventures Jade Cocoon 2 Jak and Daxter James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire James Bond 007: NightFire James Cameron's Dark Angel Jampack Summer 2001 Jampack Summer 2002 Jampack Winter 2001 Jampack Winter 2002 Jedi Starfighter Jekyll and Hyde Jeopardy! Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2002 Jeremy McGrath Supercross World Jet de Go! 2 Jet Ion Grand Prix Jet Ski Riders Jet X2O Jetset Riders Jigsaw Puzzle at Marl Jikkyou G1 Stable Jikkyou G1 Stable 2 Jikkyou Jitsumei Keiba Dream Classic 2001 Autumn Jikkyou Jitsumei Keiba Dream Classic 2001 Spring Jikkyou J-League Perfect Striker 3 Jikkyou J-League Perfect Striker 4 Jikkyou J-League Perfect Striker 5 Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 7 Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 7 Ketteiban Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 8 Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 8 Ketteiban Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 9 Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 9 Ketteiban Jikkyou World Soccer 2000 Jikkyou World Soccer 2000 U-23 Final Edition Jikkyou World Soccer 2001 Jikkyou World Soccer 2002 Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius Jimmy White's Cueball 3 Jimmy White's Cueball World Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Aladdin A Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Kemono-Oh Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Moujuu-Oh S Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Sammy's Collection Jitsumei Jikkyou Keiba Dream Classic 2002 J-League Pro Soccer Club o Tsukurou! 3 J-League Tactics Manager J-League Winning Eleven 5 J-League Winning Eleven 6 Jo no Ko no Tameno Jojo no Kimyouna Bouken: Ougon no Kaze Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Jonny Moseley Mad Trix J-Phoenix J-Phoenix II J-Phoenix: Burst Tactics J-Phoenix: Cobalt Shoutaihen Judge Dredd: Dredd Versus Death Judie no Atelier Jungle Book Rhythm 'n Groove, The Jurassic Park Jurassic Park: Project Genesis -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met K: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= K-1 World Grand Prix 2001 K-1 World Grand Prix 2002 Ka Kagaku Ninjatai Gatchaman: The Shooting Kaidou Battle Kairu no Sunadokei Kaitou Sly Cooper Kakinoki Shogi IV Kamaitachi no Yoru 2 Kanon Kashiramoji D Special Stage Kashiramoji D: Takahashi Ryosuke no Typing Saisoku Riron Katan Katei no Igaku Kaze no Klonoa 2 Keihein Kyuukou, The Keisatsukan, The Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer Kengo Kengo 2 Kengo: Legacy of the Blade Kensetsu Juuki Kenka Battle: Buchigire Kongou!! Kessen Kessen 3 Kessen II KeyboardMania KeyboardMania 2nd Mix & 3rd Mix KeyboardMania II Kidou Senshi Gundam Kidou Senshi Gundam Senki Kidou Senshi Gundam: Giren no Yabou- Zeon Dokuritsu Sensouden Kidou Senshi Gundam: Meguriai Uchuuhen Kidou Senshi Gundam: Renpou vs. Zeon DX Kidou Shin Sankumi Rueyo Ken Kikou Heidan J-Phoenix Kikou Heidan J-Phoenix II Kikou Heidan J-Phoenix: Burst Tactics Kikou Heidan J-Phoenix: Cobalt Shoutaihen Kikou Seiki G-Breaker 2 Kikou Seiki G-Breaker: Daisanshi Cloudia Taisen Kikou Seiki G-Breaker: Legend of Cloudia Kimi ga Nozomu Eien Kinetica King of Colosseum King of Fighters 2000, The King of Fighters 2001, The King of Route 66, The Kingdom Hearts King's Field IV King's Field: The Ancient City Kinkou Hakken Game Kinkou Myaku Tansa Simulation: Ingot 79 Kinniku Banzuke: Muscle Wars 2001 Kita e. Diamond Dust Volume Summer Kita e. Diamond Dust Volume Winter Kitakata Kenzou San Goku Shi Klonoa 2 Knight Rider Knights Knockout Kings 2001 Knockout Kings 2002 Konohana 2 Kotoba no Puzzle: Mojipittan Kouma Koushien: Konpeki no Sora Kousoku Tanigawa Shogi Kunai Kuon no Kizuna: Sairin Mikotonori Kuri Kuri Mix Kurogane no Houkou Kuusen Kyojin no Hoshi Kyuuketsu Hime Yui -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met L: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= La Femme Nikita La Pucelle La Selection des Champions 2002 Lake Masters EX Lake Masters EX Super Lamborghini Land, Sea, Air - Honor, Valor, Country Largo Winch Le Mans 24 Hours Le Monde des Bleus 2002 Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2 Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 Legaia 2: Duel Saga Legaia: Duel Saga Legend of Alon D'ar, The Legend of Legaia 2 Legends of Wrestling Legends of Wrestling 2 Legion Lego Football Mania Lego Island: Extreme Stunts Lego Racers 2 Lego Soccer Mania Lego: Drome Racers Lethal Skies Let's Bravo Music Lilie no Atelier Plus Lilly no Atelier Lilo and Stitch LMA Manager 2002 LMA Manager 2003 London Racer 2 Looney Tunes Space Race Lord of the Rings: Nitsu no Tou Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Lost, The Lotus Challenge Love * Mahjong Love * Smash Love Songs: Idol ga Classmate Love Story LowRider Lunatic Dawn Tempest Lupin III: Majutsu-Ou no Isan -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met M: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter Machi-ing Maker Mad Maestro 2 Mad Maestro! Mad Maestro: Christmas Edition Mad Maestro: Famous Songs Madden NFL 2001 Madden NFL 2002 Madden NFL 2003 Maelstrom Maestro Music II, The Mafia Mageru Tsukeru Hahiiru: Ore * Dead Heat Magical Sports 2000 Koushien Magical Sports 2001 Koushien Magical Sports 2001 Pro Yakyuu Magical Sports Go Go Golf Magical Sports: Hard Hitter Magical Sports: Hard Hitter 2 Mahjong Gokuu Taisei Mahjong Haou: Jansou Battle Mahjong Haou: Kaikyuu Battle Mahjong Sengen Kyoujin de Ron! Mahjong Taikai III Mahjong Yarouze! 2 Mahjong, The Makai Senki Disgaia Maken Shao Malice: Kat's Tale Mamimune * Mogacho no Print Hour Manager de Liga 2002 Mark of Kri, The Marl de Jigsaw Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Mary-Kate and Ashley: Sweet 16 Master Rallye Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 Match Point Tennis Max Payne Maximo MDK 2: Armageddon Me and Satan King MechSmith, The Medal of Honor Frontline Mega Man X7 MegaRace 3 Memorial Song Men in Black 2: Alien Escape Mercedes-Benz World Racing Metal Gear Solid 2 Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance Metal Slug 3 MetropolisMania Mezase! Meimon Yakyuubu 2 Micro Machines Midnight Club II Midnight Club: Street Racing Might and Magic: Day of the Destroyer Mike Tyson Heavyweight Boxing Milky Bar and Kirakuin Million God Mini-Golf Maniacs Ministry of Sound Minna de Sugoroku Minna no Golf 3 Minna no Golf Online Minority Report Mirukiba & Kirakuin Missing Blue Mission: Impossible- Operation Surma Mister Mosquito Mizuiro MLB 2004 MLB SlugFest 20-03 Mobile Suit Gundam Mobile Suit Gundam Giren's Ambition: Zeon Independence War Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation vs. Zeon Mobile Suit Gundam: Journey to Jaburo Mobile Suit Gundam: Lost War Chronicles Mobile Suit Gundam: Meguriai Uchuuhen Mobile Suit Gundam: Renpou vs. Zeon DX Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front Moderngroove Mojiburibon Momotarou Dentetsu 11 Momotarou Dentetsu X Monopoly Party Monster Bass Monster Farm Monster Jam Maximum Destruction Monster Rancher 3 Monsters, Inc. Morita Shogi Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance Mosquito Moto GP Moto GP 2 Moto GP 3 Motor Mayhem Motorhead2 Moto-X Motto Golful Golf MTV Music Generator 2 Mummy Returns, The Muscle Wars 2001 Music 3 Music Maker Musou no Go MX 2002 MX 2003 MX Super Fly MXRider My Home o Tsukurou! My Merry May My Street Myst III: Exile Mystic Heroes -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met N: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Namco Museum Namco Sports Online NASCAR 2001 NASCAR Heat 2 NASCAR Heat 2002 NASCAR Thunder 2002 NASCAR Thunder 2003 NASCAR: Dirt to Daytona Natsuyume Yobanashi Navy Seals NBA 2K2 NBA 2K3 NBA Ballers NBA Hoopz NBA Live 2001 NBA Live 2002 NBA Live 2003 NBA ShootOut 2001 NBA ShootOut 2003 NBA Starting Five NBA Street NBA Street 2 NCAA College Basketball 2K3 NCAA College Football 2K3 NCAA Final Four 2001 NCAA Final Four 2002 NCAA Final Four 2003 NCAA Football 2002 NCAA Football 2003 NCAA Gamebreaker 2001 NCAA Gamebreaker 2002 NCAA Gamebreaker 2003 NCAA March Madness 2002 NCAA March Madness 2003 Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 Neo Atlus III Neon Genesis Evangelion Typing E-Keikaku Neppachi Gold CR: Monster Mansion Netsu Chu! Pro Yakyuu 2002 New Roommania: Porori Seishun Next Generation Tennis NFL 2K2 NFL 2K3 NFL Blitz 20-02 NFL Blitz 20-03 NFL GameDay 2001 NFL GameDay 2002 NFL GameDay 2003 NFL Quarterback Club 2002 NFL Quarterback Club 2003 NHL 2001 NHL 2002 NHL 2003 NHL 2K3 NHL FaceOff 2001 NHL FaceOff 2003 NHL Hitz 20-02 NHL Hitz 20-03 Nichibeikan Pro Baseball: Final League Nickelodeon Party Blast NightFire Nihongo Daijiten Ninja Assault Nippon Daihyou Senshu Ninarou! Nippon Oozumou Honbasho Gekitouhen Nippon Oozumou Kakutouhen Nippon Pro Yakyuu 2002 No One Lives Forever Nobunaga no Yabou Online Nobunaga no Yabou: Ranseiki Nobunaga no Yabou: Ranseiki with Power-Up Kit Nobunaga no Yabou: Soutensoku Nobunaga's Ambition Online Nui Pets Cafe NY Race: 5th Element -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met O: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O Story Offroad Buggy, The Off-Road Thunder Okage: Shadow King Okao Haisaku: Torikomi Tengoku Omoide ni Kawaru-Kun: Memories Off Ongaku Game Oni Onimusha Onimusha 2 Only You Open Kart Operation Winback Orchid Ore * Dead Heat Orega Kantoku Da! Orega Kantoku Da! Volume 2 Orphen Ota Nobunaga Den Otostaz Outcast 2: The Lost Paradise Over the Monochrome Rainbow Ozzy's Black Skies -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met P: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= P.T.O. IV Pachinko de Yuubou! Fever Dodeka Saurus Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku 6 Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku 7 Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku 8 Pachi-Slot Kanzen Kouryaku: Gigazone Pac-Man Fever Pac-Man World 2 Pai Chenjan Panel Quiz Attack 25 Para Para Paradise PaRappa the Rapper 2 Paris-Dakar Rally Party Game, The Party Sugoroku, The Penny Racers Perfect Golf 3 Perfect Play Pro Yakyuu Perfect Striker 3 Perfect Striker 4 Perfect Striker 5 Peter Pan Phantom of Inferno Phantom: Phantom of Inferno Phase Paradox Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! 3 Picture Paradise Club Pillage Pilot Nina Rou! 2 Pipo Saru 2001 Pirates: The Legend of Black Kat PK: Out of the Shadows Plarail: Yume ga Ippai! Player Manager 2001 Poinie's Poin Point Blank Collection Polaroid Pete Police 24/7 Police 911 PolyCraft Popeye: Hush Rush for the Spinach Pop'n Music 7 Pop'n Music Best Hits PoPoLoCrois Monogatari III PoPoLoCrois: Hajimari no Bouken Portal Runner Power Smash 2 Powerful Pro Yakyuu 7 Powerful Pro Yakyuu 7 Ketteiban Powerful Pro Yakyuu 8 Powerful Pro Yakyuu 8 Ketteiban Powerful Pro Yakyuu 9 Ketteiban Powerpuff Girls, The Premier Manager 2002 Pride Primal Primal Image for Printer Primal Image vol. 1 Print Hour Prisoner of War Pro Evolution Soccer Pro Evolution Soccer 2 Pro Mahjong Kiwame Next Pro Race Driver Pro Rally 2002 Pro Yakyuu Japan 2001 Pro Yakyuu Japan 2002 Kaimakuhan Pro Yakyuu Team o Tsukurou! 2 Project Arms Project BG&E Project Eden Project FIFA: World Cup Project Minerva Project Venus Project Zero Pryzm: The Dark Unicorn Psyvariar: Complete Edition Puyo Puyo Sun Ketteiban -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met Q: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Q-Ball Quake III Revolution Quest for the Dragon Bone Staff Quiz 20000, The Quiz Game -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met R: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= R T S Race of Champions Racer II Racer Revenge Racing Construction Raging Bless Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear Rakugaki Oukouku Rally 2002 Rally Championship Rally Fusion: Race of Champions Rally Shox Rally Simulation Ratchet & Clank RayBlade 2 Rayman 2 Revolution Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc Rayman Arena Rayman M Rayman Revolution RC Revenge Pro RC Sports: Copter Challenge Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2 Real Bass Fishing: Top Angler Real First Fighter Real Pool Real Robot Regiment Rebel Dive Red Dead Revolver Red Faction Red Faction II RedCard 20-03 Rei Zero Reign of Fire Reiselied Renai Adventure 2, The Renai Adventure, The Renai Kissa Watashi ni Oma Cafe Renai Simulation, The Renpou vs. Zeon DX Resident Evil Code: Veronica X Resident Evil Online Resident Evil: Gun Survivor 4 Resident Evil: Survivor 2 Return of the King, The Return to Castle Wolfenstein Reveal Fantasia Re-Volt 2 Rez Ridge Racer V Riding Spirits Rimo-Cocoron Ring of Red Rise to Honor Risk RLH Road Rash: Next Generation Road to Riches Road Trip Roadster Trophy Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown RoboCop Robot Alchemic Drive Robot Warlords Robot Wars Robotech: Battlecry Rocket Power: Beach Bandits RockMan X7 Rock'n Megastage Rocky Roger Lemerre: La Selection des Champions 2002 Rogue Spear Roland Garros 2002 Rolling Romance of the Three Kingdoms History Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII Romance of the Three Kingdoms VIII RoomMania #203 Roommate Asami: Okusama wa Joshikousei RPG Maker 2 RPG Tsukuru 5 RS: Riding Spirits RTX Red Rock Rueyo Ken Rugby Rugby 2002 Rugby, The Rugrats: Royal Ransom Rumble Racing Rumbling Hearts Run Like Hell Run=Dim Runabout 3 Rune: Viking Warlord Rush Club Rygar -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met S: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sagashi ni Ikouyo Saikyou no Igo 2 Saikyou Toudai Shogi 3 Saikyou Toudai Shogi 4 Saikyou Toudai Shogi Special Saishuu Densha Saishuu Heiki Kanojo Saisoku, The! Zokusha King Sakura Himenishiki Emaki Sakura Taisen 5 Sakura Taisen 5 Action Sakura Taisen Monogatari Sakura Taisen: Atsuki Chishio Ni Sakura: Yuki Gekka Salt Lake 2002 Samurai San Goku Shi Senki San Goku Shi VII San Goku Shi VIII Sanyo Pachinko Paradise 6 Sanyo Pachinko Paradise 7 Sanyo Pachinko Paradise 8 Saraphim Saru! Get You! 2 Savage Skies Scandal Scooby-Doo! Night of 100 Frights Score Note Scorpion King, The SD Gundam G Generation Neo Seaman Seaman: Kanzenban Seed, The Seek and Destroy Sega Bass Fishing Duel Sega Soccer Slam Sega Sports College Basketball 2K2 Sega Sports NBA 2K2 Sega Sports NBA 2K3 Sega Sports NFL 2K2 Sega Sports Tennis Seigi no Mikata Seirai Hata RayBlade 2 Sengoku Mahjong: Tsuwamono Se-Pa 2001 Seven Blades Seven Samurai Seven: Molmorth no Kiheitai Shadow Hearts Shadow Man: 2econd Coming Shadow of Destiny Shadow of Memories Shadow of Zorro, The Shadow Tower Abyss Shanghai: Four Elements Shanghai: Sangoku Pai Tatagi Shaun Murray's Pro WakeBoarder Shaun Palmer's Pro Snowboarder Shaun Palmer's Pro Snowboarder 2 She, the Ultimate Weapon Shifters Shikigami no Shiro Shin Combat Choro Q Shin Contra Shin Megami Tensei: Nocture Shin Sangoku Musou Shin Sangoku Musou 2 Shin Sangoku Musou 2 Mushouden Shin Sangoku Musou 3 Shine Shinobi Shinseiki Evangelion Typing E-Keikaku Shizumeru Kane no Satsujin Shogi World Champion Gekihashi 2 Shogi, The Shox Shrek Super Party Shutokou Battle 0 Shutokou Battle 01 Shutokou Battle Online SideWinder F Sidewinder Max Silent Hill 2 Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams Silent Hill 2: Saigo no Uta Silent Hill 3 Silent Scope Silent Scope 2 Silent Scope 3 Silpheed: The Lost Planet Simple 2000 Hello Kitty Series Vol. 1 Simple 2000 Hello Kitty Series Vol. 2 Simple 2000 Honkaku Shikou Series Vol. 1 Simple 2000 Honkaku Shikou Series Vol. 2 Simple 2000 Honkaku Shikou Series Vol. 3 Simple 2000 Honkaku Shikou Series Vol. 4 Simple 2000 Series Vol. 1 Simple 2000 Series Vol. 10 Simple 2000 Series Vol. 11 Simple 2000 Series Vol. 12 Simple 2000 Series Vol. 13 Simple 2000 Series Vol. 14 Simple 2000 Series Vol. 15 Simple 2000 Series Vol. 16 Simple 2000 Series Vol. 17 Simple 2000 Series Vol. 18 Simple 2000 Series Vol. 19 Simple 2000 Series Vol. 2 Simple 2000 Series Vol. 20 Simple 2000 Series Vol. 3 Simple 2000 Series Vol. 4 Simple 2000 Series Vol. 5 Simple 2000 Series Vol. 6 Simple 2000 Series Vol. 7 Simple 2000 Series Vol. 8 Simple 2000 Series Vol. 9 Simple 2000 Ultimate Vol. 1 Simple 2000 Ultimate Vol. 2 Simple 2000 Ultimate Vol. 3 Simple 2000 Ultimate Vol. 4 Simple 2000 Ultimate Vol. 5 Simpsons Skateboarding, The Simpsons, The: Road Rage Sims, The SK8 Sky Odyssey Sky Surfer SkyGunner Slam Tennis Sled Storm Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus Smash Court Pro Tournament Smuggler's Run Smuggler's Run 2 Sniper 2, The Snowboard Heaven Snowboard Supercross Snowboard, The Soccer America Soccer Mania Soccer Slam Soccer Tsuku 2002 SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Soldier of Fortune Soldnerschild 2 Sorcerous Stabber Orphen Soul Calibur 2 Soul Reaver 2 Soul Surfing Sound of Thunder, A Space Battleship Yamato: Iscandar he no Tsuioku Space Channel 5 Space Channel 5 Part 2 Space Fishermen Space Race Space Raiders Space Venus Spec Ops: Airborne Division Speed Challenge: Jacques Villeneuve's Racing Spider-Man: The Movie Splashdown Splashdown 2 Splinter Cell Splizer, The SpongeBob Squarepants Sprint Car Racing Sprint Cars 2002 Spy Hunter Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly SSX SSX Tricky Star Ocean 3 Star Ocean: Till the End of Time Star Trek: Shattered Universe Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force Star Wars: Bounty Hunter Star Wars: Galaxies Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter Star Wars: Racer Revenge Star Wars: Starfighter Star Wars: Super Bombad Racing Star Wars: The Clone Wars Starcraft: Ghost Starfighter Starlight Puzzle Starsky and Hutch State of Emergency Stepping Selection Stitch: Experiment 626 Street Fighter EX 3 Street Golfer Street Hoops Street Lethal Street Mahjong Trans-Asakami 2 Street Racing Syndicate Stretch Panic Stung! Stunt Driver Stunt GP Stuntman Sub Rebellion Suikoden III Suiri, The Sum of All Fears, The Summon Night 3 Summoner Summoner 2 Sunny Garcia Surfing Sunrise Eiyuutan 2 Sunrise Eiyuutan R Super Bombad Racing Super Bust-A-Move Super Bust-A-Move 2 Super Galdelic Hour Super Micchan Super Puzzle Bobble Super Puzzle Bobble 2 Super Robot Taisen Alpha 2 Super Robot Taisen Impact Super Robot Wars Alpha 2 Super Robot Wars Impact Super Runabout Super Street Racing Super Trucks Supercar Street Challenge Supercross 2002 SuperFarm Superman: Shadow of Apokolips SuperShot Soccer Surfing Air Show with RatBoy Surfing: H3O Surfroid Surveillance Kanshisha Sven Goran Eriksson's World Cup Challenge Sven Goran Eriksson's World Cup Manager Sweet Legacy Swing Away Golf Switch Syberia -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met T: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Table Game Sekaihen, The Table Game, The Taiko no Tatsujin Taikou Risshiden IV Taikyoku Mahjong Taishou Mononoke Ibunroku Tales of Destiny II (Japan) Tales of Destiny III Tam Tam Paradise Tamamayu Monogatari 2 Tanker Tantei Jinguuji Saburo: Innocent Black Tarzan: Free Ride Tarzan: Untamed Taz Wanted TD Overdrive Technic Beat Technictix Teitoku no Ketsudan IV Tekken 4 Tekken Tag Tournament Tenchu 3 Tenchu San Tennis Tennis, The Tenshi no Present Terminator, The: Dawn of Fate Test Drive Test Drive Off-Road Wide Open Tetris Worlds Tetsu 1: Densha de Battle! Tetsu 1: Densha de Battle! World Grand Prix Tetsuman: Menkyo Kaiden Theme Park 2001 Theme Park Roller Coaster Theme Park World Thing, The This is Football 2002 This is Football 2003 Thread Colors Thunder Tanks Thunderhawk: Operation Phoenix Thunderstrike: Operation Phoenix Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2001 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2002 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003 Time Crisis 2 Time Crisis 3 TimeSplitters TimeSplitters 2 Tiny Toons: Defenders of the Universe Titanium Angels Title Defense TMS TOCA Race Driver Tokimeki Memorial 2: Music Video Clips Tokimeki Memorial 3 Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side Tokyo Bus Annai Tokyo Highway Challenge 2 Tokyo Road Race Tokyo Xtreme Racer 01 Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero Tom and Jerry: War of the Whiskers Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Tomak: Save the Earth Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 Top Angler Top Gear: Dare Devil Top Gun: Combat Zones Torneko Adventures 3: Mysterious Dungeon Torneko no Daiboiken 3 Toro to Kyuujitsu Total Immersion Racing Totaled! Totsugeki! Army Men Toudai Shogi Touge 3 Touge no Battle Toukon Iki Michi: Puzzle de Daa! Tour de France Train Kid for A Ressha de Gyoukou 2001 Train Kid for A-Train 2001 Train Simulator Real: The Keihein Kyuukou Train Simulator Real: The Yamate Sen TransWorld Surf Travis Pastrana's Pro MotoX Treasure Planet Triangle Again Tribes 2 Tribes: Aerial Assault Triple Play 2002 Triple Play Baseball Trophy Bass Truck Kyousokyoku True Crime: Streets of LA True Love Story 3 Tsugunai Tsukande! Mawashite! Dossun Pazuru Eggo Mania Tsuki no Hikari Tsuri Kichi Sanpei: The Tsuri Tsuushin Shanghai Tulip Turok: Evolution TVDJ Twerps Twin Calibre Twisted Metal: Black Twisted Metal: Black Online Two Towers, The Ty the Tasmanian Tiger Typing Kengo Typing Renai Hakusho: Boys Be... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met U: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= U: Underwater Unit Uchu-jintte Naani? Uchuu Senkan Yamato: Iscandar he no Tsuioku UEFA Challenge UEFA Champions League UFC: Tapout 2 UFC: Throwdown Ultimate Fighting Championship: Tapout 2 Ultimate Fighting Championship: Throwdown Ultimate Sky Surfer Ultraman Fighting Evolution 2 Underwater Unit Undying Unison Unlimited SaGa Unreal Tournament Urawaza Ikasa Mahjong Machi US Open 2002 USA Racer Usagi: Yasei no Topai USS Antarctica -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met V: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= V.I.P. Vampire Night Vampire Princess Miyu Vara Noir Velvet File Velvet File Plus Venus and Braves Vexx Viaggio Victorious Boxers Victorious Boxers: Championship Edition Villeneuve Viper Heat Virtua Cop 1 & 2 Virtua Cop Re-Birth Virtua Fighter 4 Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution Virtua Tennis 2 Virtual On: Marz Visual Mix Ayumi Hamasaki Dome Tour 2001 Viva Rock Vegas Voyager Elite Force V-Rally 3 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met W: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Wacky Races Wallace & Grommit Wangan Midnight War Judgement War of the Monsters Warhammer 40,000 WarJetz Warriors of Might and Magic Warship Commander Wave Rally Way of the Samurai Weakest Link, The Wetrix 2 Wheel of Fortune Whirl Tour White Fear WhiteOut Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Version 2 Wild Arms 3 Wild Arms Advanced 3rd Wild Wild Racing Winback: Covert Operations Wing Over 3 Winning Eleven 5 (J-League) Winning Eleven 5 (World Soccer) Winning Eleven 5 Final Evolution Winning Eleven 6 Winning Eleven 6 (J-League) Winning Eleven 6 (World Soccer) Winning Eleven 6 Final Evolution Winning Post 4 Maximum Winning Post 4 Maximum 2001 Winning Post 5 Winning Post 5 Maximum 2002 Wipeout Fusion Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land Wonder Zone Woody Woodpecker World Championship Snooker 2002 World Championship Snooker 2003 World Destruction League: Thunder Tanks World Destruction League: WarJetz World Fantasista World Neverland 3 World of Outlaws: Sprint Cars 2002 World Rally Championship World Rally Championship 2 Extreme World Series Baseball 2K3 World Soccer Winning Eleven 5 World Soccer Winning Eleven 5 Final Evolution World Soccer Winning Eleven 6 World Soccer Winning Eleven 6 Final Evolution World Sports Cars World Tour Soccer 2002 World's Scariest Police Chases Worms Blast WRC: World Rally Championship Wreckless WTA Tour Tennis WWE Crush Hour WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth WWF SmackDown! Just Bring It -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met X: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= X Fire X Squad X: Episode II Xenosaga: Episode 1 X-Files: Delirium XI Bakuhatsu XI Go XIII X-Men: Next Dimension X-Men: Wolverine's Revenge Xtreme Express -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met Y: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= YABASIC Yamasa Digi World 2: LCD Edition Yamasa Digi World 3 Yamasa Digi World SP Yamate Sen 205 Kei Yamate Sen, The Yamato: Iscandar he no Tsuioku Yanya Caballista Yoake no Mariko Yoake no Mariko 2nd Act Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses Yu-Gi-Oh! Shin Duel Monsters 2 Yumeria Yuusei Kara no Buutai X: Episode II -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met Z: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Z.O.E. Zapper Zeonic Front Zero 4 Champ Series: Drift Champ Zettaizetsumei Toshi Zidane Soccer Generation Zoku Segare Ijiri Zone of the Enders Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner ============================================================================== 9 Het on-line gebeuren: ============================================================================== Ergens in 2003 gaat de Playstation 2 on-line gaan, ik zal niet bespreken hoe je ermee werkt maar gewoon wat er nodig is. Het on-line gebeuren bij de Playstation 2 is voor iedereen open dus je moet geen dure ADSL-verbinding gaan kopen, als je deze al hebt moet je gewoon via een Router of een Network HUB op je PC, je PS2 en je telefoonlijn aansluiten. Hierdoor moet je geen tweede ADSL-verbinding nemen. In tegenstelling tot in Amerika zal je in Europa breedband nodig hebben om on-line te gaan. Om on-line te gaan met de Playstation 2 moet je wel de officiële Network Adapter van Sony kopen. Zoals eerder gedacht is de Harde schijf van Sony voor Playstation 2 helemaal niet nodig. ============================================================================== 10 Games met verbeteringen en die slechter werken op PS2 van PS: ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A. GAMES MET VERBETERINGEN: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deze spellen hebben enkel kleine verbeteringen wanneer je ze op je Playstation 2 afspeelt. Dat komt waarschijnlijk omdat deze developers de specificaties van de Playstation 2 toen al kenden of waar het Playstation emulator in je Playstation 2 speciaal voor gemaakt is. Ook deze lijst komt rechtstreeks van het internet. ______________________________________________________________________________ | | Titel spel | Sneller laden | Verbeteren van grafische mogelijkheden ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Ace Combat 3 | / | Meer detail en betere textures. ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Chrono Trigger | Ja | Betere graphics. ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Chrono Cross | Van menu's | Betere graphics en betere gezichten. ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Dew Prism | / | Betere en meer Polygonen, ze breken niet. ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Front Mission 3 | van menu's | Meer details op de gezichten van spelers. ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Saga Frontier 2 | / | Geen zwarte lijnen. ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Vagrant Story | van menu's | Meer details ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Parasite Eve 2 | Lichtjes | Lichtjes betere graphics. ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Valkyrie Profile | / | Sommige zijn beter. ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Tales of Phantasia | / | Meer detail op de map. ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Star Ocean 2 | / | Meer detail op gezichten en map. ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Final Fantasy VIII | Ja | Pop-up problemen zijn verminderd. ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Xenogears | Ja | Meer diepte. ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Final Fantasy V | van menu's | / ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Gran Turismo 2 | / | Polygonen worden niet meer gebroken. ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | XI Jumbo | Veel sneller | Veel schoner en duidelijker. ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Tekken 2 | Ja | Lichtjes verbeterd. ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Tekken 3 | Ja | Polygonen problemen opgelost. ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Ridge Racer R. | / | Veel schonere graphics. ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Tokimeki Memorial | / | Muziek slechter. ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Tokimeki Memorial 2| / | Zeer miniem. ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Metal Gear Solid | / | Meer diepte. ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Ridge Racer Type 4 | Sneller | Replay veel schoner. ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | RayStorm | / | Lichtjes. ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Einhander | Ja | / ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Street Fighter A. | Veel | / ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Same Favorite Dear | Veel sneller | / ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Same Densha de Go! | Ja | Meer diepte. ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Armored Core | Ja | Meer diepte. ___________________|_______________|__________________________________________ | | Bio Hazard | Dubbel | Schonere graphics. ___________________|________________|_________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ B. GAMES DIE NIET WERKEN OP DE PS2: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deze zijn te oud om perfect op de PS2 te werken. Hopen maar dat je die Playstation nog niet verkocht hebt als je deze spellen wil spelen. Deze lijst is rechtstreeks van het internet gehaald. 1. Not Treasure Hunter (Acty Art) 2. Gradius Deluxe Pack (Konami) 3. Aidoru Promotion -Suzuki Yumie- (Alyume) 4. Toua Plan Shooting Battle (Banpresto) 5. Oukyuu No Hihou: Tension (Vap) 6. Wing Commander III (EA Square) 7. Gallop Racer (Tecmo) 8. Ongaku Tsukuuru: Kanadeeru 2 (Ascii) 9. Monster Farm (Tecmo) - the Japanese version of Monster Rancher 10. Dragonbeat (Map Japan) 11. Susume! Kaizoku (Artdink) 12. Tsuiridou Keiryu Kohen (Escot) 13. Virtua Pachisuro V (Map Japan) 14. Virtua Pachisuro EX (Map Japan) 15. Konya Mo Senryobako! 2000 (Hearty Robin) 16. Formula One 99 (SCE) 17. Namco Museum Encore (Namco) 18. Namco Museum Encore - Limited Edition (Namco) 19. Namco Museum Encore - Playstation The Best (Namco) 20. Densha Daisuki Purareru Ga Ippai (Tomy) ============================================================================== 11 Games van de PSX: ============================================================================== Hieronder vind je een hele lijst met alle spellen die ooit zijn uitgekomen voor de Playstation 1. Het kan zijn dat sommige spellen meerdere keren voorkomen omdat hun namen verschillen in enkele regio's. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met 0: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 0 Kara no Shogi 007 Racing 007: The World is Not Enough 007: Tomorrow Never Dies 1 on 1 100 Manyen Quiz Hunter 10101 102 Dalmatians 19:03 Agano Hatsu Yakou Ressha 1-Jikan de Wakaru Kabushiki Toushi 1Xtreme 20 Seiki Striker Retsuden 2002 FIFA World Cup 2999 Game Kids 2Xtreme 3 X 3 Eyes 360 3D Baseball 3D Kakutou Tsukuru 3D Lemmings 3D Shooting Tsukuru 3X3 Eyes 3Xtreme 40 Winks 4-4-2 Soccer 4th Super Robot Taisen S 4X4 World Trophy 70s Robot Anime: Geppy-X 98 Koushien 99 Koshien -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met A: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A Nanjarin A piece of memories A Ressha de Gyoukou Z A. IV Evolution A. IV Evolution Global A5: A Ressha de Gyouko u 5 AbalaBurn Abe '99 Abe a Go Go Abe's Exoddus Abe's Oddysee Ace Combat Ace Combat 2 Ace Combat 3 Aces of the Air Acid Aconcagua Action Bass Action Man Action Puzzle: Prism Land Activision Classics Actress School Mystery Adventure Actua Golf Actua Golf 2 Actua Golf 3 Actua Ice Hockey Actua Ice Hockey 2 Actua Pool Actua Soccer Actua Soccer 2 Actua Soccer 3 Actua Soccer Club Edition Actua Tennis Ad Lib Ouji Addie no Okurimono Adidas Power Soccer Adidas Power Soccer 2 Adidas Power Soccer '98 Adidas Power Soccer International '97 Adidas Powersports Soccer Advan Racing Advanced V.G. Advanced V.G. 2 Adventure for the Lost Memories Adventure of Little Ralph Adventure of Monkey God Adventure of Puppet Princess, The Adventures of Alundra, The Adventures of Lomax, The Adventures of Robin Lloyd, The Aero Dive AFL '99 Afraid Gear Afraid Gear Another Afro Inu: The Puzzle Agent Armstrong Agile Warrior F-111X AI Mahjong Selection AI Shogi AI Shogi 2 AI Shogi 2 Deluxe AI Shogi 2000 AI Shogi Selection Aino Hateni Ainori Air Combat Air Hockey Air Land Battle Air Management Air Management '96 Air Race Air Race Championship AirAssault AirGrave Aironauts Airs, The Aitakute...Your Smiles in My Heart Aizouban Houshinengi Akagi: Topaiten Akazu no Aida Akuji: The Heartless Akumajo Dracula Akumajo Dracula X Akumajo Nendaiki: Akumajo Dracula Alabama Aladdin in Nasiria's Revenge Alef's BladeMaker Alex Ferguson Player Manager 2001 Alex Ferguson's Player Manager 2002 Alexi Lalas International Soccer Alfred Chicken Alice in Cyberland Alice on Borderlines Alien Resurrection Alien Trilogy Alive All Japan Grand Touring Car Championship All Star Project All Super Robot Wars Electronic Encyclopedia Allied General All-Japan Pro Wrestling: King's Soul All-Japan Women's Pro Wrestling All-Star Baseball All-Star Mahjong All-Star Racing All-Star Racing 2 All-Star Slammin' D-Ball All-Star Soccer All-Star Tennis 2 All-Star Tennis '99 Alnam no Kiba Alnam no Tsubasa Alone in the Dark 2 Alone in the Dark 4 Alone in the Dark: One-Eyed Jack's Revenge Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare Alundra Alundra 2 Amazing Virtual Sea Monkeys America Oudan Ultra-Quiz American Baseball American Baseball 2 American Deer Hunter Amerzone Anarchy in the Nippon 2 Anastasia Ancient Roman Andretti Racing Angel Blade Angel Eyes Angel Graffiti Angelique Duet Angelique History Angelique Special Angelique Special II Angelique Tenkuu no Chingonuta Angolmois '99 Animaniacs Ten Pin Alley Animorphs Ankh Anna Kournikova Smash Court Tennis Anoko Doko Noko Another Memories Another Mind Another Step Anzou Michuru no Tsugi Akima Satsuhou Ao no Rokugou: Antarctica Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Meshika: Genchou Hishi Ape Escape Apocalypse Aqua GT Aqua Paradise Aquanaut no Kyuujitsu 2 Aquanaut's Holiday Aquanaut's Holiday 2 Aquanaut's Holiday: Memories of Summer 1996 Aquarian Eiji Arashigakoa Arc the Lad Arc the Lad Collection Arc the Lad II Arc the Lad III Arc the Lad: Monster Game with Casino Game Arcade Classic Collection Arcade Hits: Crazy Climber Arcade Hits: Frisky Tom Arcade Hits: Magical Drop Arcade Hits: Moon Cresta Arcade Hits: Raiden Arcade Party Pak Arcade's Greatest Hits: Atari Collection 1, The Arcade's Greatest Hits: Atari Collection 2, The Arcade's Greatest Hits: Midway Collection 2 Arcade's Greatest Hits: Williams Are! Mo Kore? Mo Momotarou Area 51 Arena Football Unleashed Ark of Time Arkanoid Returns Armed Fighter Armored Core Armored Core: Master of Arena Armored Core: Project Phantasma Armored Trooper Votoms: Lightning Slash Armored Trooper Votoms: Steel Force Armorines: Project S.W.A.R.M. Army Men 3D Army Men Arcade Blasts Army Men: Air Attack Army Men: Air Attack 2 Army Men: Green Rogue Army Men: Lock and Load Army Men: Omega Soldier Army Men: Operation Meltdown Army Men: Operation Meltdown- Land, Sea, Air Army Men: Sarge's Heroes Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2 Army Men: Team Assault Army Men: World War Army Men: World War - Final Front Army Men: World War - Team Assault Army Men: World War- Land, Sea, Air Art Truck Battle Art Truck Battle 2 Artcamion Geijutsuden Artcamion Sugorokuden Arthur: Ready to Race Arthur's Quiz Show Arubarea no Otome Assault Rigs Assault Soldier Assault Suits Valken 2 Assault: Retribution Asterix Asterix and Obelix Take on Caesar Asterix: Mega Madness Asteroids Astro Soldier Astro Trooper Vanark Astrogy, The Astronoka Asuka 120% Burning Fest. Final Asuka 120% Excellent Asuka 120% Special Asuncia Atari Anniversary Edition Atelier Elie Atelier Marie Atelier Marie Plus Athena no Kateiban Athena: Awakening from the Ordinary Life Atlanta Olympics Atlantis Atlantis: The Lost Empire A-Train A-Train: Line Z Attack of the Saucerman ATV: Quad Power Racing AubirdForce AubirdForce After Aura Battler Dunbine Austin Powers Pinball Auto Destruct Ayrton Senna Kart Duel Ayrton Senna Kart Duel 2 Ayrton Senna Kart Duel Special Ayumi Kumi Azito Azito 2 Azito 3 Aztec Azumanga Donjara Taiou Azure Dreams -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met B: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= B.L.U.E. Babapapa Baby Universe Bacha Pachisuro EX Back Gain Back Gain Act-2 Backgammon Backgammon 2000 Backstreet Billiards Backyard Football Backyard Soccer Bakuchou Nippon Rettou Bakuchou Nippon Rettou 2 Bakuchou Nippon Rettou: TsuriCon Edition Bakudan Kozou Scoop the Kid Bakumatsu Roman: Gekka no Kenshi Bakuretsu Akindo Bakuretsu Hunter: Mahjong Special Bakuretsu Hunter: Sorezore no Omoi...Nowaan Chatte Bakuretsu Soccer Bakuryuu Bakushou!! Oru Yoshimoto Quiz Okettei Ikusa Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu 2 Bakusou Kyoudai Let's & Go! Eternal Wings Bakuten Shoot Beyblade Bakuten Shoot Beyblade 2002 Baldy Land Ball Breakers BallBlazer Champions Ballistic Bamin Kiss Band of Meymay Knights, The Barbie Detective: Mystery Cruise Barbie Explorer Barbie Race and Ride Barbie Super Sports Bardysh Baroque Baroque Syndrome Baseball 2000 Baseball Navigator Baseball Pro Nami Kusayakyuu Baseball Simulation: ID Pro Yakyuu Bases Loaded '96 Basketball, The Bass Fisherman Bass Fishing Bass Fishing World Championship Bass Hunter Bass Landing Bass Landing 2 Bass Tsuri Niikou! Bassing Beat BassRise BassRise Plus Bastard!! Batman & Robin Batman Beyond Batman Forever Batman of the Future Batman: Gotham City Racer Battle Arena Toshinden Battle Arena Toshinden 2 Battle Arena Toshinden 2 Plus Battle Arena Toshinden 3 Battle Arena Toshinden 4 Battle Athletess: Daiundoukai Alternative Battle Athletess: Daiundoukai GTO Battle Bugs Battle for Saint Battle Formation Battle Hunter Battle Konchuuden Battle Master Battle Night/Atlantis Dome Battle Qix Battle Sabres Battle Stations Battle Sugoroku: The Hunter Battle Tanx: Global Assault BattleMage BattleRound USA Battleship Battleship Yamato BattleSport Be Pirates! Beach Volley, The Bealphareth Bear in the Big Blue House Beast Wars Beast Wars Metals Beast Wars: TransMetals Beat Planet Music BeatMania BeatMania 3rd Mix Mini BeatMania 6th Mix + Core Remix BeatMania Append 3rdMix BeatMania Append 4th Mix BeatMania Append 5th Mix BeatMania Append Club Mix BeatMania Append GottaMix BeatMania Append GottaMix 2 BeatMania Best Hits BeatMania featuring Dreams Come True BeatMania: The Sound of Tokyo Beavis & Butt-head Because I Love You Bedlam Bedrock Bowling Bein Panzer Believer Dreamer Beltlogger 9 Beyblade Beyblade 2002 Beyond the Beyond Big Air Snowboarding Big Bass Fishing Big Bass World Championship Big Challenge Golf Big Hurt Baseball Big Ol' Bass Big Ol' Bass 2 Bike Race, The Billabong Pro Surfer Billiard Billiard King Billiard Master Billiards Billiards 2, The Billiards Multiple Billiards, The Bio F.R.E.A.K.S. BioHazard BioHazard 2 BioHazard 2: Dual Shock Version BioHazard 3 BioHazard Director's Cut - Dual Shock Ver. BioHazard: Director's Cut BioHazard: Gun Survivor Bishi Bashi Special Bishi Bashi Special 2 Bishi Bashi Special 3 Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Bishoujo Senshi: Sailor Moon Super S Bistro, The Black and White Black Bass w/ Blue Marlin Black Dawn Black Eyes Black Black Jack vs. Matsudajun Black/Matrix Cross Blade Blade Arts Blade of Darkness Blade of the Darkness BladeMaker Blades of Blood: Samurai Shodown III BLAM! Machine Head Blast Chamber Blast Lacrosse Blast Radius Blaster Master Blaster Master Blasting Again Blasto Blaze & Blade Blaze & Blade Busters Blazing Dragons Blend X Brand Block & Switch Block Kuzushi 2 Block Kuzushi 2, The Block Kuzushi Kowashite Help! Block Kuzushi, The Block Wars Blockaded Numbers Blockids Blood Factory Blood Lines Blood of Zeon Blood of Zeon- Kouryaku Shireisho Blood Omen Bloody Bride Bloody Roar Bloody Roar 2 Bloody Roar II Blue Breaker Blue Breaker Burst: Bishou o Anata to Blue Breaker Burst: Egao no Asuni Blue Chicago Blues Blue Forest Story: Kaze no Fuuin Blue Knight Berserga Story Blue Legend of Water Blue Marlin, The Blue Submarine No. 6: Antarctica Blue's Big Musical Blue's Clues: Blue's Big Musical B-Movie Bo no Board Board Game: Top Shop Boat no Tsuriken Bob the Builder: Can We Fix It? Body Hazard Bogey: Dead 6 Bokan Go Go Go Bokandesuyo Bokanto Ippatsu! Doronbo Boku no Choro-Q Boku no Natsuyasumi Boku no Suizokukan Bokuha Koukuu Kanseikon Bokujou Monogatari Harvest Moon Bokujou Monogatari Harvest Moon for Girls Bokurato Asobou! Ultraman TV Bomb Board Bomba '98 Bomberman Bomberman Fantasy Race Bomberman Land Bomberman Party Edition Bomberman Wars Bomberman World Bombing Islands, The Bonogurashi Book of Watermarks, The Boombots Bottom of the 9th Bottom of the 9th '97 Bottom of the 9th '99 Bottom Top: Sayuri Side Bottom Top: Shirou Side Bouhatei no Tsuriken Boundary Gate Bounty Hunter Sarah Bounty Sword First Bounty Sword: Double Edge Bowling Bowling, The Boxer's Road Boxing Boxing, The Boys Be... Boys Be... Second Season Boy's Life, A BRAHMA Force Brain Dead 13 Brave Fencer Musashi Brave Prove Brave Saga Brave Saga 2 Brave Sword Bravo Air Race Break Point Break Volley Break Volley Plus Breakout BreakThru! Breath of Fire III Breath of Fire IV Breed Master Breeding Stud Breeding Stud 2 Breeding Stud '99 Brian Lara Cricket Brigandine Brigandine: Grand Edition Brightis Broken Helix Broken Sword Broken Sword 2 Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling 2 Bubble Bobble Bubblegun Kid Bubsy 3D Buckle Up! Budweiser Cue Club Bug Riders Buggy Bugi Bugs Bunny & Taz: Time Busters Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time Bug's Life Activity Centre, A Bug's Life, A Builder's Block Building Crush! Burger Burger Burger Burger 2 Burn Out Burning Road Burstrick: Wake Boarding!! Bushido Blade Bushido Blade 2 Bust A Groove Bust A Groove 2 Bust A Move Bust A Move 2: Dance Tengoku Mix Bust-A-Move 2 Bust-A-Move 3 Bust-A-Move 4 Bust-A-Move '99 Buster and the Beanstalk Buster Bros. Collection Butage: Deiin Janai? Buttsubushi Buzz Lightyear of Star Command Buzzer Beater (Kouhen) Buzzer Beater (Zenpen) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met C: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= C: The Contra Adventure C-12: Final Resistance C1-Circuit C3 Racing Cabela's Big Game Hunter Cabela's Ultimate Deer Hunt Cadillac Caesar's Palace Caesar's Palace 2 Caesar's Palace 2000 Calcolo California Water Sports Cameraman, The Capcom Generation 1 Capcom Generation 2 Capcom Generation 3 Capcom Generation 4 Capcom Generation 5 Capcom vs. SNK Pro Captain Commando Captain Rave!! Captain Tsubasa J Captain Tsubasa: Aratanaru Densetsu Joshou Card 2, The Card Game Shuu Card Games Card II Card, The CardCaptor Sakura CardCaptor Sakura: Crow Card Magic Cardinal Syn Cargo! Carmageddon Carmageddon 2 Carnage Heart Carnage Heart EZ Carnage Heart Second Carnage Heart: Zeus II Carol the DarkAngel Carom Shot Carom Shot 2 CART World Series Casino, The Casper Casper: Friends Around the World Castle of Cagliostro Castlevania Chronicles Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Castrol Honda Superbike Racing Castrol Honda VTR Cat the Ripper Catch! Kimochi Sensation CatDog Centipede Chakusin Melody Damon Chakusin Melody Damon Gold Chakusin Melody Damon Volume 2 Chakusin Melody Damon Volume 3 Chakusin Melody Damon Volume 4 Challenge! Airline Pilot Champion Wrestler: Jikkyou Raibu Championship Bass Championship Manager Quiz Championship Motocross Championship Motocross 2001 Championship Surfer Chaos Break Chaos Control Character Collection Charamela Chase the Express Cheating Mahjong Checkmate Cheesy Chef's Luv Shack Chess Chess 2000 Chess and Reversi Chess, The Chessmaster 2 Chessmaster 3D, The Chessmaster Millennium Chibi Maruko-Chan: Maruko Enikki World Chibi-Chara Game Gingaeiyu Densetsu Chicken Run Chiichi na Oukoku Erutoria Chiisana Kyojin Microman Chikai no Sanshi Chiki Chiki Chicken Chiki Chiki Machine Mou Race Chikyuu Boueitai Chill Chingisuhan Soukanookami Shiroshika IV Chinmoku no Kantai Chippoke Ralph no Daibouken Choaniki Chocobo Collection Chocobo no Fushigi Dungeon Chocobo no Fushigi Dungeon 2 Chocobo Racing Chocobo Stallion Chocobo's Dungeon 2 Chocolate Kiss Cho-Nazo-Oh Choro Q Choro Q 2 Choro Q 3 Choro Q Jet Choro Q Marine Q Choro Q Marine: Q-Boat Choro Q Wonderful! Chou Hatsumei Boy Kanipan Chou-Gals! Choujin Gakuen Gowcaizer Choujiriki Senshi Microman: Generation 2000 Chou-Kousoku Gran Doll Chou-Mahsin Eiyuuden Wataru Chousentou Kyuugi Vanbogu Chris Kamara's Street Soccer Chronicles of the Sword Chrono Cross Chrono Trigger Chuushingura Cielgris Fantasm Cinematic Racing Circadia Circuit Beat Circuit Breakers City Bravo! City Bravo! Busniess Hen City of Lost Children, The Civilization Civilization II Civizard: Majutsu no Keifu Classic Road Classic Road 2 Classic Road Yuushun 2 Cleopatra Fortune Click Manga: Click Nohi Click Manga: Dynamic Robot Taisen 1 Click Manga: Dynamic Robot Taisen 2 Click Manga: Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu 1 Click Manga: Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu 2 Click Manga: Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu 3 Click Manga: Le Fantome de l'Opera Click Manga: Marie no Atelier Click Manga: Opera Za no Kaijin Click Manga: Shin Dragon Half Click Medic Click Nohi Clock Tower Clock Tower 2 (Japan) Clock Tower 2: The Struggle Within Clock Tower: Ghost Head Clock Tower: The First Fear ClockWorks Closing Hospital Cocktail Harmony Cocktail no Recipe Cocoon Story Codename: Tenka Colin McRae Rally Colin McRae Rally 2.0 College Slam Colony Wars Colony Wars III: Red Sun Colony Wars: Vengeance Colorful Logic Colorful Logic 2 Colorful Logic 3 Combat Choro Q Combination Pro Soccer Come and Kiss Me Command & Conquer Command & Conquer: Red Alert Command & Conquer: Red Alert Retaliation Community Pom Community Pom: Omoide o Dakishimete Complete Davis Cup Tennis Complete Onside Soccer Constructor Contender Contender 2 Contra: Legacy of War Conveni 2, The Conveni Special, The Conveni, The Conveni, The: Anomachi o Dokusenseyo Cooking Fighter Cool Boarders Cool Boarders 2 Cool Boarders 2001 Cool Boarders 3 Cool Boarders 4 Cosmic Race CosmoWarrior Rei CosmoWarrior Zero Cotton Original Countdown Vampires Counter Revolution War Courier Crisis Covert Ops: Nuclear Dawn Cowboy Bebop Crane Master Ninarou! KENKI Ippatsu! Cranky Pro Crash Bandicoot Crash Bandicoot 2 Crash Bandicoot 3 Crash Bandicoot Carnival Crash Bandicoot Racing Crash Bandicoot: Warped Crash Bash Crash Team Racing Crayon-Chan Crazy Baron 2000 Crazy Climber Crazy Climber 2000 Creature Shock Creatures Crest of the Stars Cricket 2000 Crime Crackers Crime Crackers 2 Crime Killer Crisis Beat Crisis City Critical Blow Critical Depth Criticom Croc Croc 2 Cross Detective Story Cross Romance Cross Tantei Monogatari Cross Tantei Monogatari 1: Kouhen Cross Tantei Monogatari 1: Zenpen Crossroad Crisis Crossword Crossword 2 Crossword 3 Crow, The Crusader: No Remorse Crusaders of Might and Magic CRW: Counter Revolution War Crypt Killer Crystal Ballet no Kettou CTR: Crash Team Racing Cube de Cute Cubix Culdcept Expansion Culdcept Expansion Plus Cu-On-Pa Curiosity kills the cat? Curling, The Cyber Daisenryaku Cyber Egg Cyber Formula Cyber Formula- Aratanaru Chousensha Cyber Org Cyber War Cyberbots Cyberia Cybernetic Empire Cybersled Cyberspeed CyberTiger Cyborg 009: The Block Kuzushi -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met D: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= D Dai-2-Ji Super Robot Taisen Daibouken Deluxe: Harukanaru Umi Daikoukai Jidai Gaiden Daikoukai Jidai II Daikoukai Jidai IV Daiobake Yashiki Daisenryaku: Master Combat Daisenryaku: Player's Spirit Dai-Yuurei Yashiki Dakar '97 Dalmations DamDam StompLand Dance Dance Revolution Dance Dance Revolution (Japan) Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Remix Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Remix Append Club Version Vol. 1 Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Remix Append Club Version Vol. 2 Dance Dance Revolution 3rd Mix Dance Dance Revolution 4th Mix Dance Dance Revolution 5th Mix Dance Dance Revolution Best Hits Dance Dance Revolution Disney Mix Dance Dance Revolution Disney's Rave Dance Dance Revolution Extra Mix Dance Dance Revolution Konamix Dance! Dance! Dance! Dancing Blade Dancing Blade: Katten Momotenshi II Dancing Stage Disney Mix Dancing Stage Euromix Dancing Stage featuring Dreams Come True Dancing Stage featuring True Kiss Destination Dancing Stage Party Edition Dancing Summer Vacation Dangan Danger Girl Dare Devil Derby Darius Gaiden Dark Forces Dark Hunter: Jou Ijigen Gakuen Dark Hunter: Shita Youma no Mori Dark Messiah Dark Omen Dark Tales Darklight Conflict Darkseed DarkSeed II DarkStalkers DarkStalkers 3 Darkstone Darts, The Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX: Maximum Remix David Beckham Soccer Dead Ball Zone Dead in the Water Dead or Alive Dead Unity Deadheat Road Deadly Skies Death Mask Death Wing Deathtrap Dungeon Debut 21 Deception Deception II Deception III Deep Freeze Deep Sea Adventure Deep Sea Fishing Deep, The DefCon 5 Defeat Lightning Dejikuro: Tejitaru Nanbazu Crossword Deka Yonku Dekiru! Game Center Delta Force: Urban Warfare Demolition Racer Dendoh Dengeki Construction: Ochige-Yarouze! Denki Guru Guru Jigoku V Denku Sekka Micro Runner Denpa Shounenteki Game Denryuu IraIra Bou Returns Densetsu Kemono no Ana Densha Daisuki Densha de Go! Densha de Go! 2 Densha de Go! Nagoya Railroad Densha de Go! Professional Densha Utenshu, The Depth Derakkusu Derby Jockey 2001 Derby Jockey R Derby Stallion Derby Stallion '99 Dero-N Dero Dero Descent Descent 2 Descent Maximum Deserted Island Destrega Destruction Derby Destruction Derby 2 Destruction Derby Raw Detana TwinBee Yahoo! Deluxe Pack Detective Barbie Detective Conan Detective Conan 3 DeviceReign Devil Dice Devil Dice 2 Devil Man Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers DewPrism Dexter's Laboratory: Mandark's Lab? Dezaemon Kids! Dezaemon Plus Diablo Die Hard Trilogy Die Hard Trilogy 2 Diet Nyuumon Set Undou Kaishou! Dig-a-Dig Pukka Digical League Digimon Digital Card Battle Digimon Pack Digimon Rumble Arena Digimon Tamers: Battle Evolution Digimon Tamers: Pocket Kurumon Digimon World Digimon World 2 Digimon World 2003 Digimon World 3 Digimon World: Digital Card Arena Digimon World: Digital Card Battle Digital Ehon Vol. 1 Digital Ehon Vol. 2 Digital Ehon Vol. 3 Digital Ehon Vol. 4 Digital Ehon Vol. 5 Digital Figure Iina Digital Glider Airman Digital PlayStage Dino Crisis Dino Crisis 2 Dinosaur Dioramos Dirt Champ Motocross No. 1 Disc Derby Discworld Discworld II Discworld Noir Disney's Action Game featuring: Hercules Disney's Aladdin in Nasiria's Revenge Disney's Atlantis: The Lost Empire Disney's Jungle Book Rhythm and Groove Disney's Peter Pan in Return to Neverland Disruptor Diver's Dream Divide, The: Enemies Within Do You Remember Love Docchi Mecha! Dodge Ball, The Dodge de Ball! Dodgem Arena DoDonPachi Dog Master, The Dokapon 3 2 1 Dokapon! Ikari no Tetsuken Doki Doki * Norimono Daibouken Doki Doki Hen Doki Doki Nightmare Doki Doki On Air Doki Doki On Air 2 Doki Doki Poyatachio!! Doki Doki Pretty League Doki Doki Pretty League: Lovely Star Doki Doki Pretty League: Nekketsu Otome Seishunki Doki Doki Shutter Chance Doki Oki Doko Demo Issyo Doko Demo Issyo Deluxe Pack Doko Demo Issyo Tsuika Disc: Koneko Mo Issyo Dokodemo Hamster 2 Dokodemo Hamster 4 Dokodemo Hamster B! Quick Club Dokoma Demo Aoku Dokonjou Gaeru: The Mahjong Dolphin Ring Special Dolphin's Dream Domino-kun o Tomenaide Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers Donald Duck: Quack Attack Doniro no Koubou: 32 Hito no Sensha Osa DonPachi Doom Doraemon Doraemon 2 Doraemon 3 Doraemon: Himitsu no Yojigen Pocket Dosukoi Densetsu Dotsubo-Chan Double Cast Double Dragon Double Draw Double Eagle Double Edge Double Header Double Shooting, The Douga de Puzzle! Puppukupu Doujou Yaburi Doujou Yaburi 2 Doukeshi Satsujin Jiken Doukyu Re-Mix Doukyu: Billiard Master Doukyuusei 2 Doukyuusei Mahjong Downhill Snow Doyume no Yabou 2: The Race of Champions Doyume No Yabou: F1 GP Nippon no Chousen Dr. A7 Dr. Rin ni Kiitemite! Dr. Slump Dracula 2 Dracula X Dracula: The Last Sanctuary Dracula: The Resurrection Dragon Ball Final Bout Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout Dragon Ball Z: Idainaru Dragon Ball Densetsu Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22 Dragon Beat Dragon Drive Dragon Knight 4 Dragon Knights Glorious Dragon Money Dragon Quest Characters: Toruneko no Daibouken 2 Dragon Quest IV Dragon Quest Monsters 1+2 Dragon Quest VII Dragon Seeds Dragon Seek Dragon Tales: Dragon Seek Dragon Valor Dragon Warrior IV Dragon Warrior Monsters 1+2 Dragon Warrior VII DragonHeart Dream Circus, The Dream Classic Dream Generation Dreams Drift King Driver Driver 2 Drugstore, The Druid Ducati World Racing Challenge Dugout '99 Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes Duke Nukem: Time to Kill Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown Dukes of Hazzard Dukes of Hazzard II Dunbine Dune 2000 Dungeon Creator Dungeon RPG, The Dungeon Shoutenkai DX Hyakunin Isshu DX Jinsei Game DX Jinsei Game II DX Jinsei Game III DX Jinsei Game IV DX Jinsei Game V DX Monopoly DX Nippon Tokkyu Ryokou Game DX Okuman Chouja Game DX Okuman Chouja Game II DX Shachou Game Dynamic Robot Taisen 1 Dynamic Robot Taisen 2 Dynamite Boxing Dynamite Soccer 1500 Dynamite Soccer 2000 Dynamite Soccer 2002 Dynamite Soccer '98 Dynasty Warriors -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met E: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= E.T. Interplanetary Mission Eagle One Eagle Shooting Heroes, The Earth Defenders Corporation Earthworm Jim 2 Eberouge Eberouge 2 Eberouge Special Ebisu Yoshikazu no Ooana Keiti Echo Night Echo Night 2 Ecsaform ECW Anarchy Rulz ECW Hardcore Revolution Edge of Skyhigh eexy life Efficus Egg Eggs of Steel Egypt 2 Ehrgeiz Eigo no Tetsujin: Center Shiken Trial Eikan wa Kimini 4 Eikou no Fairway Eikou no St. Andrews Einhander Eisei Meijin Eisei Meijin II Eisei Meijin III Eithea Eko Eko Azaraku Eko no Kids: Taga Tame Hi Kane Ha Naru Elan Elan Plus Eldergate Electro Elemental Gearbolt Elemental Pinball Elf wo Karu Monotachi Elf wo Karu Monotachi II Elf wo Karu Monotachi: Hanafuda Hen Elfin Paradise Eliminator Elmo's Letter Adventure Elmo's Number Journey Emblem Saga Embrace in the Sand EMIT Value Pack Emmyrea Emperor's New Groove, The End Sector Endless Season Enen Angel Engacho! Enigma Enomoto Kanako no Boke Shindan Gemu EOS Epica Stella Epidemic Epsilon R Equestriad 2001 Eretzvaju ESPN Extreme Games ESPN MLS GameNight ESPN Street Games ESPN X-Games Pro Boarder Eternal Eden, The Eternal Eyes Eternal Heart Eternal Road Eternal Wings Euro 2000 Europe Racer European Super League Eva: Yukai na Nakama Tachi EVE The Fatal Attraction EVE the lost one Eve Zero Evergreen Avenue Everybody's Golf Evil Dead: Hail to the King Evil Zone Evo's Space Adventures Exalegiuse Excalibur 2555 AD Exceed My Corpse Exciting Bass Exciting Bass 2 Exciting Bass 3 Exciting Pro Wrestling Exciting Pro Wrestling 2 Exector Exhumed Exodus Guilty Expendable Expert Explosive Racing Extra Bright Extreme 500 Extreme Hybrid Racing Extreme Pinball Extreme Power Extreme Roller Extreme Snowbreak -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met F: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F1 2000 F1 2002 Arcade F1 Championship '99 F1 Championship Season 2000 F-1 Grand Prix 1996: Team Unei Simulation F1 Racing Championship F1 Racing Championship 2 F1 Racing Sim F1 World Grand Prix F1 World Grand Prix 2000 FA Manager FA Premier League Football Manager 2000 FA Premiere League Manager 2001 FA Premiere League Stars 2001 Fade to Black Falcata Family 1500 Series: Mahjong Family Bowling Family Card Game Fun Pack Family Chess Family Diamond Family Feud Family Game Pack Family Gunjin Shogi Family Igo 2 Family Igo: Super Strong Family Mahjong 2 Family Restaurant, The Family Shogi: Super Strong FamiRes e Youkosou! FamiRes, The FamiRes, The: Shijou Saikyou no Menu Fantastic Fortune Fantastic Four Fantastic Pinball Kyutenkai Fantasy Tap Farland Saga: Toki no Michishirube Farland Story: Yottsu no Fuuin Fatal Fury Wild Ambition Fate of the Dragon Faust Favorite Dear Favorite Dear: Enkan no Monogatari Favorite Dear: Junshiro no Yogenmono Fear Effect Fear Effect 2 Fear Effect: Retro Helix FEDA 2 Felony 11-79 Feng Shui Nyuumon Fever Fever 2 Fever 3 Fever 4 Fever 5 FIFA 2000 FIFA 2001 FIFA 2002 FIFA 2002 World Cup FIFA 2003 FIFA '98: Road to the World Cup FIFA '99 FIFA Soccer '96 FIFA Soccer '97 FIFA: World Cup '98 Fifth Element, The Fighter Maker Fighters' Impact Fighting Eyes Fighting Force Fighting Force 2 Fighting Illusion K-1GP 2000 Fighting Illusion V: K-1 Grand Prix '99 Fighting Illusion: K-1 Grand Prix (Japan) Fighting Illusion: K-1 Grand Prix '98 Fighting Illusion: K-1 Revenge Fighting Network Rings Final Doom Final Fantasy Final Fantasy Anthology Final Fantasy Anthology (PAL) Final Fantasy Chronicles Final Fantasy Collection Final Fantasy I+II Premium Package Final Fantasy II Final Fantasy IV Final Fantasy IX Final Fantasy Tactics Final Fantasy V Final Fantasy VI Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy VIII Final Round Final Round, The Finalist Finger Flashing Fire Panic Fire ProWrestling G Fire ProWrestling Iron Slam '96 Fire Woman Matoigumi Firebugs Firemen 2, The Firestorm: Thunderhawk 2 Firo and Klawd First Kiss * Monogatari First Queen IV Fish Eyes Fish Eyes II Fish On! Bass Fisherman's Bait Fisherman's Bait 2 Fisherman's Bait 3 Fisher's Road Fishing Freaks: BassRise Fishing Freaks: BassRise Plus Fishing Koushien II FIST Fist of the North Star Fist of the North Star: Legend of the End of the Century Savior Flamberge no Seirei Flintstones, The: Bedrock Bowling Floating Runner Fluid Football Manager Ford Racing Forget Me Not: Palette Formation Soccer '97 Formation Soccer '98 Formula 1 Formula 1 2000 Formula 1 2001 Formula 1 '98 Formula 1 '99 Formula 1 Championship Formula 1: Championship Edition Formula Circus Formula Grand Prix 1997 Formula Karts Special Edition Formula Nippon Forsaken Four Fox Hunt Fox Junction Fox Sports Golf '99 Fox Sports NBA Basketball 2000 Fox Sports NHL Championship 2000 Fox Sports Soccer '99 FoxKids.com Micro Maniacs Racing Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball Free Talk Studio Free Wheelin' USA Freestyle Boardin' 99 Freestyle Motocross: McGrath vs. Pastrana Frenzy! Friends: Seishun no Kagayaki Frisky Tom Frogger Frogger 2 Front Mission 2 Front Mission 3 Front Mission Alternative Fukkatsu Matsuri Fun! Fun! Pingu Funky Boxers Furimukeba Tonari Ni Fushigi Keiji Fushigi no Kuni no Angelique Futsal, The Future Cop LAPD 2100 Fuukami Engi Fuuraiki Fuuun Gokuu Ninjin -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met G: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= G1 Jockey G1 Jockey 2000 Gaball Screen Gadget Gadget Racer Gadget's Crazy Maze Gaia Master GaiaSeed Gakkou Deatta Kowai Hanashi Gakkou o Tsokurou!! Gakkou o Tsukurou!! 2 Gakkou o Tsukurou!! Kouchou Sensei Monogatari Gakuen Sentai Solblast Gakuensai Gal Mahjong, The Galaga: Desination Earth Galaxian^3 Galaxy Fight Gale Gunner GALEOZ Galerians Gallop Racer Gallop Racer (JP) Gallop Racer 2 Gallop Racer 2000 Gallop Racer 3 Gallop: Blood Master Gambler Jiko Chuushinha Gambler, The Game Center Arashi R Game Creator Game de Seishun Game Nihonshi: Kakumeiji Oda Nobunaga Game no Tatsujin Game no Tatsujin 2 Game no Tatsujin: The Shanghai Game of Life II, The Game of Life III, The Game of Life IV, The Game of Life, The GameMaker, The Gamera 2000 Gamesoft o Tsukurou Game-Taste Ganbare Goemon Ganbare Goemon: Kurunarakoi! Ganbare Goemon: Ooedo Daikaiten Ganbare Nippon! Olympic 2000 Gangway Monsters Ganso Densha Utenshi, The Ganso Family Mahjong Ganso Family Mahjong 2 GaoRanger Garou Densetsu Wild Ambition Gatan Goton Gatchaman: The Shooting Gatebar, The GateKeepers Gauntlet Legends G-Darius Gear Fighter Dendoh Gear Senshi Dendoh Gegege no Kitarou: Noroi no Nikuto Katachi Tachi Gekido Geki-Oh Gekiretsu Pachinkazu Gekisou!! Grand Racing Gekitotsu Toma L'Arc Gekitotsu! Yonku Battle Gekka Ni no Kishi: O Ryusen Gekka no Kenshi Gencho Hishi Genchou Hishi Genei Tougi Genso Suiko Gaiden Vol. 1 Genso Suiko Gaiden Vol. 2 Genso Suikoden Genso Suikoden II Gensou no Artemis Gensoumaden Saiyuuki Geom Cube Geometry Duel Geppy-X Germs Get Backers Dakkanoku Getter Robo Daikessen! Getter Robot: The Big Battle! Gex Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko Gex: Enter the Gecko Ghost in the Shell Ghoul Panic Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu 1 Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu 2 Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu 3 Ginga O Jousama Densetsu Yuna: Final Edition Gion Hana Gion Hana 2 Giren no Yabou: Zeon no Keifu Giren's Greed: Blood of Zeon Girlfriend of Steel GI-Road Glay Station Glint Glitters Global Domination Global Force Glocal Hexcite Glover Go by RC Go II Professional Taikyoku Igo Go Mokunarabe, The Goal Storm Goal Storm '97 Gochachiru G-O-D Pure: Growth of Devolution Godzilla Trading Battle Goemon: Shin Sedai Shuumei GoGo I-land Gohketsuji Ichizoku 2 Goiken Muyou II Go-Jin Senki Gokujou Parodius Deluxe Pack Gokuu Densetsu Gold and Glory Golden Goal Golden Nugget Golden Tee Golf Goldie Golf Master 2000 Golf, The Golgo 13: Karairu no Yabou Golgo 13: Kenenai Guntai Goo! Goo! Soundy Goofy's Fun House Gorgeous King Gotatsujin: Electro Gotha II: Tenkuu no Kishi Gourmet Action Game G-Police G-Police 2 G-Police: Weapons of Justice Gradius Deluxe Pack Gradius Gaiden Graduation Crossworld Graduation II: Neo Generation Graduation III Graduation M Graduation R Graduation Vacation Gran Turismo Gran Turismo 2 Grand Slam '97 Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto 2 Grand Theft Auto: London 1969 Grand Theft Auto: The Director's Cut Grand Tour Racing '98 Grandia Granstream Saga, The Great Battle VI, The Great Hits Great Peak Great Rugby '98 Great Valley Racing Adventure Greatest 70's Grid Runner Grille Logic Grinch, The Grind Session Gritz: The Primordial Adventure Groove Adventure Rave Groove Adventure Rave: Mikan no Hiseki Groove Adventure Rave: Plue no Daibouken Ground Stroke Growlanser Grudge Warriors GT Max Rev. GTA GTA2 Guard of Earth Organization Guardian of Darkness Guardian Recall Guardian's Crusade Gubble Gucho de Paku Gugutoropusu Guilty Gear Guitar Freaks Guitar Freaks Append 2nd Mix Gun Parade March Gun Shooting 2, The Gun Shooting, The Gunbalina GunBare! Game Tengoku 2 GunBarl Gunbird Gunbullet Gundam Gundam 0079 Gundam Battle Assault Gundam Battle Assault 2 Gundam The Battle Master Gundam The Battle Master 2 Gundam Version 2.0 Gundam: Char's Counterattack Gundam: Gunjin Shogi, The Gundam: Gyakushuu no Char Gundam: Perfect One Year War GunDress Gunfighter: The Legend Of Jesse James Gung Ho Brigade Gungage Gunners Heaven Gunners Paraside Gunnm Gunpey Gunship Guntu: Western Front June, 1944 Guranyu Shima Daibouken Guruguru Town Hanamarukun Gussun Oyoyo Guy Roux Manager 2001 Guybrave Guybrave II Guyferd -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met H: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hai-Shin 2 Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting Hakai O Hama no Tsuriken Hamster Club i Hamster Monogatari Hamster no Odaken Hamunaptra Hana to Ryuu Hanabi Hanabi 2 Hanafuda (Hyper Value 2800) Hanafuda (Super Price Series) Hanafuda 2, The Hanafuda and Card Game Hanafuda Exact 3D Hanafuda Graffiti Hanafuda II Hanafuda, The Hanako Sangakita!! Gakkou no Kowai Uwasa Happy Diet Happy Hotel Happy Jogging in Hawaii Happy Salvage Hard Blow Hard Boiled Hard Edge Hard Rock Cab Hardball 5 Hardball '99 Hardcore 4X4 Hardcore 4X4 Harlem Beat Harmful Park Harmonia no Kenshi Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Harry Potter to Himitsu no Heya Harry Potter to Kenja no Ishi Harukanaru Jikuu no Naka de Harukaze Sentai V-Force Harvest Moon for Girls Harvest Moon: Back to Nature Hashiriya: Ookami Tachi no Densetsu Hassha Orai! Gatan Goton Hatsukoi Barentain Hatsukoi Barentain Special Haunted Junction: Seitokai Badge wo Oe! HBO Boxing Heart of Darkness Heaven's Gate Hebereke Station Popoitto Hebreke's Popoitto Heir of Zendor Heisa Byouin Heisei Shogiin 2 Hei-Sek-Ki-In Heiwa Otenki Studio, The Heiwa Pachinko Graffiti Vol. 1 Heiwa Pachinko Graffiti Vol. 2 Heiwa Parlor! Pro BunDoriKing Special Heiwa Parlor! Pro Dolphin Ring Special Heiwa Parlor! Pro Fujiko Nio-ma-ka-se Special Heiwa Parlor! Pro Inkappe Taishou Special Heiwa Parlor! Pro Lupin Sansei Special Heiwa Parlor! Pro Tsunatori Monogatari Special Heiwa Parlor! Pro Western Special Helicopter, The Helix: Fear Effect Hell Night Hellboy Hello Charlie!! Hello Kitty Block Kuzushi Hello Kitty Bowling Hello Kitty Illust Puzzle Hello Kitty no Oshaberi ABC Hello Kitty no Oshaberi Town Hello Kitty no Uchi Nioi Deyo Hello Kitty White Present Hello Kitty's Cube de Cute Hello Kitty's Cube Frenzy Henry Explorers Herc's Adventure Hercules Hermie Hopperhead Heroine Dream Heroine Dream 2 Hexamoon Guardians Hexen Hi Takara O Hichi Hidden and Dangerous Hien de Hien de Diet High Heat Baseball 2000 High Heat Baseball 2001 High Heat Baseball 2002 High School Kimenkumi: The Table Hockey High School of Blitz Highbred Hikari no Shima Hikaru no Go Hikaru no Go: Insei Choujou Kessen Hikouki, The Himiko-Den Himitsu Kessha Q Himitsu Sentai Metamoru: Derakkusu Hi-Octane Hirameki Wonderland Hiroki Matsukata presents: World Fishing Hissatsu Pachinko Station Hissatsu Pachinko Station 10 Hissatsu Pachinko Station 2 Hissatsu Pachinko Station 3 Hissatsu Pachinko Station 4 Hissatsu Pachinko Station 5 Hissatsu Pachinko Station 6 Hissatsu Pachinko Station 7 Hissatsu Pachinko Station 8 Hissatsu Pachinko Station 9 Hissatsu Pachinko Station Now Hissatsu Pachinko Station Now2 Hissatsu Pachinko Station Now3 Hissatsu Pachinko Station Now4 Hissatsu Pachinko Station Now5 Hissatsu Pachinko Station Now6 Hissatsu Pachinko Station Now7 Hissatsu Pachinko Station Now8 Hissatsu Pachinko Station Now9 Hissatsu Pachinko Station Puchi Hissatsu Pachinko Station Puchi2 Hissatsu Pachinko Station Toyomaru Special Hissatsu Pachinko Station: Classic Hissatsu Pachinko Station: Classic 2 Hissatsu Pachinko Station: Monster House Special Hissatsu Pachi-Slot Station Hissatsu Pachi-Slot Station 2 Hissatsu Pachi-Slot Station 3 Hissatsu Pachi-Slot Station 4 Hissatsu Pachi-Slot Station 5 Hissatsu Pachi-Slot Station SP Hissatsu Pachi-Slot Station SP 2 Hissatsu Pachi-Slot Station SP 3 Hisshou Kouryakuhou History of Kitadenshi Hit Back Hitori de Dekirumon Hive Wars, The Hive, The Hogs of War Hokuto no Ken Hokuto no Ken: Seiki Matsukyu Seishi Densetsu Hole of the Legend Monster Home Doctor Honkaku Go Honkaku Hanafuda Honkaku Pro Mahjong Honkaku Pro Mahjong: Shin Tetsuban Honkaku Shi Jinkuchi Pro Mahjong: Mahjong Ou Honkaku Shogi Shinan Honkaku Shogi: Shogi O Hoobs, The Hooockey!! Hooters Road Trip Hori Mountain no Teiou Horiate Kun Horned Owl Horror Mystery, The Hoshi de Hakken!! Tamagotchi Hoshi no Mahoroba Hoshigami Hot Blooded Family Hot Shots Golf Hot Shots Golf 2 Hot Wheels Extreme Racing Hot Wheels Turbo Racing Houma Hunter Lime Houma Hunter Lime with Paint Maker Houshinengi Housoukyouku, The Hugo Hugo 2 Hugo 3D Hugo Frog Fighter Hunter X Hunter: Maboroshi no Greed Island Hunter X Hunter: Ubawareta Aura Stone Hunter, The Hyakujuu Sentai GaoRanger Hyakumanyen Quiz Hunter Hybrid Hydro Thunder Hyouryuu Ki Hyper 3D Pinball Hyper Crazy Climber Hyper Final Match Tennis Hyper Formation Soccer Hyper Olympics in Nagano Hyper Pachinko Hyper Rally Hyper Rush Hyper Securities 2 Hyper Tag Match Hyper Value 2800 Hanafuda Hyper Value 2800 Mahjong -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met I: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I.Q. Final I.Q.: Intelligent Qube Ibarado: Rapture no Kaeru Machi Iceman: Digital PlayStage Ichigeki: Hagane no Hito ID Pro Yakyuu Ide Yosuke Meijin no Shinmi Sen Mahjong Ide Yosuke no Mahjong Kazoku Ide Yosuke no Mahjong Kyoshitsu Idol Janshi Suchie-Pai II Limited Idol Janshi Suchie-Pai Limited Idol Promotion: Yumie Suzuki Igo Igo 2, The Igo o Nintarou! Igo, The IHRA Drag Racing Iina Ikasama Mahjong Ikkyuu-san: The Quiz Illustration Puzzle and Slide Puzzle, The Imadoki no Hanasaka Jiisan Imadoki no Kaguya Hime Imadoki no Momotarou Imadoki no Sarukani Imadoki no Urashi Matarou Image Fight & X-Multiply ImageGun & TFX I'Max Shogi II i-Mode Moissho Imodoki no Banpaia Impact Racing In Cold Blood In The Hunt Inagawa Atsuji: Kyoufu no Yashiki Inagawa Atsuji: Mayonaka no Taxi Incredible Crisis Incredible Hulk, The Incredible Toons Independence Day Indy 500 Infestation infinity Initial D Inkappe Taishou Special Inoe Takehiko: Buzzer Beater (Kouhen) Inoue Takehiko: Buzzer Beater (Zenpen) Inspector Gadget Intelligent Qube Intellivision Classics Interceptor Internal Section International Cricket Captain International Cricket Captain 2000 International Cricket Captain: Ashes Edition 2001 International Moto-X International Rally International Soccer Excite Stage 2000 International Superstar Soccer Deluxe International Superstar Soccer Pro International Superstar Soccer Pro '98 International Superstar Soccer Pro Evolution International Superstar Soccer Pro Evolution 2 International Track & Field International Track & Field 2000 Interplay Sports Baseball 2000 Intro Quiz, The Inu no Kaikata Inuyasha Inuyasha: Sengoku Otogi Kassen Invaders, The Invasion Invasion from Beyond Ippatsu Gyakuten: Keiba Keirin Pachinko Pachi-Slot Mahjong Irem Arcade Classics Irodori no Love Song Iron & Blood Iron Man/X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal Iron Soldier 3 Irritating Stick Iru! IS: Internal Section Ishin no Arashi Ishin no Arashi: Bakumatsu Shishiden ISS Pro Evolution ISS Pro Evolution 2 Itadaki Street: Gorgeous King Italian Job, The Itsuka, Kasanariau Ashita e: Sayuri-hen Itsuka, Kasanariau Ashita e: Shirou-hen Iwatobi Penguin: Rocky & Hopper Iwatobi Penguin: Rocky & Hopper Vol. 2 Iznogoud -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met J: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Jackie Chan: Stuntmaster Jade Cocoon JailBreaker Jaja Uma Karutetto Jaleco Collection JamPack Fall 2001 JamPack Summer 2000 JamPack Winter 2000 Jang Jang Koi Shimashow: Lovely Pop 2 in 1 Jang Jang Koi Shimashow: Separate 1 Jang Jang Koi Shimashow: Separate 2 Jang Jang Shimashow Jarin-Ko Chie: The Hanafuda Jarrett and Labonte Stock Car Racing Jeanette Lee's Virtual Pool Jedi Power Battles Jeff Gordon XS Racing Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds Jellyfish Jeopardy Jeopardy! 2 Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 Jeremy McGrath Supercross '98 Jersey Devil Jet Copter X Jet de Go! Jet Moto Jet Moto 2 Jet Moto 3 Jet Rider Jet Rider 2 JGTC: All-Japan Grand Touring Car Championship Jigoku Sensei NuBe Jigsaw Land: Japan Graffiti Jigsaw Puzzle, The Jigsaw World Jiisan 2 Tabi Bikkuri: CG Mukashibanashi Jikki Pachi-Slot Tettei Kouryaku: Speed-CR Kinkakuji 3 Jikki Pachi-Slot Tettei Kouryaku: Yamasa Collection Jikkyou Golf Master 2000 Jikkyou J-League 1999 Perfect Striker Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2000 Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2000 Ketteiban Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2001 Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2001 Ketteiban Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2002 Haru Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu '98 Kaimakuban Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu '98 Ketteiban Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu '99 Kaimakuban Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu '99 Ketteiban Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Premium-Ban Jikkyou Survival League Jikkyou World Soccer 2000 Final Edition Jikkyou: American Baseball Jikkyou: American Baseball 2 Jikkyou: Oshaberi Parodius Jikkyou: Powerful Pro Yakyuu '95 Jikkyou: Powerful Pro Yakyuu '97 Jikuu Tantei DD Jikuu Tantei DD 2 Jimmy Johnson VR Football '98 Jimmy White's Cue Ball 2 Jinchoru Jingle Cats Jinguji Saburu Jintori, The Jinx Jipangu Shima: Unmei wa Cycle ga Kimeru!? Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! 5 Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Disc Up Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Simulation Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Single: Epsilon R Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Single: Kamen Rider & Gallop Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Single: Kamen Rider V3 Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Single: Kanfuredi Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Single: Sea Master X Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Single: Super Star Dust 2 Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Single: The Kingdom Jitsumei Jikkyou Keiba Dream Classic J-League Jikkyou Winning Eleven 2000 J-League Jikkyou Winning Eleven 2000 2nd J-League Jikkyou Winning Eleven 2001 J-League Prime Goal EX J-League Soccer: Jikkyou Survival League J-League Virtual Stadium '96 J-League Winning Eleven J-League Winning Eleven 3 J-League Winning Eleven '97 J-League Winning Eleven '98-'99 Jockey Zero Johnny Bazookatone Jojo no Kimyouna Bouken Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Jojo's Venture Jonah Lomu Rugby Joou Densetsu Joryuu Meijin Kurai Ikusa Joryuu Suzume Osamu ni Chousen Jouki Kikan Kuruma Unten Simulation Jounetsu*Nekketsu: Atheletes J's Racin' Judge Dredd Juggernaut Jumping Flash! Jumping Flash! 2 Jumping Flash! 3 Jumpstart Kindergarden JumpStart Wildlife Safari Field Trip Junclassic C.C. & Rope Club Jungle Book Jungle Book Rhythm and Groove Jungle Park Junior Sports Football Junk Brain Diagnosis Jupiter Strike Jurassic Park: Lost World, The Jurassic Park: Lost World, The: Special Edition Jurassic Park: WarPath -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met K: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= K.O. The Live Boxing K-1 Arena Fighters K-1 Grand Prix K-1 Grand Prix (Japan) K-1 Grand Prix '98 K-1 Grand Prix '99 K-1 Oujya ni Narou! K-1 Revenge K-1 World Grand Prix 2001 Kaimakuden Kaeru no Ehon Kaettekita Cyborg Kuro-Chan Kaettekita Pachiokun Dream Collection Kagayaku Kisetsuhe Kagero Kaibutsu Para*Dice Kaijuu Senki Kaikan Phrase Kain no Tanoshi Mail Kain the Vampire Kaishin! Derby Analyst Kaitei Taisensou Kaiteiban Mark Yagazaki no Seiyou Senseijutsu Kaiteiban Mark Yagazaki no Seiyou Shichusuimei Kaiten, The Kaitohranma Miyabi Kakinoki Shogi Kakinoki Shogi II Kakuge-Yaro: Fighting Game Creator Kakugo no Susume Kamaitachi no Yoru: Tokubetsu-Hen Kamen Rider Kamen Rider & Gallop Kamen Rider Agito Kamen Rider Heroes Kamen Rider Kuuga Kamen Rider Ryuki Kamen Rider V3 Kamen Rider: The Bike Race Kamurai Kanashiau Koto Shika de Kinai Kanazawa Shogi '95 Kanazawa Shogi Tsuki Kanfuredi Kanji Quiz: Kanji Kentei ni Challenge Karan Koron Gakuen: Byuarabu Hen Karan Koron Gakuen: Doki Doki Hen Karan Koron Gakuen: Munekyun Hen Kart Duel 2 Kart Race Kimete wa Drift! Kartia Karyuu Jyou Kasei Monogatari Kashiramoji D Kasparov Chess Katei de Dekiru Tsubo Shiatsu Katei no Fuusui Katei no Igaku Katon-Kun Katou 1-2-3 Kudan: Shogi Kurabu Kattobi Tune Kawa no Nushi Tsuri Kaze no Klonoa Kaze no Notam Kaze no Oka Kouen Nite Keeper Keiba Eito '98 Keiba Eito '98 Akifuyu Keiba Eito '99 Haru Natsu Keiba Saisho no Housoku '95 Keiba Saisho no Housoku '96 Vol. 1 Keiba Saisho no Housoku '96 Vol. 2 Keiba Saisho no Housoku '97 Vol. 1 Keiba Saisho no Housoku '97 Vol. 2 Keiba Saisho no Housoku '99 Yaki Fuyu Keiba, The Keio Yugekitai Gaiden Keio's Flying Squadron Gaiden Keitai Eddy Kendo, The Kenki Ippa!! Kensei: Sacred Fist Kensei: The King of Boxing Kensetsu Kikai Simulator: Kenki Ippa!! Kero Kero King Khamrai Kick Off World Kickboxing Kickboxing, The Kid Klown in Crazy Chase 2: Love Love Hani Soudatsusen Kid Klown no Krazy Puzzle Kid Mix Selection Kidou Butouden G Gundam: The Battle Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor Kidou Senki Gundam W: The Battle Kidou Senshi Gundam: Giren no Yabou- Zeon no Keifu Kidou Senshi Gundam: Giren no Yabou, Zeon no Keifu- Kouryaku Shireisho Kidou Senshi Gundam: Gyakushuu no Char Kidou Senshi Gundam: The Gunjin Shogi Kids Station: Babapapa Kids Station: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Kids Station: Bokurato Asobou! Ultraman TV Kids Station: Crayon-Chan Kids Station: Digimon Pack Kids Station: Doki Doki * Norimono Daibouken Kids Station: Doraemon Kids Station: Hello Kitty no Uchi Nioi Deyo Kids Station: Hitori de Dekirumon Kids Station: Kamen Rider Heroes Kids Station: Kikansha Thomas to Nakamatachi Kids Station: Lego no Sekai Kids Station: Magical Music Eigo de One - Two - Three! Kids Station: MiniMoni ni Ninaru no da Pyon! Kids Station: Motto! Oja Majo Doremi Kids Station: Oja Majo Doremi # Kids Station: Oja Majo Doremi 2 Kids Station: Plarail Tetsudou Monoshiri Hyakka Kids Station: Ponkkikkids 21 Kids Station: Soreike! Anpanman Kids Station: Soreike! Anpanman 2 Kids Station: Soreike! Anpanman 3 Kids Station: Ugoku Tomika Zukan Kids Station: Ultraman Cosmos Kids Station: Yancharu Moncha Kiganjo Kikansha Thomas to Nakamatachi Kileak: The Blood Kileak: The Blood 2 Kileak: The DNA Imperative Killer Bass Killer Loop Killing Zone Kimagure My Baby Kimero!! Hero Gakuen Kimi ni Steady Kimi no Kimochi, Boku no Kokoro Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo 2 Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo 3 King of Bowling King of Bowling 2 King of Crusher King of Fighters '95, The King of Fighters '96, The King of Fighters '97, The King of Fighters '98, The King of Fighters '99, The King of Fighters Kyo, The King of Parlor King of Parlor 2 King of Producer King of Stallion Kingdom of Forest Kingdom, The King's Field King's Field (JP) King's Field II King's Field II (JP) King's Field III (JP) Kingsley's Adventure Kinniku Banzuke Vol.1 Kinniku Banzuke Vol.2 Kinniku Banzuke Vol.3 Kinniku Banzuke: Road to Sasuke Kirikou Kisetsu o Dakishimete Kishu Michi KISS Pinball Kisya de Go! Kita Denshi Virtua Pachi-Slot Kita Denshi Virtua Pachi-Slot 2 Kitchen Panic Kitty on Your Lap Kitty the Kool! Kiwame Plus Kiwame Plus II Kiwame: Taikyoku Shogi Kiwamu: Daidougi Kizuna Toiu Na no Pendant KKND: Krossfire Klaymen Gun-Hockey Klaymen Klaymen Klaymen Klaymen 2 Klonoa Klonoa Beach Volley Knight and Baby Knockout Kings Knockout Kings 2000 Knockout Kings 2001 Kochira Katsushikaku Kameari Kouenzen: Hashutsujo Kogepan Pan mo Game o Yarurashii Koi Koi Shimashow Koi Yohou Koiku te Quiz Motto Kojin Kyouju Kokumeikan Komocchi Konami 80's Arcade Gallery Konami Antiques Konami Antiques 2 Konami Antiques 3 Konami Arcade Classics Konami Open Golf Konbi Mahjong Awaseuchi Koneko Mo Issyo Konohana: True Report Konyamo Dorubako!! Konyamo Dorubako!! 2000 Konyamo Dorubako!! 2001 Korokoro Postnin Kosodate Quiz: My Angel Kotetsu Reiki Kotobuki Grand Prix Kouashi Kikou Shidan: Bein Panzer Koudelka Koukai Sarena Katta Shuki: Note, The Koukaku Kidoutai Koukishin wa Neko o Satsusuka Koukon no Ode: Ode to the Sunset Era Koukroseatro Kouryuu Sangoku Engi Kouryuuki Koushien V Kowai Shashin Kowloon Shiro Kowloon's Gate Koyasai Krazy Ivan Kula World KulaQuest Kuma no Pooh-San: Mori no Daikyousou! Kuma no Pooh-San: Mori no Kyoushitsu Kuma no Pooh-San: Mori no Nakamato 123 Kuma no Pooh-San: Mori no Tomodachi Kumanopu Tarou: Karaha Pinkuda! Zenin shuugou!! (Soredamessu) Kuno Ichiban Kunoichi Torimonocho Kuon no Kizuna Kurashi no Manner Kuri Skunk Kuro no Juusan Kuro no Ken Kuroi Hitomi no Noir Kurt Warner's Arena Football Unleashed Kuru Kuru Cube Kuru Kuru Panic KuruKuru MaruMaru KuruKuru Twin Kuru: Onegaioho Shisama Kurumi Miracle Kururin Pa! Kurushi Kusuri no Jiten Kuttu Ketto Kuubo Senki Kuusou Daibouken X 3 Kyorochan no Purikura Daisakusen Kyoto Bugi Monogatari Kyoufu no Yashiki Kyoufu Shinbun Kyoutei Wars Mark 6 Kyoutei, The Kyu-Bakukku Kyuin Kyuukuoku no Soukoban -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met L: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= L no Kisetsu Lagnacure Lagnacure Legend Lake Masters Lake Masters 2 Lake Masters Pro Land Before Time, The Land Before Time, The: Big Water Land Before Time, The: Great Valley Racing Adventure Land, Sea, Air - Honor, Valor, Country Landmaker Langrisser I & II Langrisser IV & V Largo Winch Las Vegas Casino Las Vegas Dream 2 Last Blade, The Last Report, The Lattice Le Concert Le Fantome de l'Opera Le Mans 24 Hours Le Monde des Bleus Le Monde des Bleus 2 Leading Jockey Leading Jockey '99 League of Pain Leaping School Festival Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Legaia Densetsu Legend Legend of Dragoon, The Legend of Heroes I & II, The Legend of Heroes III, The Legend of Heroes IV, The Legend of Legaia Legend of Mana Lego Island 2 Lego no Sekai Lego Racers Lego Rock Raiders Lego Stunt Rally Lemmings Lemmings 3D Lethal Enforcers Deluxe Pack Lethal Enforcers I & II Lets & Go!! WGP Hyper Heat Let's be a super Game Creator Let's Go BassFishing! Let's Go By Airliner Let's Go by Train Let's Go by Train 2 Let's Go Flyfishing Let's Make a School!! Let's Make a School!! 2 Let's Ride a Power Shovel!! Libero Grande Libero Grande 2 Libero Grande International Lifeforce Tenka LifeScape LifeScape 2: Body Bionics Light Fantasy Lightning Legend Lightning Slash Lilo and Stitch Linda Cubed Ling Rise Lion and the King Lion King, The Little Big Adventure Little Lovers: She So Game Little Mermaid 2, The Little Princess Little Witching Mischiefs Live Wire LMA Manager LMA Manager 2001 English Pack LMA Manager 2001 Scottish Pack LMA Manager 2002 Loaded Loch Ness Lode Runner Lode Runner 2 Lode Runner Extra Lode Runner: The Legend Returns Logic Mahjong Souryu Logic Pro Adventure Logic Puzzle Rainbow Town Lomax London Racer London Racer 2 London Seirei Tantei-Dan Lone Soldier Looney Tunes Racing Looney Tunes: Sheep Raider Looney Tunes: Sheep, Dog, 'n Wolf Loop * Sarada Lord Monarch Lord of Fist Lord of Monsters Lost Children Lost Sword Lost Vikings 2, The Lost World, The Lost World, The: Special Edition Louvre Love & Destroy Love Game's Plus: Kanari Taisen Tennis Love Game's: Wai Wai Tennis Love Game's: Wai Wai Tennis 2 Love Game's: Wai Wai Tennis Plus Love Hina Love Hina 2 Love Love Truck Love Para: Lovely Tokyo Para-Para Musume Love Therapy LoveSongs Idol wa Heart LSD Lucifer Ring Luciferd Lucky Luke Lucky Luke: Western Fever Ludo Luftwaffe Lulu Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Lunar Wing Lunar: Silver Star Story Lunatic Dawn III Lunatic Dawn Odyssey Lup*Salad: Lupupu Cube Lupin III Lupin III: Chateau de Cagliostro Saikai -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met M: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= M&Ms: Shell Shocked M: Kimi wo Tsutaete M-771 Maboroshi Tsukiyo Mach Go Go Go Machi Machine Head Machine Hunter Macross Digital Mission VF-X Macross Plus Game Edition Macross VF-X 2 Macross: Do You Remember Love Mad Panic Coaster Mad Stalker Madden NFL 2000 Madden NFL 2001 Madden NFL 2002 Madden NFL 2003 Madden NFL '97 Madden NFL '98 Madden NFL '99 Madou Reishi Shuon Maestro Music Maestro Music Encore Disc, The Maestro Music Merry Christmas Append, The Magamian Magic Beast Warriors Magic Carpet Magic: The Gathering: BattleMage Magical Date Magical Discs Magical Drop Magical Drop F Magical Drop III Magical Drop III + Wonderful! Magical Hoppers Magical Medical Magical Music Eigo de One - Two - Three! Magical Racing Tour Magical Tetris Challenge Magical Zunou Power!! Party Selection Magnetic Power Microman: Generation 2000 Mahjong (Hyper Value 2800) Mahjong (Super Price Series) Mahjong 2, The Mahjong de Asobo Mahjong Goku Sky: Atsushi Mahjong Goku Tenjiku '99 Mahjong II Mahjong Iwaonaga Shima Mahjong Iwaoryo Island Mahjong Kurabu Mahjong Ochi Chige Mahjong Ou Mahjong Senjutsu Mahjong Station Mazin Mahjong Taikai II Special Mahjong Toriadama Kikou Mahjong Uranai Fortuna Mahjong Yarouze! Mahjong Youchien: Tamago Gumi Mahjong Youchien: Tamago Gumi 2 Mahjong, The Mahou Shoujo Fuanshi Coco Mahou Shoujo Pretty Sammy Part 1 Mahou Shoujo Pretty Sammy Part 2 Mahoutsukai ni Naru Houhou Main Rotor Mainichi Houi Uranai Mainichi Neko Youbi Majoko Daisakusen Majotachi no Nemuri Makeruna! Makendo 2 Makikoh Manpuku!! Nabe Kazoku Maochan Marble Master Marby Baby Story March Madness 2000 March Madness 2001 March Madness '98 March Madness '99 Maria Maria 2 Marie no Atelier (Click Manga) Mario Mushano no Chou-Shogi-Juku Marionette Company Marionette Company 2 Mark Yagasaki no Shi-Hashira Suimyou Marriage Martial Beat Martial Beat 2 Martian Gothic: Unification Martian Memory Maru Oukoku no Ningyou Hime Maru Oukoku no Ningyou Hime 2 Maruko Enikki World Marvel Super Heroes Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter Marvel vs. Capcom Marvel vs. Capcom EX Edition Mary King Riding Star Mary-Kate and Ashley: Crush Course Mary-Kate and Ashley: Magical Mystery Mall Mary-Kate and Ashley: Winners Circle Masked Rider Mass Destruction Master Combat Master of Monsters Master's Fury, The Masters of Teras Kasi Masters Shin Haruka New Augusta Masumon Kids Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX Match Golf, The Matsumoto Reiji 999 Mawatte Mucho! Max Power Racing Max Surfing 2000 Max Surfing 2nd Maximum Force MaxRacer Maya's Fortune Telling Mayonaka no Taxi Maze Heroes: Meikyuu Densetsu Maze, The McGrath/Pastrana Motocross MDK MechWarrior 2 Medal of Honor Medal of Honor Underground Medarot R Medarot R Parts Collection Medievil Medievil II Mega Dream Destruction Mega Man Mega Man 2 Mega Man 3 Mega Man 4 Mega Man 5 Mega Man 6 Mega Man 8 Mega Man Battle & Chase Mega Man Legends Mega Man Legends 2 Mega Man X3 Mega Man X4 Mega Man X5 Mega Man X6 Megami Tensei Persona Megatudo 2096 Meguri Aishite Meiro, The Meitantei Conan Meitantei Conan 3 Meitantei Conan: 3-Jin no Meitantei Meitantei Conan: Saikou no Aibou Meitantei Contan The Board Meka Pokeler Melty Lancer: Ginga Shoujo Keisatsu 2086 Melty Lancer: Re-inforce Melty Lancer: The 3rd Planet Memorial * Series: Sunsoft Vol. 1 Memorial * Series: Sunsoft Vol. 2 Memorial * Series: Sunsoft Vol. 3 Memorial * Series: Sunsoft Vol. 4 Memorial * Series: Sunsoft Vol. 5 Memorial * Series: Sunsoft Vol. 6 Memories Off Memories Off 2nd Memories Ringing On Men in Black Men in Black - The Series: Crashdown Men in Black: Crashdown Menkyo o Torou Mercurious Pretty Meremanoid Mermaid no Kisetsu Mermaid no Kisetsu: Curtain Call Merriment Carrying Caravan Meru Purana Metal Angel 3 Metal Fist Metal Gear Solid Metal Gear Solid Integral Metal Gear Solid: Special Mission Pack Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions Metal Jacket Metal Slug Metal Slug X Metamoru Panic: Doki Doki Youma Basutazu Meta-Ph-List: Gamma X 2097 Mezase! Airline Pilot Mezase! Ikusa Tama O Mezase! Meimon Yakyubu Micheal Owens WLS 99 Michelin Rally Masters Michinoku Hisen Koimonogatari Michinoku Hitou Koimonogatari Kai Mickey and Minnie no Magical Kitchen Mickey and Minnie no Tanoshii Cooking Mickey to Nakamatachi Mickey's Wild Adventure Micro Machines Micro Machines V3 Micro Maniacs Micro Runner Microman Microman: Generation 2000 Midnight Run Midori no Makibao Mighty Hits Mighty Hits Special Migi Hadari U-SA Mike Tyson Boxing Mikuwagura Shoujo Tanteidan Mikuzi Shigeru no Yokai Butouden Milky Season Mille Miglia Million Classic Minakatakudou Toujyou MiniMoni ni Ninaru no da Pyon! MiniMoni: Dice de Pyon! MiniMoni: Shaker and Tambourine! Dapyon! Minimoni: Step Up Pyon Pyon Pyon Mini-Yonku Hakusou Kyoudai: Lets & Go!! Minna no Chess Minna no Golf Minna no Golf 2 Minna no Igo Minna no Kanji Kyoushitsu Minna no Mahjong Minna no Othello Minna no Shiiku Kyoushitsu Minna no Shogi: Chuukyuuhen Minna no Shogi: Jokyuuhen Minna no Shogi: Shokyuuhen Minnya de Ghost Hunter Miracle Jumpers Miracle World Mirano no Elevator Correction Mirumo de Pon Misa no Mahou Monogatari Misadventures of Tron Bonne, The Misaki-Aggressive! Miss Spider's Tea Party Missile Command Mission Impossible Mission, The Missland Missland 2 Mitou Minehe no Chousen: Alps Hen Mitsumete Knight Mitsumete Knight R Mizutani Junko: Believer Dreamer Mizzurna Falls MLB 2000 MLB 2001 MLB 2002 MLB 2003 MLB '98 MLB '99 MLB Pennant Race Mobile Armor Mobile One Rally Championship Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack Mobile Suit Gundam: Giren's Greed- Blood of Zeon Mobile Suit Gundam: Giren's Greed, Blood of Zeon- Kouryaku Shireisho Mobile Suit Gundam: The Gunjin Shogi Mobile Tomodachi Mobius Link 3D Moero!! Pro Yakyuu '95 Moho Mokugusun Yoyo Mokushise! Kyuukyoku Shoukanshi Momotarou Densetsu Momotarou Dentetsu 7 Momotarou Dentetsu V Momotarou Matsuri Monaco Grand Prix Monaco Grand Prix Racing Simulation 2 Money Battle, The Money Idol Exchanger Money Puzzle Exchanger Monkey Hero Monkey Magic Monopoly Monster Collection Monster Complete World Monster Complete World Ver. 2 Monster Farm Monster Farm 2 Monster Farm Battle Card Monster Farm Jump Monster House Special Monster Punish Monster Rancher Monster Rancher 2 Monster Rancher Battle Card Monster Rancher Hop-About Monster Seed Monster Trucks Monster*Race Monsters, Inc. Scream Team Moon Moon Cresta Moonlight Syndrome Moonlight to Daybreak Mori no Oukoku Morishita Suguru Yadan Kanshuu Morita Kazuo no Chess Morita Kazuo no Gomokuheibe to Rentama Morita Kazuo no Hanafuda Morita Kazuo no Mahjong Morita Kazuo no Reversi Morita Kazuo no Shogi Dojo Morita Shogi Mort the Chicken Mortal Kombat 3 Mortal Kombat 4 Mortal Kombat II Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero Mortal Kombat Trilogy Mortal Kombat: Special Forces Mortimer the Chicken Moses Prince of Egypt Moto Racer Moto Racer 2 Moto Racer World Tour Motocross Madness Motocross Mania Motor Mash Motor Toon Grand Prix Motor Toon Grand Prix (JP) Motor Toon Grand Prix 2 Motor Toon Grand Prix USA Edition Motorhead Motteke Tamago with Ganbare Kamonohasi Motto Trump Shiyouyo! Motto! Nyan to Wonderful 2 Motto! Oja Majo Doremi Moujya Mouri Motonari: Chikai no Sanshi Mr. Domino Mr. Driller Mr. Driller Great Mr. Prospector Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness MTB Dirt Cross MTV Music Generator MTV Snowboarding MTV Sports: Pure Ride MTV Sports: Skateboarding MTV Sports: T.J. Lavin's Ultimate BMX Muchicco Dai-kessen Mulan: Story Studio Mummy, The Munasawagi no Yokan Mundiales '98 Munekyun Hen Muppet Monster Adventure Muppet Race Mania Murakoshi Masami no Bakuchou Nippon Rettou Murakoshi Masami no Bakuchou Nippon Rettou 2 Murakoshi Masami no Bakuchou Nippon Rettou: TsuriCon Edition Murasaki Kinshiro Murder on the Eurasia Express Muscle Ranking Vol. 1 Muscle Ranking Vol. 2 Muscle Ranking Vol. 3 Muscle Ranking: Road to Sasuke Mushi no Idokoro Mushi Taro Music Music 2000 Muteki-Oh Tri-Zenon My Angel My Cooking My Disney Kitchen My Dream My Garden My Home Dream My Home Dream 2 Myst Mystic Ark Mystic Dragoons, The Mystic Mind -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met N: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= N2O: Nitrous Oxide Na Kuruma Retsuden: Greatest 70's Nadashiki Unou de Adventure Nagano Winter Olympics '98 Nage Libre Nagetto~ Gekisoku! Purupuru Shoutengai Nainai no Kiyotantei Nakajima Miyuki: Namiromu Namco Anthology 1 Namco Anthology 2 Namco Museum Encore Namco Museum Vol. 1 Namco Museum Vol. 2 Namco Museum Vol. 3 Namco Museum Vol. 4 Namco Museum Vol. 5 Namco Smash Court Tennis Namco Soccer Prime Goal Namiromu Nanatsu no Hikan Naniwa Kinyuu Michi Naniwa no Akindo Naniwa Wangan Battle Nankuro Nankuro 2 Nankuro 3 Nankuro 4 Nankuro 5 Nanotek Warrior Nantettantei Idol: The Jigsaw Puzzle NASCAR 2000 NASCAR 2001 NASCAR '98 NASCAR '99 NASCAR Heat NASCAR Racers NASCAR Racing NASCAR Rumble NASCAR Thunder 2002 NASCAR Thunder 2003 Nasiria's Revenge Natsuiro Kenjutsu Komachi Navit Nazo-Makai-Mura Nazo-Oh NBA Basketball 2000 NBA FastBreak '98 NBA Hang Time NBA Hoopz NBA In The Zone NBA In The Zone 2 NBA In The Zone 2000 NBA In The Zone '98 NBA In The Zone '99 NBA Jam Extreme NBA Jam Tournament Edition NBA Live 2000 NBA Live 2001 NBA Live 2002 NBA Live 2003 NBA Live '96 NBA Live '97 NBA Live '98 NBA Live '99 NBA Power Dunkers NBA Power Dunkers 2 NBA Power Dunkers 3 NBA Power Dunkers 4 NBA Power Dunkers 5 NBA Pro '98 NBA ShootOut NBA ShootOut 2000 NBA ShootOut 2001 NBA ShootOut 2002 NBA ShootOut 2003 NBA ShootOut '97 NBA ShootOut '98 NBA Showtime NCAA '99 NCAA Final Four 2000 NCAA Final Four 2001 NCAA Final Four '97 NCAA Final Four '99 NCAA Football 2000 NCAA Football 2001 NCAA Football '98 NCAA Football '99 NCAA GameBreaker NCAA Gamebreaker 2000 NCAA Gamebreaker 2001 NCAA GameBreaker '98 NCAA GameBreaker '99 NCAA March Madness 2000 NCAA March Madness 2001 NCAA March Madness '98 NCAA March Madness '99 Nechan, Hanafuda de Shoubu Ya Nechan, Tsuri Iku De! Necronomicon Nectaris: Military Madness Need for Speed 4: Road Challenge Need for Speed 5 Need for Speed II Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit Need for Speed, The Need for Speed: High Stakes Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed Need for Speed: V-Rally Need for Speed: V-Rally 2 Nekketsu Oyako Nekketsu Seishun Nikki 2 Neko na Ka-n-ke-i Neko no Kaikata Nekozamurai Nemu Lu Masu Neo Atlas Neo Atlas II Neo Planet Neon Genesis Evangelion- Eva: Yukai na Nakama Tachi Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of Steel Neorude Neorude 2 Neorude: Kizamareta Monshou Netsu Suna no Hoshi Neues New Generation Robot Chronicles: Brave Saga New Horizons New Japan Pro Wrestling New Japan Pro Wrestling 2 New Japan Pro Wrestling 3 New Pulsar R New Super Robot Wars New Super Robot Wars Special Edition Newman Haas Racing Next King: Koi no Sennen Oukoku Next Tetris DLX, The Next Tetris, The NFL Blitz NFL Blitz 2000 NFL Blitz 2001 NFL Full Contact NFL GameDay NFL GameDay 2000 NFL GameDay 2001 NFL GameDay 2002 NFL GameDay 2003 NFL GameDay '97 NFL GameDay '98 NFL GameDay '99 NFL Quarterback Club '97 NFL Xtreme NFL Xtreme 2 N-Gauge Unten Kibun Game NGEN Racing NHL 2000 NHL 2001 NHL '97 NHL '98 NHL '99 NHL Blades of Steel 2000 NHL Breakaway '98 NHL Championship 2000 NHL FaceOff NHL FaceOff 2000 NHL FaceOff 2001 NHL FaceOff '97 NHL FaceOff '98 NHL FaceOff '99 NHL Open Ice NHL PowerPlay '98 NHL Powerplay Hockey '96 NHL PowerRink '97 NHL Rock the Rink Nice Cats Nichibutsu Arcade Classics Nichibutsu Mahjong Joshikou: Meijin Ikusa Nickelodeon's CatDog: Saving Mean Bob NickToons Racing Night Head: The Labyrinth Night Raid Night Striker Nightmare Creatures Nightmare Creatures II NightTruth Nijiiro Dodge Ball Nijiiro no Seishun Nijiiro Twinkle Nikaku Dori Deluxe Ningyo no Rakuin Ninja Jaja Marukun: Onikiri Ninpoucho Ninja: Shadow of Darkness Ninku Ninpu Sentai Harikenger Nintei O Nippon Golf Kyoukai Kanshuu Nippon Oozumou Nippon Pro Mahjong Renmei Kounin: Doujou Yaburi Nippon Pro Mahjong Renmei Kounin: Doujou Yaburi 2 Nippon Pro Mahjong Renmei Kounin: Honkaku Pro Mahjong Nippon Pro Mahjong Renmei Kounin: Shin Tetsuman Nippon Pro Mahjong Renmei Kounin: Temodoki Mahjong Nippon Pro Yakyuu 2002 Nippon Sumo Kyoukai Kounin: Nippon Oozumou Nishijin Pachinko Tengoku EX Nishijin Pachinko Tengoku Vol. 1 Nishijin Pachinko Tengoku Vol. 2 Nishijin Pachinko Tengoku Vol. 3 Nishijin Pachinko Tettei Kouryaku Nitoshinden No Fear Downhill Mountain Biking No One Can Stop Mr. Domino NO-appointment Gals Olympos Nobunaga Hiroku: Ge-Ten no Yume Nobunaga no Yabou: Bushou Fuuunroku Nobunaga no Yabou: Haouden Nobunaga no Yabou: Reppuuden Nobunaga no Yabou: Reppuuden with Power Pack Nobunaga no Yabou: Returns Nobunaga no Yabou: Sengouku Gunyuuden Nobunaga no Yabou: Shouseiroku Nobunaga no Yabou: Shouseiroku with Power Pack Nobunaga no Yabou: Tenshoki Nobunaga no Yabou: Tenshoki with Power Pack Nobunaga no Yabou: Zenkokuban Nobunaga Shippuuki: Ko Nobunaga's Ambition Nobunaga's Ambition II Noddy's Magical Adventure NOel 3: Mission on the Line NOel: La Neige NOel: La Neige Special NOel: Not Digital Noir Yeux Noire Noise Noise Reduction Nomad Soul, The Noon Norikae Annai: 2000 Edition Norse by Norsewest Not Treasure Hunter Note, The Nothing But Loving You Novastorm Novels Nuclear Strike Nukumori no Nakade NuPa Nurse Monogatari Nyan Nayn Ganyan Nyan to Wonderful Nyan to Wonderful 2 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met O: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O.D.T. Oasis Road Obee: Tale of the Circus Ochan no Oekaki Logic Ochan no Oekaki Logic 2 Ochan no Oekaki Logic 3 Ochanoma Battle Oda Nobunaga Den Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee Odo Odo Oddity Oekaki Puzzle Oekaki Puzzle 2 Oekaki Puzzle 3 Oekaki Puzzle 4 Oekaki Puzzle 5 Official Formula 1 Racing Official US PlayStation Magazine 1 Official US PlayStation Magazine 10 Official US PlayStation Magazine 11 Official US PlayStation Magazine 12 Official US PlayStation Magazine 13 Official US PlayStation Magazine 14 Official US PlayStation Magazine 15 Official US PlayStation Magazine 16 Official US PlayStation Magazine 17 Official US PlayStation Magazine 18 Official US PlayStation Magazine 19 Official US PlayStation Magazine 2 Official US PlayStation Magazine 20 Official US PlayStation Magazine 21 Official US PlayStation Magazine 22 Official US PlayStation Magazine 23 Official US PlayStation Magazine 24 Official US PlayStation Magazine 25 Official US PlayStation Magazine 26 Official US PlayStation Magazine 27 Official US PlayStation Magazine 28 Official US PlayStation Magazine 29 Official US PlayStation Magazine 3 Official US PlayStation Magazine 30 Official US PlayStation Magazine 31 Official US PlayStation Magazine 32 Official US PlayStation Magazine 33 Official US PlayStation Magazine 34 Official US PlayStation Magazine 35 Official US PlayStation Magazine 36 Official US PlayStation Magazine 37 Official US PlayStation Magazine 38 Official US PlayStation Magazine 39 Official US PlayStation Magazine 4 Official US PlayStation Magazine 40 Official US PlayStation Magazine 41 Official US PlayStation Magazine 42 Official US PlayStation Magazine 43 Official US PlayStation Magazine 44 Official US PlayStation Magazine 45 Official US PlayStation Magazine 46 Official US PlayStation Magazine 47 Official US PlayStation Magazine 48 Official US PlayStation Magazine 5 Official US PlayStation Magazine 6 Official US PlayStation Magazine 7 Official US PlayStation Magazine 8 Official US PlayStation Magazine 9 Off-World Interceptor Extreme Ogarian Atoden Ogre Battle Oh No! Oh! Bakyuuun Oh! Yah! Oha Star Dance Dance Revolution Oja Majo Doremi # Oja Majo Doremi Dokkan! Nijiiro Paradise Oja Majo Doremi: Dokkan Maho Doueigo Festival Ojyousama Express Okaeri! Okappari-Oh Olympia Takasago: Virtua Pachi-Slot III Olympia Yamasa: Virtua Pachi-Slot II Olympic Games: Atlanta '96 Olympic Soccer Olympic Summer Games Omega Boost Omiai Commando Omikron: The Nomad Soul Omise de Tensyu Omizu no Kadou One One on One One Piece Grand Battle 2 One Piece Grand Battle! One Piece Mansion One Piece: Tobidase Kaizoudan! One Two Smash: Tanoshii Tennis Ongaku Tsukuru 3 Ongaku Tsukuru: Kanade-Ru 2 Oni Rei Fukkatsu Oni Taiji, The Oni Zero: Fukkatsu Onigokko, The Ooedo Huusui Ingaritsu Hanabi 2 Open Golf, The Opera Za no Kaijin Operator's Side Option Tuning Car Battle Option Tuning Car Battle 2 Option Tuning Car Battle Spec-R Oracle no Houseki Ore no Ryouri Ore no Shikabane o Koete Yuke Ore no Yatto: Ganbare Nippon Challenge Ore! Tomba Osaka Osaka Naniwa Matenrow Oshaberi Parodius Oshi no Mu Oshigoto Nojinsei Game Otenami Haiken Otenki Kororin Othello World II Other Life: Azure Dreams Otogirisou Sosei-Hen Otona no Asobi Ouji-sama LV1 Ouji-sama LV1.5 Oukyuu no Hihou: Tenshon Oumagatoki Oumagatoki 2 Our Graduation Out Live Outlaws of the Lost Dynasty Over Drivin' DX Over Drivin' II Over Drivin' III Over Drivin' IV Over Drivin' Skyline Memorial OverBlood OverBlood 2 Overboard Oyaji no Jikan: Nechan, Hanafuda de Shoubu Ya Oyaji no Jikan: Nechan, Mahjong de Shoubu Ya Oyaji no Jikan: Nechan, Tsuri Iku De! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met P: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= P.T.O. II P.T.O. III P.T.O. III with Power Pack Pacapaca Passion Pacapaca Passion 2 Pacapaca Passion Special Pachi Pachi Saga Pachinko & Pachi-Slot Parlor! Pro Extra Pachinko Aruze Oukoku Pachinko Daisuki Pachinko Dream Pachinko Hall Shinso Dai Kaiten Pachinko, The Pachiokun: Pachinko Land Adventure Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku 2 Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku 3 Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku 4 Pachi-Slot Aruze Oukoku 5 Pachi-Slot Kanzen Kaiseki: Wet2 Poker Pachi-Slot Kanzen Kouryaku 1 Pachi-Slot Kanzen Kouryaku 2 Pachi-Slot Kanzen Kouryaku 3 Pachi-Slot Kanzen Kouryaku 4 Pachi-Slot Kanzen Kouryaku: Takasago Super Project Pachi-Slot Kanzen Kouryaku: Takasago Super Project 2 Pachi-Slot Master Pachi-Slot Teiou Pachi-Slot Teiou 2 Pachi-Slot Teiou 3 Pachi-Slot Teiou 4 Pachi-Slot Teiou 5 Pachi-Slot Teiou 6 Pachi-Slot Teiou 7 Pachi-Slot Teiou Maker Suishou Manual 1 Pachi-Slot Teiou Maker Suishou Manual 2 Pachi-Slot Teiou Maker Suishou Manual 3 Pachi-Slot Teiou Maker Suishou Manual 4 Pachi-Slot Teiou Maker Suishou Manual 5 Pachi-Slot Teiou Maker Suishou Manual 6 Pachi-Slot Teiou Maker Suishou Manual 7 Pachi-Slot Teiou Mini: Dr. A7 Pachi-Slot Teiou W Pachi-Slot Teiou: Battle Night/Atlantis Dome Pachi-Slot Teiou: Bunny Girl SP Pachi-Slot Teiou: CR Soreite Hama-Chan 2 Pachi-Slot Teiou: D-Train Pegasus Pachi-Slot Teiou: Golgo 13 Las Vegas Pachi-Slot Teiou: Naniwaou Fubuki Pachi-Slot Teiou: Shimabai 30 Pachi-Slot Teiou: Yamasa Remix Pachi-Slot, The Pachitte Chonmage Pachitte Chonmage 2 Pachitte Chonmage 3 Pac-Man World Paipai Pairuappu Machi Pajama Sam Pakuchikou Seabass Fishing PAL Palm Town Pandemonium Pandemonium 2 Pandora Project Panekit Panel Quiz Attack 25 Pangaea Panzer Bandit Panzer Front Panzer Front bis. Panzer General Panzer General Assault Panzer Warfare Paperboy PAQA Paradise Casino ParanoiaScape PaRappa The Rapper Parasite Eve Parasite Eve II Parlor Station Parlor! Pro Parlor! Pro 2 Parlor! Pro 3 Parlor! Pro 4 Parlor! Pro 5 Parlor! Pro 6 Parlor! Pro 7 Parlor! Pro 8 Parlor! Pro Collection Parlor! Pro Jr. Collection Parlor! Pro Jr. Vol. 1 Parlor! Pro Jr. Vol. 2 Parlor! Pro Jr. Vol. 3 Parlor! Pro Jr. Vol. 4 Parlor! Pro Jr. Vol. 5 Parlor! Pro Jr. Vol. 6 Parlor! Pro Special Paro Wars Parodius Passing Beat Pastel Muse Pasterumyu Zoo Patlabor Pax Corpus PD Ultraman Invader Peak Performance Pebble Beach no Hatou Plus Penny Racers Pepsiman Perfect Fishing: Bass Fishing Perfect Fishing: Rock Fishing Perfect Golf Perfect Golf 2 Perfect Insider, The Perfect Performer: The Yellow Monkey Perfect Weapon Perpetual Blue Persona Persona 2 Persona 2: Batsu Persona 2: Eternal Punishment Persona 2: Innocent Sin Persona 2: Tsumi Pet in TV Pet in TV with my dear Dog Pet Pet Pet Peter Jacobsen Golden Tee Golf Peter Pan in Return to Neverland PGA European Tour Golf PGA Tour '96 PGA Tour '97 PGA Tour '98 Phantom Menace, The Phat Air: Extreme Snowboarding Philosoma PhotoGenic Pi Tomeru Picks no Daibouken Picnic! Excellent Pikinya! EX Pikupiku Sentarou Pilot Academy Pilot Nina Rou Pinball Fantasies Deluxe Pinball Golden Logres Pinball Power Pinball, The Pink Panther, The Pinobee no Daibouken Pinocchia no Miru Yume Pipe Dreams 3D Pipemania 3D Pitagraph Pitatto Pair Pitball Pitfall 3D Pixygarden Planet Dob Planet Laika Planet of the Apes Planetarium Planetokio Plarail Tetsudou Monoshiri Hyakka Play de Oboeru Chuugaku Eitango Deruderu 1200 Play de Oboeru Eijukugo Deruderu 750 Play de Oboeru Eitango Deruderu Play de Oboeru Eitango Deruderu 1700 Play de Oboeru Kanji Kentai Deruderu 1100 Play de Oboeru Series Nihonshi Quiz Deruderu 1800 Play de Oboeru Series Sekaishi Quiz Deruderu 1800 Play de Oboeru Toeic Test Goku DeruDeru 1700 Play Stadium Play Stadium 2 Play Stadium 3 Play Stadium 4 Play with the Teletubbies Player Manager Player Manager 2000 Player Manager 2001 Player Manager 2002 Player Manager '99 Playstation Underground Vol. 1 Issue 1 Playstation Underground Vol. 1 Issue 2 Playstation Underground Vol. 1 Issue 3 Playstation Underground Vol. 1 Issue 4 Playstation Underground Vol. 2 Issue 1 Playstation Underground Vol. 2 Issue 2 Playstation Underground Vol. 2 Issue 3 Playstation Underground Vol. 2 Issue 4 Playstation Underground Vol. 3 Issue 1 Playstation Underground Vol. 3 Issue 2 Playstation Underground Vol. 3 Issue 3 Playstation Underground Vol. 3 Issue 4 Playstation Underground Vol. 4 Issue 1 Playstation Underground Vol. 4 Issue 2 Plucky's Big Adventure Plue no Daibouken Pocke-Kano: Fumio Ueno Pocke-Kano: Shizuka Houjouin Pocke-Kano: Yumi Aida Pocket Digimon World Pocket Digimon World: Cool & Nature Battle Disc Pocket Digimon World: Wind Battle Disc Pocket Dungeon Pocket Family Pocket Fighter Pocket Jiman Pocket Kurumon: Digimon Tamers Pocket MuuMuu Pocket Tuner PO'ed Point Blank Point Blank 2 Point Blank 3 Poitters' Point Poitters' Point 2 Pojitto PokeHito Pokeler Pokeler DX Black Pokeler DX Pink Polaris SnoCross Policenauts Policenauts Private Collection Pong Ponkkikkids 21 Pooh's Party Games Pool Bar Story Pool Hustler Pool Shark Pop 'n' Pop Pop'n Music Pop'n Music 2 Pop'n Music 3 Append Disc Pop'n Music 4 Append Disc Pop'n Music 5 Pop'n Music 6 Pop'n Music Animation Melody Pop'n Music Disney Tunes Pop'n Tanks PoPoLoCrois PoPoLoCrois II PoPoLoCrois Monogatari II PoPoRoGue Popstars Makers Populous: The Beginning Porsche Challenge Porto Estado Potestas Power Diggerz Power Dolls 2 Power Instinct 2 Power League Power Move Pro Wrestling Power Play Sports Trivia Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue Power Rangers Pinball Zeo Power Rangers Time Force Power Serve Tennis Power Shovel Power Shovel ni Norou!! Power Shovel, The Power Slave Power Source Power Spike Pro Beach Volleyball Power Stakes Power Stakes 2 Power Stakes Grade 1 Powerboat Racing Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2000 Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2000 Ketteiban Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2001 Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2001 Ketteiban Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2002 Haru Powerful Pro Yakyuu '95 Powerful Pro Yakyuu '97 Powerful Pro Yakyuu '98 Kaimakuban Powerful Pro Yakyuu '98 Ketteiban Powerful Pro Yakyuu '99 Kaimakuban Powerful Pro Yakyuu '99 Ketteiban Powerpuff Girls, The: Chemical X-Traction Poy Poy Poy Poy 2 Premier Manager 2000 Premier Manager '98 Premier Manager '99 Primal Rage Prince Naseem Boxing Princess Maker Pocket Dai-sakusen Princess Maker: Go! Go! Princess Princess Maker: Yumemiru Yosei Princess of Darkness Prism Court Prism Land Prism Land Story Prismaticallization Prisoner Prisoner of Ice Pro 18 World Golf Pro Evolution Soccer Pro Evolution Soccer 2 Pro Mahjong Kiwame Plus Pro Mahjong Kiwame Plus II Pro Mahjong Kiwame Tengensenhen Pro Mahjong Tsuwamono 2 Pro Mahjong Tsuwamono 3 Pro Mahjong Tsuwamono 3EP Pro Mahjong, The: Menkyo Minnaten Pro Pinball Pro Pinball: Big Race USA Pro Pinball: Fantastic Journey Pro Pinball: Timeshock! Pro Wrestling Pro Wrestling 2, The Pro Wrestling Sengoku Pro Wrestling Sengoku 2 Pro Wrestling Sengokuten Pro Wrestling, The Pro Yakyuu Nettou Puzzle Stadium Pro Yakyuu Simulation Dugout '99 Project GaiaRay Project Horned Owl Project Overkill Project V6 Pro-Logic Mahjong Pai-Shin Proof Club Psybadek Psychic Detective Psychic Force Psychic Force 2 Psychic Force Puzzle Taisen Psychological Game 10, The Psychological Game 2, The Psychological Game 3, The Psychological Game 5, The Psychological Game 6, The Psychological Game 7, The Psychological Game 8, The Psychological Game 9, The Psychological Game IV, The Psychological Game, The Psychometrer Eiji Puchi Carat Puffy no P.S. I Love You Puffy: Puffy no P.S. I Love You Pukunpa: Joshikouki no Houkago PuLiRuLa Puma Street Soccer Punch de Diet Punch the Monkey! Game Edition Punky Skunk Puppet Zoo Pilomy Purumi Purumi Pururun! With Shieipu UP Garuzu Putter Golf Putter Golf, The Puyo Puyo Box Puyo Puyo Sun Ketteiban Puyo Puyo Tsuu Ketteiban Puyo Puyo~n Puzzle 2, The Puzzle Arena Toshinden Puzzle Bobble 2 Puzzle Bobble 3 DX Puzzle Bobble 4 Puzzle de Bowling Puzzle Mania Puzzle Mania 2 Puzzle, The Puzzle: Star Sweep PuzzLoop Puzznic -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met Q: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Q Kiwame Quiz Q*Bert Q-Boat Qix 2000 Quake II Quantum Gate Queens Road Quest for Fame Quiz $ Millionaire Quiz $ Millionaire: Waku Waku Party Quiz 2, The Quiz Bangumi, The Quiz Charaokedon! Quiz Charaokedon! Part 2 Quiz Darakeno Jinsei Game Quiz Darakeno Jinsei Game 2 Quiz de Battle Quiz Master Blue Quiz Master Red Quiz Master Yellow Quiz Nanairo Dreams: Nijiiro Machi no Kiseki Quiz, The Quo Vadis: Iberukatsu Ikusaeki -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met R: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= R.C. Racer R.C. Stunt Copter R: Rock'n Riders R?MJ: The Mystery Hospital R4: Ridge Racer Type 4 Race Drivin' a Go! Go! Race of Champions, The Race, The Race'n Robots Racing Racing Groovy VS Racing Lagoon Radikal Bikers Rage Racer Rageball Raging Skies Raiden DX Raiden Project, The Railroad Tycoon 2 Rainbow Six Rainbow Six: Lone Wolf Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear Rainbow Wings Rakugaki Showtime Rakushiku Manabu Unten Menkyo Rally Championship Rally Cross Rally Cross 2 Rally De Africa Rally de Europe Rally Masters Rama Ramen Hashi Rampage 2: Universal Tour Rampage Through Time Rampage World Tour Ran Soccer Ranma 1/2: Battle Renaissance Ranma-Chan no Ooeto Surogoku Rapid Angel, The Rapid Racer Rapid Reload Rascal Rasetsu no Ken Rat Attack Raven Project, The RayBlade RayCrisis Rayman Rayman 2 Rayman 2: Back to School Rayman Arena Rayman Brain Games Rayman Education Range Rayman Junior: Stage 1 Rayman Junior: Stage 2 Rayman Junior: Stage 3 Rayman M Rayman Rush RayStorm RayTracers Razor Freestyle Scooter Razor Racing RC Car, The RC de GO! RC Helicopter RC Revenge Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2 Ready Maid Real Age Real Bout Garou Densetsu Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special Real Racing, The: Toyota Real Robot Battle Line Real Robots Final Attack Rebel Assault II ReBoot Rebus Recipro Heat 5000 Red Alert Red Alert Retaliation Red Asphalt Reel Fishing Reel Fishing II Refrain Love Refrain Love 2 Reikoku Re-Loaded Remote Control Dandy Renai Adventure, The Renai Kouhosei Renai Kouza Real Age Renai Simulation 2, The Renegade Racers Reportage Beyond the Sea, The Rescue 24 Hours Rescue Copter Rescue Heroes: Molten Menace Rescue Shot Bubibo Resident Evil Resident Evil 2 Resident Evil 2: Dual Shock Edition Resident Evil 3 Resident Evil: Director's Cut Resident Evil: Director's Cut - Dual Shock Resident Evil: Survivor Restaurant Dream Resurrection Retro Force Return Fire Return to Zork Revenge of the Beanstalk Reversi Reversi 2, The Reversi II Reversi, The Reverthion Re-Volt Re-Volt 2 Revolution X Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure Rhythm 'n' Face Richi Mahjong Ridegear Guybrave Ridegear Guybrave II Ridge Racer Ridge Racer Revolution Ridge Racer Type 4 Rikujou Boueitai Maochan Ring of Sias Riot Riot Stars Rise 2: Resurrection Rising Zan Risk Ritoru Cats Rival Schools Rival Schools Evolution 2 Riven Road & Track Presents: Need for Speed, The Road & Track Presents: Over Drivin' DX Road Fighter 2 Road Monarch: Shin Gaia Okakuki Road Rage Road Rash Road Rash 3D Road Rash Jailbreak Road to El Dorado, The Roadsters Robbit Mon Dieu Robo-Pit Robo-Pit 2 Robot X Robot Robotron X Robots: Video Alchemy Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots Arena Rock 'n Roll Racing II Rocket Power: Team Rocket Rescue RockMan RockMan 2 RockMan 3 RockMan 4 RockMan 5 RockMan 6 RockMan 8 RockMan Battle & Chase RockMan Dash RockMan Dash 2 RockMan X3 RockMan X4 RockMan X5 RockMan X6 Rock'n Riders Rocky & Hopper Rocky & Hopper Vol. 2 Rogue Spear Rogue Trip Roland Garros 2001 Roll Away RollCage RollCage Extreme RollCage: Stage 2 Romance of the Three Kingdoms II Romance of the Three Kingdoms III Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV Romance of the Three Kingdoms V Romance of the Three Kingdoms VI Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII Romance wa Ken no Kagayaki II Ronaldo V-Football Ronaldo V-Soccer Ronin Blade Roommate: Inoue Ryoko Roscoe McQueen Roswell Conspiracies Rox RPG Maker RPG Tsukuru 3 RPG Tsukuru 4 R-Type Delta R-Types Rubbish Blazon Rugby 2000 Rugrats in Paris Rugrats Studio Tour Rugrats: Search for Reptar Rugrats: Totally Angelica Runabout Runabout 2 Rune no Joka Rung Rung Running High Running Wild Rurouni Kenshin: Ishin Gekitouhen Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenyaku Romantan Rush Down Rush Hour Ryougae Puzzle Moujya Ryouri Ryuki Densyo: Dragoon RyuuRyuu -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met S: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= S.C.A.R.S. S.Q. Sound Qube Saboteur Sabre Marionette J Sabrina the Teenage Witch Safari Tokyo SaGa Frontier SaGa Frontier 2 Saikyo Todai Shogi Saikyo Todai Shogi 2 Saikyou Ginsei Chess Saikyou Ginsei Mahjong Saikyou Ginsei Mahjong 2 Saikyou no Go Saikyou no Shogi Sailor Moon Super S Saishuu Densha Saiyuki: Journey West Sakakuchi Goro Kudan no Rentama BPV Sakamoto Ryuma: Ishinkai Kuni Sakigake!! Otojo Juku Sakkyoku Surundamon Dance Remix Sakumashiki Jensei Game Salamander Deluxe Pack Plus Salary Man Champ Salary Man Kintaro: The Game Salary Man Settai Mahjong Saltwater Sportfishing Sammy Revolution Sammy Revolution 2 Sammy Sosa High Heat Baseball 2001 Sammy Sosa Softball Slam Sampaguita Sampras Extreme Tennis Samurai Deeper Kyo Samurai Shodown III Samurai Shodown RPG Samurai Shodown: Warriors Rage Samurai Shodown: Warriors Rage 2 Samurai Spirits Bushidouretsuden Samurai Spirits IV Samurai Spirits: Kenkaku Yubinan Pack Samurai Spirits: Zankuro Musouken San Francisco Rush San Goku Shi II San Goku Shi III San Goku Shi IV with Power Pack San Goku Shi Returns San Goku Shi V San Goku Shi V with Power Pack San Goku Shi VI San Goku Shi VI with Power Pack San Goku Shi VII San Goku Shi: Ei Ketsu Den San Goku Shi: Koumeiten Sangoku Musou Sankyo Fever Sankyo Fever Vol. 2 Sankyo Fever Vol. 3 Sankyo Fever: Downtown Geki Sanvein Sanyo Pachinko Paradise Sanyo Pachinko Paradise 2 Sanyo Pachinko Paradise 3 Sanyo Pachinko Paradise 4 Sanyo Pachinko Paradise 5 Sanyo Pachinko Paradise DX Saru! Get You! SatelliTV Satomi no Nazo Schrodinger no Neko Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase Scooter Racing Scrabble Screen SD Gundam Eiyuuden SD Gundam G Generation Zero SD Gundam G Generation-F SD Gundam G Generation-F If SD Gundam: G Century SD Gundam: G Generation SD Gundam: Over Galaxian Sea Master X SeaBass 1-2-3 SeaBass Fishing 2 Sea-Doo HydroCross Segare Ijiri Seiji wo Asobou Seikai no Monshou Seiken Densetsu: Legend of Mana Seikoku 1092: Souheiden Seimei Handan Seirei Hata RayBlade Seirei Songs Seireki 1999: Fury no Fukkatsu Seirishoukan Seiryuu Densetsu Seisenshi Dunbine Seisyoujokantai Virgin Fleet Seiyousenseijyutsu Sekai Saikyou Ginsei Igo Sekai Saikyou Ginsei Shogi Sen Miyako Monogatari: Sono I Sengoku Bushou, The Sengoku Cyber Sengoku Mugen Senkai Taisen Senkai Tsuuroku Seishi Senran Senryaku Shidan Senryaku Shogi Sensha, The Sensuikan, The Sentient Sentimental Graffiti Sentimental Graffiti Yakusoku Sentimental Journey Sentinel Returns Sentou Kokka Sentou Kokka Kai Improved Sentou, The Septentrion serial experiments lain Serofans Sesame Street Sports Sesame Street: Elmo's Letter Adventure Sesame Street: Elmo's Number Journey Seven Lithographs in Shining Island Seven Mansions Sexy Parodius Shachou Eiyuuden Shadow and Shadow Shadow Gunner Shadow Madness Shadow Man Shadow Master Shadow of the Horned Rat Shadow Struggle Shadow Tower Shake Kids Shaker and Tambourine! Dapyon! Shaman King: Spirit of Shamans Shane Warne Cricket '99 Shanghai Shanghai Dynasty Shanghai: Great Moments Shanghai: Matekibuyu Shanghai: Shouryuu Sairin Shanghai: The Great Wall Shanghai: True Valor Shao Lin Sheep Sheep Raider Sheep, Dog, 'n Wolf ShellShock Sherd of Youthful Memories, A Shichisei Toushin: Guyferd Shienryu Shi-Hashira Suimyou Shikami No Maki Shiki Oriori no Bass Tsuri Shin Dragon Half Shin Fortune Quest: Sokutaku no Kishi Shin Gaia Okakuki Shin Masoukishin Shin Megami Tensei Shin Megami Tensei If Shin Megami Tensei II Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children Shin SD Sengokuden Kidou Musha Taisen Shin Sedai Robot Senki: Brave Saga Shin Seiki GPX: Cyber Formula Shin Seiki GPX: Cyber Formula- Aratanaru Chousensha Shin Senki VanGale Shin Shikoutei Shin Super Robot Taisen Shin Super Robot Taisen Special Edition Shin Tetsuman Shin Theme Park Shingata Kururin Pa! Shinji Daigeki Action: Rasetsu no Ken Shinkirou Kairou Shinri Game (Simple 1500 Jitsuyou) Shinri Game 10, The Shinri Game 2, The Shinri Game 3, The Shinri Game 5, The Shinri Game 6, The Shinri Game 7, The Shinri Game 8, The Shinri Game 9, The Shinri Game IV, The Shinri Game, The Shinsei Toire no Kakosan Shinseiki Evangelion- Eva: Yukai na Nakama Tachi Shinseiki Evangelion: Koutetsu no Girlfriend Shinseiten Megashido Shinsetsu: Samurai Spirits Bushidouretsuden Shinshuku Taisen: It's a Noni! Shinsou Kaiten: Wanwan Umi Monogatari Shinzui Go Sennin Shinzui Go Sennin 2 ShipWreckers Shiritsu Houou Gakuen: 1-toshi Junai Kumi Shiritsu Houou Gakuen: 2-toshi Junai Kumi Shiritsu Houou Gakuen: 3-toshi Junai Kumi Shiritsu Houou Gakuen: Natural Heart Shiritsu Houou Gakuen: Pure Heart Shiritsu Houou Gakuen: Sweet Heart Shiritsu Justice Gakuen Shiritsu Justice Gakuen: Nekketsu Seishun Nikki 2 Shisenfu Gekikara Mahjong Shisenshou, The Shisha no Yobu Tachi Shockwave Shockwave Assault Shockwave: Operation Jumpgate Shogi 2, The Shogi II Shogi Kurabu Shogi Saikyou II Shogi Saikyou Pro Nimanabu Shogi, The Shogi: Joryuu Meijin Kurai Ikusa Shoku Mikuwagura Shoujo Tanteidan Shooter: Space Shot Shooter: Starfighter Sanvein Shooting King Shooting, The Short Fuses Shoryu Sangokuengi Shovel Master Ninarou! KENKI Ippatsu! Shrek: Treasure Hunt Shura no Mon Shutokou Battle Shutokou Battle Gaiden Shutokou Battle R Shuukan Gallop: Blood Master Side by Side Special Side by Side Special 2000 Side Pocket 3 Sidewinder Sidewinder 2 Silent Bomber Silent Fleet Silent Hill Silent Mobius Silent Mobius - Genei no Datenshi Silhouette * Stories Silhouette Mirage Silkolene Honda Motocross Grand Prix Silver Jiken Silver, The Silverload Sim Theme Park Simba's Mighty Adventures SimCity 2000 Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol. 1 Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol. 10 Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol. 11 Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol. 12 Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol. 13 Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol. 14 Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol. 15 Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol. 16 Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol. 17 Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol. 18 Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol. 2 Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol. 3 Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol. 4 Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol. 5 Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol. 6 Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol. 7 Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol. 8 Simple 1500 Jitsuyou Series Vol. 9 Simple 1500 Series Hello Kitty Vol. 1 Simple 1500 Series Hello Kitty Vol. 2 Simple 1500 Series Hello Kitty Vol. 3 Simple 1500 Series Hello Kitty Vol. 4 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 1 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 10 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 100 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 101 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 102 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 103 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 104 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 11 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 12 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 13 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 14 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 15 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 16 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 17 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 18 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 19 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 2 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 20 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 21 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 22 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 23 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 24 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 25 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 26 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 27 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 28 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 29 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 3 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 30 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 31 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 32 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 33 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 34 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 35 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 36 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 37 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 38 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 39 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 4 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 40 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 41 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 42 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 43 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 44 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 45 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 46 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 47 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 48 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 49 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 5 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 50 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 51 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 52 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 53 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 54 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 55 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 56 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 57 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 58 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 59 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 6 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 60 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 61 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 62 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 63 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 64 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 65 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 66 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 67 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 68 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 69 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 7 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 70 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 71 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 72 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 73 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 74 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 75 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 76 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 77 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 78 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 79 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 8 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 80 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 81 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 82 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 83 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 84 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 85 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 86 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 87 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 88 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 89 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 9 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 90 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 91 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 92 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 93 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 94 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 95 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 96 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 97 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 98 Simple 1500 Series Vol. 99 Simple Characters 2000 Vol. 1 Simple Characters 2000 Vol. 10 Simple Characters 2000 Vol. 11 Simple Characters 2000 Vol. 12 Simple Characters 2000 Vol. 13 Simple Characters 2000 Vol. 14 Simple Characters 2000 Vol. 15 Simple Characters 2000 Vol. 2 Simple Characters 2000 Vol. 3 Simple Characters 2000 Vol. 4 Simple Characters 2000 Vol. 5 Simple Characters 2000 Vol. 6 Simple Characters 2000 Vol. 7 Simple Characters 2000 Vol. 8 Simple Characters 2000 Vol. 9 Simpsons Wrestling, The SimTown Simulation Pro Yakyuu '99 Simulation RPG Tsukuru Simulation Zoo Sister Princess Sister Princess 2 Sister Princess: Pure Stories Six Shooter Shodown Skeleton Warriors Ski Air Mix Ski, The Skull Monkeys Sky Diving Extreme Sky Sports Football Quiz Sky Sports Football Quiz 2 SL de Ikou SL de Ikou! II Slam Dragon Slam 'n Jam '96 SlamScape Slap Happy Rhythm Busters Slayers Royal Slayers Royal 2 Slayers Wonderful Sled Storm Sleeping Cocoon Slot! Pro Slot! Pro 2 Slot! Pro 3 Slot! Pro 4 Slot! Pro 5 Slot! Pro 6 Slot! Pro 7 Slotter Mania 2 Slotter Mania 3 Slotter Mania 4 Slotter Mania 5 Slotter Mania 6 Slotter Mania 7 Slotter Mania 8 Slotter Mania Gaiden Slotter Mania: Core Tokonatsu no Netsusa! Oasis Slotter Mania: Siosai Special Small Soldiers Smash Court Smash Court 2 Smash Court 3 Smurf Racer Smurfs Snatcher Sniper, The Sno Pokeler Snobow Kids Plus Sno-Cross Championship Racing Snoopy Adventure Snoopy Mania Snow Break Snowboard Kids Plus SnowBoard, The Snowboarding Snowman, The Soccer '97 Soccer Kid Soccer, The Sol Divide Solblast Sold Out Soldnerschild Special Solid Link: Dungeon Side Solid Link: Tower Side Solitaire, The Sonata Sonic Wings Special Sore Gyouke Flyfishing Soreike no Kokoroji Soreike! Anpanman Soreike! Anpanman 2 Soreike! Anpanman 3 Sosora no Tsubasa: Gotha World Sotsugyou Crossworld Sotsugyou II: Neo Generation Sotsugyou III Sotsugyou M Sotsugyou R Sotsugyou Vacation Soukaigi Soukoban Basic Soukoban Basic 2 Soukoban Nanmon Shinan Soukou Kidoutai LAPD Soukou Kihei Votoms Gaiden Soukou Kihei Votoms: Koutetsu no Gunzei Soukou Kihei Votoms: Woodo Kummen Soukyu-Gurentai: Oubushustugeki Soul Blade Soul Edge Soul Hackers Soul Master Soul of the Samurai Soul Reaver Soumatou Sound Novel 2 Sound Novel Evolution 1 Sound Novel Evolution 2 Sound Novel Evolution 3 Sound Novel, The Sound Qube Souryu: Logical Mahjong South Park South Park Rally South Park: Chef's Luv Shack Soviet Strike Space Adventure Cobra: Galaxy Nights Space Adventure Cobra: The Psycogun Vol. 1 Space Adventure Cobra: The Psycogun Vol. 2 Space Adventure Cobra: The Shooting Space Battleship Yamato Space Battleship Yamato 2 Space Battleship Yamato: Eiyuu no Kiseki Space Chaser 2000 Space Creature Furopon P! Space Debris Space Griffon VF-9 Space Hulk Space Invaders Space Invaders (JP) Space Invaders 1500 Space Invaders 2000 Space Jam Space MOSA Space Shot Sparrow Garden Spawn: The Eternal Spawn: The Ultimate Spec Ops: Airborne Commando Spec Ops: Covert Assault Spec Ops: Ranger Elite Spec Ops: Stealth Patrol Spectral Blade Spectral Force Spectral Force 2 Spectral Force: Lovely Wickedness Spectral Force: Seishojo Gaisen Spectral Tower Spectral Tower II Speed Freaks Speed King Speed Power Gunbike Speed Punks Speed Racer Speedball 2100 Speed-CR Kinkakuji 3 Speedster Spice World Spider Spider-Man Spider-Man 2 Spin Jam Spin Tail SpongeBob SquarePants: SuperSponge Sports Car GT Sports Guru Sports Superbike Sports Superbike 2 Spot Goes to Hollywood Spriggan: Lunar Verse Spyro 2 Spyro 3 Spyro the Dragon Spyro the Dragon 2 Spyro X Sparx: Tondemo Tours Spyro: Year of the Dragon Squash, The St. Luminous Mission High School Stahlfeder Stakes Winner Stakes Winner 2 Stand By Say You! Star Bowling DX, The Star Gladiator Star Ixiom Star Monja Star Ocean 2 Star Ocean: The Second Story Star Sweep Star Trek: Invasion Star Wars Demolition Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles Star Wars Episode I: Phantom Menace, The Star Wars: Dark Forces Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi Star Wars: Rebel Assault II Starblade Alpha StarBorders StarCon StarFighter StarFighter 3000 Starfighter Sanvein Starlight Scramble StarSweep Startling Adventures Startling Odyssey 1: Blue Evolution Startling Odyssey 2: Maryu Sensou Startling Odyssey 3: Miriam no Seisen StarWinder Steel Harbinger Steel Reign Steeldom Stolen Song Stone Walkers Straight Victory Stray Sheep Streak: Hoverboard Racing Street Board, The Street Boarders Street Boarders 2 Street Fighter Alpha Street Fighter Alpha 2 Street Fighter Alpha 3 Street Fighter Collection Street Fighter Collection 2 Street Fighter EX 2 Plus Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha Street Fighter II Movie Street Fighter Zero Street Fighter Zero 2 Street Fighter Zero 2' Street Fighter Zero 3 Street Fighter: The Movie Street Racer Street Scooters Street Sk8er Street Sk8er 2 StreetGames '97 Stress Kaishou Punch de Diet Stressless Lesson: Les Les Strider 2 Strider Hiryu 1&2 Strike Point Striker '96 Striker Pro 2000 Strikers 1945 Strikers 1945 (Japan) Strikers 1945 II Stuart Little 2 Studio P Study Quest Subete ga F Ninaru Submarine Commander Submarine Hunter Sya-Chi Submarine, The Suchie-Pai Adventure: Doki Doki Nightmare Sugoroku, The Suiei, The Suiko Enbu Suikoden Suikoden II Suikoden Tendo 108 Sei Suikoden: Tenmei no Chikai Suiri, The Suizokukan Pro Jacket Summon Night Summon Night 2 Sumo, The Suna no Embrace Sunsoft Vol. 1 Sunsoft Vol. 2 Sunsoft Vol. 3 Sunsoft Vol. 4 Sunsoft Vol. 5 Super 1 Karting Super Adventure RockMan Super Bass Fishing Super Black Bass X Super Black Bass X2 Super Bubble Pop Super Casino Special Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Do You Remember Love Super Football Champ Super Hero Sakusen Super Hero Sakusen: Daidaru no Yabou Super Live Stadium Super Match Soccer Super Pang Collection Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo Super Robot Shooting Super Robot Taisen Alpha Super Robot Taisen Alpha Gaiden Super Robot Taisen Complete Box Super Robot Taisen EX Super Robot Taisen F Super Robot Taisen F Kanketsuhen Super Robot Taisen III Super Robot Wars 2 Super Robot Wars 4 S Super Robot Wars Alpha Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden Super Robot Wars Complete Box Super Robot Wars EX Super Robot Wars F Super Robot Wars F Final Super Robot Wars III Super Shot Soccer Super Star Dust 2 Super Tokusatsu Taisen 2001 Superbike 2000 Superbike 2001 Supercross 2: McGrath vs. Pastrana SuperCross 2000 SuperCross 2001 SuperCross Circuit SuperLite 1500 Extra Series Vol. 1 SuperLite 1500 Extra Series Vol. 10 SuperLite 1500 Extra Series Vol. 11 SuperLite 1500 Extra Series Vol. 2 SuperLite 1500 Extra Series Vol. 3 SuperLite 1500 Extra Series Vol. 4 SuperLite 1500 Extra Series Vol. 5 SuperLite 1500 Extra Series Vol. 6 SuperLite 1500 Extra Series Vol. 7 SuperLite 1500 Extra Series Vol. 8 SuperLite 1500 Extra Series Vol. 9 SuperLite 3-in-1: Arcade Classic Collection SuperLite 3-in-1: Board Game SuperLite 3-in-1: Crossword SuperLite 3-in-1: Nankuro SuperLite 3-in-1: Oekaki Puzzle SuperLite 3-in-1: Quiz SuperLite 3-in-1: Suudokushuu SuperLite 3-in-1: Tsuri Superman Supersonic Racers SuperSponge Suraimu Shiyou Sureiyazu Surf Riders Suriza Link Survival League Susume! Kaizoku Susume! Taisen Pazurudama Suudoku Suudoku 2 Suudoku 3 Suudoku 4 Suudoku 5 Suudokushuu Suzuki Bakuhatsu Suzumepai Yuugi '99: Tanuki no Kawasanyou Suzumo no Gatari Sven Goran Eriksson's World Cup Challenge Sven Goran Eriksson's World Cup Manager Swagman SweepStation Version Sweepstation Vol. 1 Swimming, The Swing Sydney 2000 Sydney Equestriad 2000 Syndicate Wars Syphon Filter Syphon Filter 2 Syphon Filter 3 Syusse Mahjong Daisettai -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met T: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= T.J. Lavin's Ultimate BMX T.R.A.G. T: Kara Hajimaru Monogatari Tabidachi no Uta Table Hockey, The Tactical Armor Custom Gasaraki Tactics Ogre Tadaima Wakusei Kaitaku Naka T'ai Fu: Wrath of the Tiger Taiho Shichauzo! Taikai Nobunaga Ten: Ge-Ten II Taiketsu Rumi-Zu! Taikou Risshiden II Taikou Risshiden III Tail Concerto Tail of the Sun Taisen Renai Simulation: Trifers Mahou Gakuen Taiyou no Otsuge Taiyou no Shippo Taka 2: Shogun Takasago Super Project Takasago Super Project 2 Takeo Oshima: Mahjong Teiou Takkyuu, The Takura Makan Tale of the Bell Tales of Destiny Tales of Destiny II Tales of Eternia Tales of Fandom Vol. 1 Tales of Phantasia Tall Infinite Tall Twins Tower TAMA Tamago de Pazuru Tamamayu Monogatari Tanaka Torahiko no Uru Tora Ryuu Shogi Tanktics Tanoshii Mahjong Tanoshii Tennis Tantei Jinguuji Saburo Tantei Jinguuji Saburo 6 Tantei Jinguuji Saburo: Touka ga Kienu Mani Tantei Junguji Saburo Early Collection Tanuki no Kawasanyou Taregoro Tarot Uranai Tarot, The Tarzan Tatakau Salary Man Tatsunoko Fight Team Buddies Team Losi R.C. Racer Team Unei Simulation 2 TearRing Saga Techno Bibi Technomage Tecmo Stackers Tecmo Super Bowl Tecmo World Golf Tecmo's Deception Teh Heiwa Tehodoki Mahjong Teitoku no Ketsudan II Teitoku no Ketsudan III Teitoku no Ketsudan III with Power Pack Tekken Tekken 2 Tekken 3 Tempest X3 Ten Made Jack Ten Pin Alley Tenant Wars Tenant Wars Alpha Tenchi Muyou! Toukou Muyou Tenchi O Kurau II Tenchu Tenchu 2 Tenchu Shinobi-Gaisen Tenchu Shinobi-Hyakusen Tenga-Seiha Tengokuni Ikenai Papa Tenka Touitsu Tenku no Escaflowne Tenkuu no Restaurant Tenkuu no Restaurant: Hello Project Version Tennis Tennis Arena Tennis Daisuki Tennis no Oji-Sama Tennis no Oji-Sama: Sweat and Tears Tennis, The Tensen-Nyannyan: Gekigyouban Tenshi Doumei Tenshi na Shousei Iki Tenshi no Shippo Tenshon Tentama Terracon Test Drive 4 Test Drive 5 Test Drive 6 Test Drive Cycles Test Drive Rally Test Drive: Le Mans Test Drive: Off-Road Test Drive: Off-Road 2 Test Drive: Off-Road 3 Tetra Master Tetris Plus Tetris with Card Captor Sakura Tetris X Tetris, The Tetsu Mitsu Special: Honkaku Mahjong Tetsu Tama: True Pinball Tetsudou O 2 Tetsudou O '96 Tetteikaiseki Hissyou Pachislot Doujyho That's Pon! That's QT Theme Aquarium Theme Hospital Theme Park Theme Park World This is Football This is Football 2 Thoroughbred Breeder Thoroughbred Bride II Plus Thoroughbred Tatsu no Eikan Thousand Arms Thrasher SK8 Thrasher Skate and Destroy Threads of Fate Three Lions Three Wonders Thrill Kill Thunder Force V Thunder Storm LX-3 and Road Blaster Thunder Tanks Thunder Truck Rally Thunderhawk II Thunderstrike 2 Tic Tac Chicken Tie Break Tiger Woods 2000 Tiger Woods '99 PGA Tour Golf Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2001 TigerShark Tigger's Honey Hunt Tilk Tilt! Time Busters Time Commando Time Crisis Time Crisis: Project Titan Time Gal & Ninja Hayate TinTin Tiny Bullets Tiny Tank Tiny Toon Adventures: Plucky's Big Adventure Tiny Toon Adventures: Revenge of the Beanstalk Tiny Toon Adventures: Toonenstein Titan Wars TIZ: Tokyo Insect Zoo TNN Motor Sports Hardcore 4X4 TNN Motor Sports Hardcore TR To Heart To Hit To Moze from Addie Toaplan Shooting Battle 1 Tobaku Mokushiroku Kaiji Tobal 2 Tobal No. 1 TOCA 2: Touring Car Championship TOCA Touring Car Championship TOCA World Touring Cars Toki no Michishirube Tokimeki Memorial 2 Tokimeki Memorial 2 Substories Tokimeki Memorial 2 Substories Vol. 2 Tokimeki Memorial 2 Substories Vol. 3 Tokimeki Memorial 2 Taisen Pazurudama Tokimeki Memorial Drama Series Vol. 1 Tokimeki Memorial Drama Series Vol. 2 Tokimeki Memorial Drama Series Vol. 3 Tokimeki Memorial Private Collection Tokimeki Memorial Selection: Fujisaki Shiori Tokimeki Memorial Taisen Pazurudama Tokimeki Memorial Taisen Tokkaedama Tokimeki Memorial: Forever With You Tokimeki no Houkago Tokoro-Chan no Daifugou Tokyo 23ku Seifuku-Wars Tokyo Dungeon Tokyo Highway Battle Tokyo Highway Battle R Tokyo Mahjong Land Tokyo Majin Gakuen Gehoujou Tokyo Majin Gakuen Ken Kaze Tobari Tokyo Majin Gakuen Oboro-Kitan Tokyo Myuumyuu Tokyo Shadow Tokyo Wakusei Planetokio Tom and Jerry in House Trap Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear TomaRunner Tomb Raider Tomb Raider 4 Tomb Raider 5 Tomb Raider Chronicles Tomb Raider II Tomb Raider III Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation Tomba! Tomba! 2 Tomba: The Wild Adventures Tombi Tomika Town wo Tukurou! Tommi Makinen Rally Tomoa Yamamoto: Noise Reduction Tomomi Tsumoda: Come and Kiss Me Tomorrow Never Dies Tondemo Crisis! Tonka Space Station Tony Hawk's Pro Skater Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 Tonzura Kun Toonenstein Top Gun Top Shop ToPoLo Tora! Tora! Tora! Tora! Tora! Tora! Rikusenhen Torneko: The Last Hope Toruneko no Daibouken 2 Toshinden Toshinden 2 Toshinden 2 Plus Toshinden 3 Toshinden 4 Toshinden Card Quest Toshinden Subaru Total Drivin' Total Eclipse Turbo Total NBA '96 Total NBA '97 Total NBA '98 Touge Max Touge Max 2 Touge Max G Tough the Truck Touhou Chinyuuki: Hafling Hearts Toukon Retsuden Toukon Retsuden 2 Toukon Retsuden 3 Tour Party Tour, The Touran Limited Touring Car Challenge Tournament Leader Tower Dream 2 Tower, The: Bonus Edition Toy Story 2 Toy Story Racer Toyomaru Club Vol. 1 Toys Dream Tozan RPG, The Traffic Tycoon TRAG Transformers: Beast Wars Transport Tycoon Transportation 3D Trap Gunner Trash-It Treasure Devil Hunter Lime: Special Collection Vol. 2 Treasure Gear Treasure Planet Treasures of the Deep Tribal Trickin' Snowboarder Tricky Sliders Trifers Mahou Gakuen Triple Play 2000 Triple Play 2001 Triple Play '97 Triple Play '98 Triple Play '99 Triple Play Baseball Tripuzz Tri-Zenon TRL: The Rail Loaders Tron ni Kobun True Love Story True Love Story 2 True Love Story: Fan Disk True Love Story: Rembember My Heart True Pinball Trump Trump Shiyouyo! Tsu Ribaka Nisshi Tsubasa no Kunshou Tsumu Tsumu Light Tsun Tsun Kumi 1: Suuji de Puni Puni Tsun Tsun Kumi 2 Tsun Tsun Kumi 3 Tsuri Kichi Sanpei: The Tsuri Tsuri, The Tsuukai!! Slot Shooting Tsuwadou Keiryuu Mizuumihen Tsuwadou Seabass Fishing Tsuwamono 2 Tsuwamono 3 Tsuwamono Series Tunguska Tunnel B1 Turbo Prop Racing Turf Wind '96 Tutankamen no Yuigon TV Kamishiba Vol. 1 Tweenies Twilight Syndrome Twilight Syndrome Omen Twilight Syndrome Saikai Twilight Syndrome Special Twin Goddesses TwinBee RPG TwinBee Taisen Puzzle Dama TwinBee Yahoo! Deluxe Pack Twins Story Twisted Metal Twisted Metal 2 Twisted Metal 3 Twisted Metal 4 Twisted Metal EX Twisted Metal III Twisted Metal World Tour Twisted Metal: Small Brawl Twitch in Time, A Two-Tenkaku Tyco RC: Assault with a Battery -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met U: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= U.P.P. U.S. Navy Fighters Ubik Uchi ni Pochi ga Yattekita - in my pocket Uchuu Seibutsu Furopon P! Uchuu Senkan Yamato Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2 Uchuu Senkan Yamato: Eiyuu no Kiseki Uchuuhikoushi, The UEFA Challenge UEFA Champions League UEFA Champions League 99/2000 UEFA Striker UFC UFO: A Day in the Life Ugetsu Kitan Ugoku Tomika Zukan Uki Uki Tsuri Tengoku Uki Uki Tsuri Tengoku: Kawa Monogatari Uki Uki Tsuri Tengoku: Uokami Densetsu o Oe Ultima Underworld Ultimate 8-Ball Ultimate Ball Game, The Ultimate Bass Challenge Ultimate Brain Games Ultimate Fighting Championship Ultraman Cosmos Ultraman Fighting Evolution Ultraman Tiga & Ultraman Dyna Ultraman Zearth Umapoly Umekagetsu Umi no Nushi Tsuri Umi no Oh! Yah! Umihara Kawase Shun Umihara Kawase Shun Second Edition UmJammer Lammy Uncharted Waters Gaiden Uncharted Waters IV Uncharted Waters: New Horizons Undou Fusoku Kaishou Punch de Diet Ungra Walker Unholy War, The Universal Hata Kansen Kaiseki Universal Koushiki Gaido Volume 1 Universal Koushiki Gaido Volume 2 Universal Koushiki Gaido Volume 3 Universal Koushiki Gaido Volume 4 Universal Nuts Universal Virtua Pachi-Slot: Hisshou Kouryakuhou Uno Unsolved, The unStack Uprising X Uranai 2, The: The Tarot Uranai 3, The Uranai 4, The Uranai 5, The Uranai 6, The Uranai, The: The Astrogy Urawaza Mahjong Urban Chaos Uru Tora Ryuu Shogi USA Racer Utautau: Seirei Songs -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met V: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= V.I.P. Vadims Vagrant Story Valkyrie Profile Vampir: Kyuuketsuki Densetsu Vampire Vampire Hunter D Vampire Savior EX Edition Vanark Vandal Hearts Vandal Hearts II Vanguard Bandits Vanishing Point Vegas Games 2000 Vehicle Cavalier Velldeselba Senki Vermin Versailles V-Force vib-ribbon Victory Boxing Victory Boxing 2 Victory Boxing Challenger Victory Boxing Champion Edition Victory Boxing Contender Victory Spike Victory Zone Victory Zone 2 Video Alchemy Viewpoint Vigilante 8 Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense Vigilante 8: Second Battle Viper Virgin Fleet Virtua Pachi-Slot 7 Virtua Pachi-Slot History of Kitadenshi Virtua Pachi-Slot II Virtua Pachi-Slot III Virtua Pachi-Slot Olympia Special Virtua Pachi-Slot Olympia Special 2 Virtua Pachi-Slot V Virtua Pachi-Slot VI Virtual Bowling Virtual Gallop Kishudou Virtual Golf Virtual Hiyru no Ken Virtual Hiyru no Ken Dash Virtual Kasparov Virtual Kyotei 2000 Virtual Kyotei 21 Virtual Kyotei '98 Virtual Kyotei '99 Virtual Pool Virtual Pro Wrestling Virtual Rimokon Virus 2000 VIRUS it is aware Virus: The Battle Field Viva Football Viva Soccer VMX Racing Voice Fantasia Voice Idol Collection Voice Paradice Excella Volfied 1500 Volfoss Volleyball, The Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer VR Baseball '97 VR Baseball '99 VR Golf VR Pool VR Soccer '96 VR Sports Powerboat Racing V-Rally V-Rally 2 V-Rally '97 World Championship V-Rally Championship Edition V-Rally Championship Edition 2 Vs. V-Tennis V-Tennis 2 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met W: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Wacky Races Wagamama Fearii Mirumo de Pon! Wai Wai Bowling Wai Wai Jansou Wai Wai Sanninuchi Mahjong Wai Wai Tennis Wai Wai Tennis 2 Wai Wai Trump Taisen Wake Board, The Waku Waku Bowling Waku Waku Derby Waku Waku Volley WakuPuyo Dungeon Ketteiban Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour Waneba Island Wangan Trial War Gods War of the Worlds War Simulation, The WarCraft II: The Dark Saga Wareme de Pon, The Warera Mitsubayashi Tankentai WarGames: DefCon 1 Warhammer: Dark Omen Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat Warhawk WarJetz Warm Up WarPath: Jurassic Park Warrick Dunn VR Football Warriors of Fate Warriors of Might and Magic Warzone 2100 Watashi no Rika-Chan Watashi Style no Aromatherapy Water Summer Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey '98 WCW Backstage Assault WCW Mayhem WCW Nitro WCW vs. The World WCW/NWO Thunder Weakest Link, The Wedding Picture Welcome House Welcome House 2 Welcome to Family Restaurant Weltorv Estleia Westlife: Fan-o-Mania Wheel of Fortune Wheel of Fortune 2 Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? Whistle: Fuki Nukeru Kaze White Diamond Whizz Who Wants to be a Millionaire? (Japan) Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (UK) Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 2nd Edition Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 3rd Edition Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Junior Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Version 2 (UK) Wild 9 Wild Arms Wild Arms 2 Wild Arms: 2nd Ignition Wild Boater Wild Rapids Wild Thornberrys, The: Animal Adventure Wild Wild West Wild, Pure, Simple Life Wildroid 9 Williams Arcade Classics Wing Commander III Wing Commander IV Wing Over Wing Over 2 Winnie the Pooh: Kindergarten Winnie the Pooh: Mori no Kyoushitsu Winnie the Pooh: Mori no Nakamato 123 Winnie the Pooh: Mori no Tomodachi Winnie the Pooh: Preschool Winnie the Pooh: Tigger's Honey Hunt Winning Eleven Winning Eleven 2000 Winning Eleven 2000 2nd Winning Eleven 2000: U-23 Medal heno Chousen Winning Eleven 2001 Winning Eleven 2002 Winning Eleven 3 Winning Eleven 3: Final Version Winning Eleven 4 Winning Eleven '97 Winning Eleven '98-'99 Winning Lure Winning Post 2 Winning Post 2: Final '97 Winning Post 2: Program '96 Winning Post 3 Winning Post 3: Program '98 Winning Post 4 Winning Post 4 Program 2000 Winning Post EX Wip3out Wip3out Special Edition Wipeout Wipeout 2097 Wipeout 3 Wipeout 3 Special Edition Wipeout XL Witch of Salzburg, The With Me Everytime... Wizardry Empire Wizardry Empire 2 Wizardry VII Wizardry: Dimguil Wizardry: Llylgamyn Saga Wizardry: New Age of Llylgamyn Wizard's Harmony Wizard's Harmony 2 Wizard's Harmony Fukkokuhan Wizard's Harmony R Wolf Fang Wolkenkratzer: Shinpan no Tou Wonder 3 Wonder B-Cruise Wonder Tracker Woody Woodpecker Racing World Championship Snooker World Cup '98 World Cup Golf World Destruction League: Thunder Tanks World Destruction League: WarJetz World Fishing World is Not Enough, The World League Basketball World League Soccer (Japan) World League Soccer (PAL) World Neverland World Neverland 2 World Pro Tennis '98 World Rally Championship World Soccer 2000 Final Edition World Soccer Jikkyo Winning Eleven 4 World Soccer Jikkyou Winning Eleven 2000: U-23 Medal heno Chousen World Soccer Jikkyou: Winning Eleven 3- Final Version World Soccer Winning Eleven World Soccer Winning Eleven 2002 World Soccer Winning Eleven 3: World Cup France '98 World Soccer Winning Eleven '97 World Stadium 2 World Stadium 3 World Stadium 4 World Stadium 5 World Stadium EX World Tour Conductor World Tournament Bowling World's Scariest Police Chases Worms Worms Armageddon Worms Pinball Worms World Party WRC Arcade Wreckin' Crew WTC: World Touring Championship Wu-Tang: Shaolin Style WWF Attitude WWF In Your House WWF SmackDown! WWF SmackDown! 2 WWF Warzone WWF Wrestlemania -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met X: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= X: Unmei no Tatakai X2 Xbladz: Inline Skating X-COM 2: Terror from the Deep X-COM: Enemy Unknown X-COM: UFO Defense Xena: Warrior Princess Xenocracy Xenogears Xevious 3D/G+ X-Files X-Games Pro Boarder XI [sai] XI [sai] Jumbo X-Men vs. Street Fighter X-Men: Children of the Atom X-Men: Mutant Academy X-Men: Mutant Academy 2 X-Racing XS Racing -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met Y: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Yacht Racing Game 1999 Yakata: Nightmare Project Yakiniku Bugyou Yakitori Musume: Sugo Ude Hanjouki Yaku Tou: Noroi no Game Yaku: Yuujou Dangi Yakyuu 2, The Yakyuu, The Yamagata Digital Museum Yamasa Collection Yamasa Digi Guide: Faust Yamasa Digi Guide: Hyper Rush Yamasa Digi Guide: M-771 Yamasa Digi Guide: New Pulsar R Yamasa Digi Guide: Umekagetsu Yamasa Digi Selection Yamasa Digi Selection 2 Yamato Yamato 2 Yamifuku Natsu Yancharu Moncha Yaoi Junichi Gokuhi Project UFO Wotsuie!! Yarudora Series Vol. 1 Yarudora Series Vol. 2 Yarudora Series Vol. 3 Yarudora Series Vol. 4 Yasoukyoku Yasoukyoku 2 Yeh Yeh Tennis Yellow Brick Road Yellow Monkey, The: Trancemission VJ Remix Yokoku Masahiko: Smiling Policewoman Pachisuro Hunter Yoshimoto Mahjong Club Deluxe Yoshimura Shogi Yottsu no Fuuin You Don't Know Jack You Don't Know Jack Mock 2 Youchien Gaiden Kareinaru Casino Club: Double Draw Youkai Kaasobi You're Under Arrest! YoYo's Puzzle Park Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories Yu-Gi-Oh! Monster Capsule Breed & Battle Yu-Gi-Oh! Shin Duel Monsters Yukie Nakama: Moonlight to Daybreak Yukiko Morikawa: Because I Love You Yukinko * Burning Yukiwari no Hana Yukyu Gensokyoku Yukyu Gensokyoku 2nd Album Yukyu Gensokyoku 3 Yukyu Gensokyoku ensemble Yukyu Gensokyoku ensemble2 Yume no Tsubasa Yume-Iroiro Yusha: Heaven's Gate Yuugen Kaisha Chikyuu Boueitai Yuukyuu Gensoukyoku Yuukyuu Kumikyoku All Star Project Yuukyuu no Eden Yuushao Gaogaiga: Blockaded Numbers Yuuyami Doori Tankentai Yuwaku Office Ran Ai Ka -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Games met Z: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Z Zanac X Zanac Zap! Snowboarding Trix '98 ZeiramZone Zeitgeist Zen Super Robot Taisen Denshi Daihyakka Zen-Nippon Onna Pro Wrestling Zen-Nippon Pro Wrestling: Ouja no Kon Zeon no Keifu Zeon no Keifu- Kouryaku Shireisho Zera-Chan Puzzle: Pitatto Pair Zero Divide Zero Divide 2 Zero Pilot Zero Yon, The Zero4 Champ Doozy-J Zeus II: Carnage Heart Zeus: Carnage Heart Second Z-Gundam Zidane Football Generation Zidane Soccer Generation Zig Zag Ball Zill O' II Zipangu Jima Zoboomafoo Zoids Zoids 2 Zoids Battle Card Game Zoku Hatsukoi Monogatari Zoku Mikagura Shoujo Tanteidan ~Kanketsuhen~ Zombie Zoop Zork I Zutto Issho ZXE-D ============================================================================== 10 Versie: ============================================================================== Versie Final: Commentaar: De FAQ is afgewerkt. Pagina's: 121 Woorden: 26,687 Tekens: 180,358 Versie 1.0: Commentaar: Ik heb de eerste versie gemaakt. Pagina's: 10 Woorden: 2.933 Tekens: 12.589 ============================================================================== 11 Danksectie: ============================================================================== C'Jay'C, de vader van GameFAQs, Entity, Jeevan, en de andere mensen op Neoseeker, Peter en Chris van Cheathappens en Stephan NG van IGN. Joni Philips om dit te schrijven. De lezers. ============================================================================== 31 Informatie over mij: ============================================================================== Al mijn FAQ's vind je op deze sites. Zoals je kunt zien heb, ik al veel FAQ's geschreven. Omdat ik dit gratis doe en hier niets voor krijg, zou ik het dan ook waarderen als jullie mij allemaal 5 Euro sturen. Grapje maar ik wil gewoon geen spam en hate mail krijgen. Ook als jezelf een FAQ wil schrijven moet je mij geen e-mail sturen. Verscheidene sites hebben daarvoor een goede handleiding zoals www.dallasmac.com/faqwarp. Natuurlijk ben ik bereid te helpen als hij niet gepost wordt. Ook als jullie deze FAQ op een andere site dan deze vinden (behalve mijn eigen site) moeten jullie mij direct een e-mail sturen want die sites verdienen geld met mijn werk. Cheat Happens: | http://www.cheathappens.com/author.asp?ID=209 Neoseeker | http://www.neoseeker.com/members/profiles/Joni+Philips/ IGN: | http://users.ign.com/about/Joni_Philips GameFAQs | http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/18847.html Nu ga ik een beetje over mij vertellen. Ik ben geboren op 29 juli 1987 dus ben ik nu 15 jaar als je kan rekenen. Ik ben dus bijna 16 en als je dit nog na 2003 leest nog ouder. Ik woon in Vossem, een deelgemeente van Tervuren, dat dicht ligt bij Brussel, de hoofdstad van België. Ik heb in Vossem dan ook mijn lagere school voltooid. Toen ik daar afstudeerde ben ik naar het Heilig Hartcollege van Tervuren ga studeren waar ik nu al in mijn vierde jaar Latijn - Wiskunde zit. In het vijfde ga ik Wiskunde - Wetenschappen volgen. Mijn hobby's zijn het spelen van spellen. Dit is naast studeren mijn grootste tijdsbesteding. Mijn favoriet spel is Grand Theft Auto en mijn favoriet genre zijn Role Playing Games zoals Final Fantasy X. Daarnaast lees ik graag strips en magazines over games. Mijn tweede grootste hobby is in het belang van jullie allemaal want het is schrijven van FAQ's. Op het gebied van sport ben ik niet zoveel waard maar dat wordt gecompenseerd op intellectueel niveau en begin nu niet te spreken over schrijffouten. Ik surf ook veel op het Internet naar sites over games. De meeste zijn Nederlandstalig maar sommigen zijn Engels. Engels: GameFAQs | www.gamefaqs.com Neoseeker | www.neoseeker.com IGN | www.ign.com Cheat Happens | www.cheathappens.com Gamers | www.gamers.com Gamespot | www.gamespot.com Nintendo | www.nintendo.com Playstation | www.playstation.com Nederlands: Belgian Gaming Network | www.begn.be Gamer | www.gamer.nl Gamed | www.gamed.nl Nintendo | www.nintendo-europe.com Playstation | www.playstation.be Game Mania | www.gamemania.be OPM2 | www.opm2.be Gamepower | www.jim.be/gamepower/news Gamespot | www.gamespot.be ============================================================================== Einde ==============================================================================